Propane Equipment

  • 25 Products

The hose brake valve safety device prevents gas leakage if the hose gets damaged or disconnected

  • From €40.20 each
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6 mm propane hose with compression couplings 5 or 10 meter

  • From €48.40 each
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Handles are fitted with a valve that makes it easy to control flame continuously

  • From €42.60 each
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Choose between a wide range of extension pipes in different lengths for connection to the handle

  • From €7.50 each
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In the propane equipment it is the heating torch that creates an effective wind resistant flame

  • From €44.40 each
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Point burner for hard and soft soldering

  • From €26.20 each
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Turbo torch for hard and soft brazing

  • From €26.20 each
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  • From €266.00 each
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  • €223.00 each
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  • From €15.60 each
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  • From €56.90 each
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Kaasupoltin pietsosytytyksellä ja esilämmitysjärjestelmällä, joka mahdollistaa hitsauksen myös ylösalaisin. Pakkauksessa tulee mukana Supergas-kaasusäiliö 300ml.

  • €40.90 each
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  • [ Mobile App Help & Support FAQs Getting Started My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payments & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Mobile App Questions About The Mobile App Can I use AGA online shop on any device? Is there a Mobile App available for AGA online shop? 1. Can I use AGA online shop on any device? AGA online shop uses Responsive Web Design which means that the webpages adjust itself to a variety of devices and screen sizes. You can use the shop on a desktop, a tablet or a Mobile Phone. 2. Is there a Mobile App available for AGA online shop? Today there is no Mobile App available. We will launch one in a later stage. Technical Contact Email us Contact Telephone Numbers Store Finder FAQs Getting Started My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payment & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Contact Telephone Numbers Mobile App Questions about the Mobile App Can I use Linde online shop on any device? Is there a Mobile App available for Linde online shop? 1. Can I use Linde online shop on any device? Linde online shop uses Responsive Web Design which means that the webpages adjust itself to a variety of devices and screen sizes. You can use the shop on a desktop, a tablet or a Mobile Phone. 2. Is there a Mobile App available for Linde online shop? Today there is no Mobile App available. We will launch one in a later stage. ]
  • [ Delivery & Collection Delivery & Collection FAQs Getting Started My Account Delivery & Collection Questions About Delivery & Collection Delivery Gas cut-off time: 10:00 We need to get your order order before 12 on the business day before delivery. Our estimated delivery date when ordering is based on delivery schedule, etc. May be subject to change depending on availability of product and type of product. Delivery Equipment cut-off time: 2 pm. For orders made no later than 14:00 Monday-Friday, in-store products will be shipped the same day from our warehouse. Find out more in our FAQs below. Questions About Delivery & Collection What are your delivery options and charges? How do I check the delivery status of my order? How do I change or update my delivery details online? Do you deliver outside of mainland SE, NO, DK? How can I arrange an emergency delivery? I missed the delivery of my order, how can I arrange re-delivery? Can I collect an order? An item is missing from my order, what should I do? 1. What are your delivery options and charges? Industrial gas cylinder delivery . Orders placed before 10:00 on a working day will be delivered the next delivery day, subject to Linde delivery schedule in the area. Delivery charges will apply which cover both delivery and collection of empties. Special gas cylinder delivery Special gases that are available to order online will be delivered the next delivery day, subject to Linde delivery schedule in the area, when orders are placed before 10:00 on a working day. NOTE! Other special gases are made to order and have 1-2 weeks, lead time. Please contact our Special gas team on 019-27 61 10 for more information. Delivery charges will apply which cover both delivery and collection of empties. Equipment & safety products delivery Orders placed online will normally be delivered to you the next day. This delivery time applies to orders placed on Monday to Thursday before 2 pm. Orders outside these times and on bank holidays may take longer. 2. How do I check the delivery status of my order? You can check the delivery status of your order online through the Order History page this also provides the details of when an order was delivered. 3. How do I change or update my delivery details online? If you need to update your delivery details you can send a request to our Customer Service team by completing our enquiry form . 4. Do you deliver outside of mainland SE, NO, DK? We are only able to deliver to addresses with a SE/NO/ DK postcode. 5. How can I arrange an emergency delivery? Call Gas Order on 019-27 61 05. Linde does not guarantee emergency delivery however will make all reasonable endeavors to ensure your continuity of supply. Linde reserves to the right to charge appropriately. There will be a greater chance of securing a next working day delivery if you place an order by 10:00, although please be aware that geographical restrictions will apply in locations that are a significant distance from a Linde site, and while we will make every effort to ensure your supply, next working day delivery is not always possible to secure. Next working day delivery cannot be arranged for made-to-order products. The delivery time will quoted at the time of order. 6. I missed the delivery of my order, how can I arrange re-delivery? Equipment and Accessories In the event of an unsuccessful delivery, please contact us on 08-706 95 88 to rearrange delivery. Gas Our team will rearrange the delivery for the next available delivery day in your area. If you have not received a call, then please contact us on 019-27 61 05. 7. Can I collect an order? We don't currently offer Click & Collect from online orders. Not all our products are available to buy in store. You can find your nearest outlets using Store Finder . You will then need to contact the store direct to check availability for collection. 8. An item is missing from my order, what should I do Check your order, it may be a split delivery otherwise contact our customer service team on 019-19 61 05 and have your order reference number to hand. Orders Payments & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Telephone Numbers FAQs Getting Started My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payment & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Contact Telephone Numbers Delivery & Collection Delivery Gas cut-off time: 10:00 We need to get your order order before 12 on the business day before delivery. Our estimated delivery date when ordering is based on delivery schedule, etc. May be subject to change depending on availability of product and type of product. Delivery Equipment cut-off time: 2 pm. For orders made no later than 14:00 Monday-Friday, in-store products will be shipped the same day from our warehouse. Find out more in our FAQs below. Questions About Delivery & Collection What are your delivery options and charges? INFORMING DEVIATIONS IN DELIVERY (Sparkling water) How do I check the delivery status of my order? How do I change or update my delivery details online? Do you deliver outside of SE, NO, DK? How can I arrange an emergency delivery? I missed the delivery of my order, how can I arrange re-delivery? Can I collect an order? An item is missing from my order, what should I do? 1. What are your delivery options and charges? Industrial gas cylinder delivery Linde use our own vehicle fleet to deliver your gas cylinders. Orders placed before 10:00 on a working day will be delivered the next delivery day, subject to Linde delivery schedule in the area. Delivery charges will apply which cover both delivery and collection of empties. Special gas cylinder delivery Special gases that are available to order online will be delivered the next delivery day, subject to Linde delivery schedule in the area, when orders are placed before 10:00 on a working day. NOTE! Other special gases are made to order and have 1-2 weeks, lead time. Please contact our Special gas team on 019-27 61 10 for more information. Delivery charges will apply which cover both delivery and collection of empties. Equipment & safety products delivery Orders placed online will normally be delivered to you the next day. This delivery time applies to orders placed on Monday to Thursday before 2 pm. Orders outside these times and on bank holidays may take longer. INFORMING DEVIATIONS IN DELIVERY (Sparkling water) All deviations on any goods delivered to you must be informed to Linde (former AGA) within five working days of the delivery. If deviations are informed later than five working days after the delivery, Linde will not accept any deviation on delivered goods. Read more 2. How do I check the delivery status of my order? You can check the delivery status of your order online through the Order History . 3. How do I change or update my delivery details online? If you need to update your delivery details, please log in to your account, go to "My profile", click on "Delivery details" tab. As the tab opens, you will see the option of adding new delivery address or setting the delivery addresses as default option (while ordering). 4. Do you deliver outside of SE, NO, DK? We are only able to deliver to addresses with a SE/NO/ DK postcode. 5. How can I arrange an emergency delivery? Call Gas Order on 019-27 61 05. Linde does not guarantee emergency delivery however will make all reasonable endeavors to ensure your continuity of supply. Linde reserves to the right to charge appropriately. There will be a greater chance of securing a next working day delivery if you place an order by 10:00, although please be aware that geographical restrictions will apply in locations that are a significant distance from a Linde site, and while we will make every effort to ensure your supply, next working day delivery is not always possible to secure. Next working day delivery cannot be arranged for made-to-order products. The delivery time will quoted at the time of order. 6. I missed the delivery of my order, how can I arrange re-delivery? Equipment and Accessories In the event of unsuccessful deliveries, please contact us on 08-706 95 88 to rearrange delivery. Gas Our team will rearrange the delivery for the next available delivery day in your area. If you have not received a call, then please contact us on 019-27 61 05. 7. Can I collect an order? Equipment and Accessories We don't currently offer Click & Collect from online orders. Not all our products are available to buy in store. You can find your nearest outlets using Store Finder . You will then need to contact the store direct to check availability for collection. 8. An item is missing from my order, what should I do? Check your order, it may be a split delivery otherwise contact our customer service team on 019-27 61 05 and have your order reference number to hand. ]
  • [ Yleiset vuokraehdot Yleiset vuokraehdot Yleiset toimitusehdot Yleiset vuokraehdot 1. Yleiset ehdot Näitä ehtoja sovelletaan Vuokranantajan omaisuuden vuokraamiseen silloin, kun Vuokranantaja ja Vuokraaja ovat siitä kirjallisesti tai muulla tavalla sopineet. Ehdoista poikkeamisesta on sovittava kirjallisesti, jotta poikkeaminen olisi pätevä. Tuotetiedoissa, hinnastoissa ja muissa vastaavissa asiakirjoissa samoin kuin muulla tavalla annetut tiedot ovat sitovia vain siinä laajuudessa, kun niihin osapuolten välisessä sopimuksessa nimenomaisesti viitataan. 2. Määritelmät Pakkauksella tarkoitetaan kaasun säilyttämiseen ja kuljettamiseen käytettäviä säiliöitä, kuten kaasupulloja, kaasupullopaketteja, siirtolavakontteja, kaasupullo - jen koreja, siirrettäviä astioita, siirrettäviä säiliöitä sekä kuivajäälaatikoita. Kaasuasemalla tarkoitetaan Vuokraajan luona olevaa varastosäiliötä tai kaasun valmistuslaitteistoa oheislaitteineen. Vuokrasopimuksella tarkoitetaan Vuokranantajan ja Vuokraajan välillä tehtyä Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden vuokraamista koskevaa sopimusta. Kaasuntoimitusvälineillä tarkoitetaan Pakkauksia, Kaasuasemia ja kaikkia muita Kaasuntoimitusvälineitä, joita Vuokranantaja antaa vuokralle. 3. Vuokrasopimuksen laajuus Vuokrasopimus käsittää Kaasuntoimitusvälineet, joita Vuokraaja vuokraa kuorma- kirjojen tai muiden asiakirjojen mukaisesti. Vuokraajan vaihtaessa Pakkausta Vuokranantajalla on oikeus luovuttaa Vuokraa - jalle Pakkauksia, jotka vastaavat aikaisemmin vuokrattuja Pakkauksia. 4. Vuokra Vuokra laskutetaan siitä päivästä lähtien, milloin Kaasuntoimitusvälineet ovat Vuokraajan käytettävissä. Vuokra sellaisista Kaasuntoimitusvälineistä, jotka annetaan vuokralle määräajaksi, maksetaan etukäteen joko koko vuokra-ajalta tai sen osalta. Vuokra sellaisista Pakkauksista, jotka vuokrataan toistaiseksi, maksetaan jälkikäteen (päivävuokra). Silloin, kun Vuokraaja on maksanut Pakkauksista vuokran etukäteen tietyltä ajanjaksolta eikä Vuokraaja palauta Pakkauksia ajan - jakson päätyttyä tai maksa vuokraa etukäteen uudelta ajanjaksolta, laskutetaan Pakkausten vuokra ajanjakson päätyttyä jälkikäteen (päivävuokra). Samoin menetellään, kun Vuokraaja ei Vuokrasopimuksen päätyttyä palauta Kaasuntoimi - tusvälineitä Vuokranantajalle siten kuin näissä ehdoissa määrätään. Vuokran laskeminen ja laskuttaminen perustuvat kuormakirjaan. Vuokraaja ei ole velvollinen maksamaan vuokraa sellaiselta ajalta, jonka aikana hän ei ole voinut hyödyntää Kaasuntoimitusvälineitä tarkoitetulla tavalla sellaisen virheen vuoksi, josta Vuokranantaja vastaa. 5. Hinta ja maksuehdot Vuokran määrä ilmenee Vuokranantajan kulloinkin voimassaolevista hinnastoista. Maksuehdot ilmenevät Vuokranantajan kulloinkin voimassaolevista hinnastoista. Niistä ilmenevät myös Vuokranantajan soveltamat laskutus-, viivästys- ja perimis - maksut, viivästyskorko sekä mahdolliset muut maksut. 6. Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden luovutus Kaasuntoimitusvälineet luovutetaan Vuokraajan käytettäväksi Ex Works Vuokranantajan varasto. Tässä ilmoitettuja ehtoja tulkitaan sopimuksen alkaessa voimassaolevien INCOTERMS-ehtojen mukaan. Vuokraajan tai hänen osoittamansa vastaanottajan tulee olla läsnä luovutuksen yhteydessä. Luovutuksen yhteydessä Vuokraajan ja Vuokranantajan tulee tarkistaa, että kuormakirjassa mainittu Pakkausten lukumäärä vastaa tosiasiallisesti luovutet - tujen Pakkausten lukumäärää, ja että kuormakirjaan on merkitty oikea asiakas- numero. Vuokraajan tulee vahvistaa vastaanottaminen allekirjoittamalla kuormakirja. Mahdolliset poikkeamat tulee merkitä kuormakirjaan. Jos luovutus tapahtuu Vuokraajan rakennuksessa eikä Vuokraaja ole läsnä, mistä tulee sopia joka kerta erikseen, tulee Vuokranantajan tarkistaa, että kuormakirjassa on oikeat tiedot. Vuokranantajan tulee siinä yhteydessä merkitä kuormakirjaan, että Vuokraaja ei ole ollut läsnä samoin kuin mahdollisimman pian sen jälkeen ilmoittaa Vuokraajalle, että Kaasuntoimitusvälineet on luovutettu. Kyseinen ilmoitus tapahtuu siten, että Vuokranantaja jättää kuormakirjan sitä tarkoitusta varten varat - tuun postilaatikkoon tai muuhun sovittuun paikkaan. Kuormakirjassa annettujen tietojen katsotaan tällöin olevan oikeita, mikäli Vuokraaja ei voi näyttää niiden olevan virheellisiä. 7. Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden palautus Vuokraaja vastaa Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden palautuskuljetuksesta Vuokranantajan osoittamalle paikalle. Samalla kun Vuokranantaja huolehtii Pakkausten kuljetuksesta Vuokraajalle, Vuokranantaja sitoutuu korvausta vastaan huolehtimaan palautuskuljetuksen vastaavalle määrälle Pakkauksia. Tällöin Pakkausten tulee olla valmiina kuljetusta varten ja niiden tulee olla saatavilla lastausta varten luovutuspaikalla. Venttiilin - suojusten tulee tarvittaessa olla asennettuina. Vuokraajan tulee laatia ja luovuttaa palautuskuljetusta varten tarvittavat kuljetus- asiakirjat. Jos Vuokraaja ei ole laatinut ja luovuttanut kyseisiä kuljetusasiakirjoja, on Vuokranantajalla oikeus laatia ne Vuokraajan kustannuksella. Pakkausten palautuksen yhteydessä Vuokraajan ja Vuokranantajan tulee tarkistaa, että kuormakirjassa mainittu palautettujen Pakkausten lukumäärä vastaa palautettujen Pakkausten tosiasiallista lukumäärää, ja että kuormakirjaan on merkitty oikea asiakasnumero. Vuokranantajan tulee vahvistaa palautus allekirjoittamalla kuormakirja. Kaasupullot, kaasupullopaketit ja siirtolavakontit tulee palauttaa Vuokranantajalle jäännöskaasupaineisena. Vuokraajalla ei ole oikeutta saada korvausta sellaisesta jäännöskaasusta. 8. Vuokraajan vastuu Vuokraaja on velvollinen noudattamaan viranomaisten määräyksiä ja Vuokran- antajan ohjeita, jotka koskevat Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden kuljetusta, varastointia ja käyttöä. Vuokraajan tulee hoitaa Kaasuntoimitusvälineitä ja käsitellä niitä huolellisesti. Vuokraaja on vastuussa Kaasuntoimitusvälineille tapahtuneista menetyksistä ja vahingoista Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden hänelle luovuttamisesta lähtien siihen asti, kun ne on palautettu Vuokranantajalle, riippumatta siitä onko vahinko tai menetys aiheutunut puutteellisesta hoidosta ja huolenpidosta tai muista syistä. Vuokraajalla ei ole oikeutta korjata itse menetyksiä tai vahinkoja, vaan Vuokraa - jan on välittömästi ilmoitettava Vuokranantajalle, että menetys tai vahinko on tapahtunut. Vuokranantajan tulee siinä yhteydessä korjata menetys tai vahinko erillistä korvausta vastaan. Jos Vuokranantaja ei korvaa menetystä tai vahinkoa kohtuullisessa ajassa, on Vuokraajalla oikeus korjata vahinko tai menetys omalla riskillään ja kustannuksellaan. Vuokraajan tulee ryhtyä kaikkiin kohtuullisiin toimenpiteisiin sellaisen vahingon rajoittamiseksi, joka aiheutuu virheestä, josta Vuokranantaja vastaa. Vuokraajalla ei myöskään ole oikeutta korjata itse sellaista virhettä, vaan Vuokraajan on välit - tömästi ilmoitettava Vuokranantajalle virheestä. Vuokraaja sitoutuu huolehtimaan, että sellaiset Pakkaukset, jotka ovat umpinaisia säiliöitä, täytetään vain Vuokranantajan kaasulla. Vuokraaja ei saa luovuttaa, antaa lainaksi, vuokrata, pantata tai muulla tavalla oikeudellisesti määrätä vuokratuista Kaasuntoimitusvälineistä. Vuokraaja ei saa ilman Vuokranantajan kirjallista suostumusta siirtää, muuttaa tai täydentää Kaas - uasemaa. Vuokraaja on velvollinen ilmoittamaan välittömästi Vuokranantajalle omaisuuteen - sa kohdistuvasta ulosmittauksesta tai konkurssista samoin kuin ilmoittamaan ulos - ottoviranomaiselle tai konkurssipesän hoitajalle Vuokranantajan omistusoikeudesta Kaasuntoimitusvälineisiin. 9. Reklamaatio Vuokraaja saa vedota Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden virheellisyyteen vain, jos hän on reklamoinut siitä Vuokranantajalle viipymättä sen jälkeen, kun Vuokraaja havaitsi virheen tai hänen olisi pitänyt se havaita. Reklamaation tulee sisältää kuvaus siitä, miten virhe ilmenee. Vuokraaja saa vedota siihen, että Vuokranantaja on laskuttanut vuokrasta virheel - lisesti vain, jos hän on reklamoinut siitä Vuokranantajalle viipymättä sen jälkeen, kun Vuokraaja havaitsi virheen tai hänen olisi pitänyt se havaita. Vuokranantajan velvollisuus ryhtyä virheen oikaisuun on tällöin rajoitettu kahteentoista (12) kuukauteen taaksepäin laskettuna viimeksi laaditun vuokraa koskevan laskun päiväyksestä. Jos Vuokraaja reklamoi, eikä sellaista virhettä ilmene, josta Vuokranantaja on vas - tuussa, on Vuokranantajalla oikeus korvaukseen siitä työstä ja niistä kuluista, jotka ovat aiheutuneet Vuokranantajalle reklamaatiosta. 10. Vuokranantajan vastuu Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden tulee olla hyvässä kunnossa ja sovittujen määritys - ten mukaisia, kun ne luovutetaan Vuokraajalle. Jos Kaasuntoimitusvälineet ovat virheellisiä ja virhe aiheuttaa epäolennaista suurempaa haittaa Vuokraajalle, on Vuokranantajan velvollisuutena ilman kohtuutonta viivästystä korjata virhe tai korvata Kaasuntoimitusvälineet. Vuokranantaja vastaa sellaisesta menetyksestä, vahingosta tai virheestä Kaasun- toimitusvälineissä, joka aiheutuu Vuokranantajan menettelystä tai laiminlyönnistä. Jos Vuokranantaja ei ole kolmenkymmenen (30) päivän kuluessa vastaanotetusta reklamaatiosta korjannut virhettä, on Vuokraajalla oikeus purkaa sopimus. 11. Tuotevastuu Vuokraaja korvaa Vuokranantajalle aiheutuneet vahingot ja hyvittää Vuokran- antajalle kaikki kustannukset silloin, kun Vuokranantaja velvoitetaan vastaamaan kolmatta kohtaan sellaisesta vahingosta tai menetyksestä, josta Vuokranantaja ei vastaa Vuokraajaa kohtaan tämän kohdan toisen kappaleen mukaan. Vuokranantaja ei vastaa vahingosta tai menetyksestä, a) jonka Kaasuntoimitusvälineet aiheuttavat kiinteälle tai irtaimelle omaisuudelle, t ai vahingon tai menetyksen seurauksista, jos vahinko tai menetys kohtaa K aasuntoimitusvälineitä silloin, kun ne ovat Vuokraajan hallinnassa, tai b) jonka Kaasuntoimitusvälineet aiheuttavat Vuokraajan valmistamille tuotteille t ai tuotteille, joihin Vuokraajan tuote sisältyy, tai sellaisesta vahingosta tai mene- t yksestä omaisuudelle, jonka nämä tuotteet aiheuttavat Kaasuntoimitusvälinei- d en ominaisuuksien takia. Mainitut Vuokranantajan vastuun rajoitukset eivät sovellu, jos Vuokranantaja aiheuttaa vahingon tai menetyksen törkeällä huolimattomuudella. Jos kolmas osapuoli vaatii Vuokranantajalta tai Vuokraajalta korvausta tässä koh- dassa tarkoitetusta menetyksestä tai vahingosta, tulee siitä välittömästi ilmoittaa toiselle osapuolelle. Vuokranantajalla ja Vuokraajalla on velvollisuus antaa sellainen asia tuomiois - tuimen tai välimiesoikeuden ratkaistavaksi, joka käsittelee korvausvaatimusta jotakin heistä kohtaan, jos vaatimus perustuu vahinkoon tai menetykseen, jonka Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden väitetään aiheuttaneen. Keskinäinen vastuu Vuokraajan ja Vuokranantajan välillä ratkaistaan aina kohdan 18 mukaisesti. 12. Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden merkitseminen Vuokranantajalla on oikeus merkitä Kaasuntoimitusvälineet erityisillä merkinnöillä. Vuokraajalla ei ole oikeutta irrottaa, muuttaa tai lisätä sellaista merkintää ilman Vuokranantajan kirjallista suostumusta. 13. Vuokrasopimuksen siirtäminen Vuokraaja ei saa ilman Vuokranantajan kirjallista suostumusta siirtää tai luovuttaa toiselle Vuokrasopimuksen mukaisia oikeuksiaan ja/tai velvollisuuksiaan. 14. Etukäteen maksetun vuokran palautus Vuokraajalla on oikeus irtisanoa määräajaksi vuokraamansa Pakkauksen etukäteismaksu päättymään kesken määräajan, lähettämällä Vuokranantajalle kirjallisen ilmoituksen irtisanomisesta. Määräaika päättyy ilmoituksen saapumis- kuukauden viimeisenä päivänä. Vuokraajalle palautetaan se osa vuokrasta, joka kohdistuu alkuperäisestä vuokra-ajasta jäljelle jäävään aikaan. Vuokraajan maksaman vuokran katsotaan jakautuvan tasan jokaista kokonaista kuukautta kohti, joka sisältyy vuokra-aikaan. Vuokraajalle palautettavasta määrästä vähennetään Vuokranantajan kulloinkin voimassa olevan hinnaston mukainen käsittelymaksu. 15. Ylivoimainen este Jos Vuokrasopimuksen täyttäminen estyy tai muodostuu kohtuuttoman raskaaksi jostakin sellaisesta olosuhteesta kuten sota, viranomaisten väliintulo, kapina, mel - lakka, rajoittunut energiansaanti, työmarkkinahäiriöt, kielto, rajoitukset, saamatta jääneet luvat, onnettomuudet, koneviat, epäsuotuisat kuljetus- tai sääolosuhteet, keskeytys tai häiriöt yleisessä teleliikenteessä, rajoitukset käyttövoiman saannissa tai virheelliset tai viivästyneet toimitukset alihankkijoilta, vapautuu osapuoli vas - taavassa laajuudessa velvoitteistaan. Yllämainitut olosuhteet muodostavat ylivoimaisen esteen vain, jos osapuoli ei ole voinut niitä kohtuudella ennakoida sopimusta tehtäessä ja joiden seurauksia osapuoli ei ole kohtuudella voinut välttää tai voittaa. Osapuolen, joka tahtoo vedota ylivoimaiseen esteeseen, tulee viipymättä kirjal - lisesti ilmoittaa vastapuolelle perusteen syntymisestä ja päättymisestä. Riippumatta siitä, mitä näistä määräyksistä seuraa, on kummallakin osapuolella oikeus purkaa Vuokrasopimus kirjallisella ilmoituksella toiselle osapuolelle, jos täyttäminen viivästyy enemmän kuin kuusi (6) kuukautta ylivoimaisesta esteestä, jotka mainitaan tämän kohdan ensimmäisessä kappaleessa. 16. Vastuunrajoitus Vuokranantajalla ei ole muuta vastuuta, kuin mitä nimenomaisesti käy ilmi näistä ehdoista. Tämä koskee kaikenlaisia menetyksiä, joihin sisältyy muun muassa tuo - tannon menetys, saamatta jäänyt voitto tai muu taloudellinen seurannaisvahinko. Tämä Vuokranantajan vastuun rajoitus ei sovellu, jos Vuokranantaja on aiheuttanut vahingon törkeällä huolimattomuudella. 17. Henkilötiedot Vuokranantaja käsittelee Vuokraajan henkilötietoja voidakseen pitää tarjolla sopimuksenmukaisia palveluita/tuotteita, sekä osapuolten sopimussuhteen hal - linnointia, markkinointia (sisältäen suoramarkkinoinnin), asiakasprofilointia sekä laskuttamista varten. Antamalla henkilötietoja (jotka sisältävät henkilötunnuksen tarpeen mukaan) Vuokrasopimuksen alkamisen yhteydessä, Vuokraaja suostuu henkilötietojen käsittelyyn kyseisellä tavalla. Vuokraajalla on oikeus saada tietoja siitä, millaisia henkilötietoja Vuokranantaja käsittelee. Vuokranantaja on myös velvollinen oikaisemaan virheelliset henkilötiedot Vuokraajan vaatimuksesta. 18. Erimielisyyksien ratkaisu Mahdolliset erimielisyydet Vuokraajan ja Vuokranantajan välillä ratkaistaan lopul - lisesti Kansainvälisen Kauppakamarin välimiesmenettelyä koskevien sääntöjen mukaisesti niiden perusteella valittujen yhden tai useamman välimiehen toimesta. Välimiesmenettely tapahtuu Vuokranantajan kotipaikalla ja siellä voimassaolevaa lainsäädäntöä noudattaen. Silloin kun Vuokraaja on kuluttaja, ratkaistaan erimie- lisyys yleisessä tuomioistuimessa. 01.06.2009 ]
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  • [ Water and Wastewater Treatment Water and Wastewater Treatment At Linde, we have implemented hundreds of projects globally, ranging from wastewater to drinking water applications, surface water and process water. Ask for advice Whether you are looking for a process to eliminate odors, treate Volatile Fatty Acids, remove micro-pollutants, achieve optimal Biological Oxygen Demand, control wastewater or raw water pH or water remineralization, Linde can support you with a range of application technologies engineered to deliver the best results in a cost-effective way. At Linde, we have implemented hundreds of projects globally, ranging from wastewater to drinking water applications, surface water and process water. Our SOLVOX technologies will support your plant aerobic treatment needs, whereas the SOLVOCARB line offers a diversity of solutions for neutralization and remineralization with carbon dioxide. We also design and deliver oxygen supply schemes and oxygen recycle for ozone generation, which can help you save up to 60% of oxygen. What do customers say? "One of the things I value most is earning the trust of our customers. During the last 25 years I have had the privilege of serving more than 100 customers: Linde works hard to live up to the expectations of providing great service, on time and at a fair price. That is part of our DNA." Darren Gurney, Senior Process & Business Development Manager, Linde Downloads SOLVOCARB mobile product datasheet SOLVOCARB diffusion hoses product datasheet SOLVOCARB technology product datasheet OZORA oxygen recovery system OZORA product datasheet Customer reference case: Pilsner Urquell Customer reference case: Alter Farmacia Customer reference case: BOSSA SOLVOX reactor product datasheet SOLVOX inline injector product datasheet SOLVOX Diffusion Hoses product datasheet Expert article: Plant capacity oxygen Expert article: Treating wastewaster in Food industry Customer reference case: Swan river Would you like to learn more or ask for advice about water and wastewater treatment processes? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Maintenance Maintenance Upkeep of your business and run through of regular maintenance. Ask for advice Avoiding downtimes and reducing risks High demands are placed on the safety and functioning of gas distribution systems. To prevent harm to people and property, and to secure production reliability and quality, a gas system needs to be faultless. Linde can offer service maintenance to ensure that you can rely on the functioning of your system. With our knowledge and experience of gases, as well as the applicable laws and regulations, we can help you to meet official requirements for control and documentation. Our maintenance service gives you the following: ● Lower risk of unplanned production halts and enhanced production economy ● Better quality of production, by securing gas distribution ● Improved productivity, by ensuring that you can focus on your core business ● Orderliness – we draw up a protocol which is handed over and saved after every maintenance visit ● Improved safety – lower risk of accidents ● Your gas distribution system is maintained in accordance with official regulations. Explore the journey of cylinder maintenance More than one million Linde gas cylinders are in circulation around the Nordic and Baltic region. At least once every ten years it makes a pilgrimage to Linde’s cylinder maintenance facility in Knivsta, north of Stockholm, where it is demounted, thoroughly tested and inspected. Downloads: Brochures → Linde maintenance brochure (in Swedish) Would like to learn more or ask for advice about maintenance service? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Store Finder Store Finder Getting Started My Account Delivery & Collections Orders Payments & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Telephone Numbers Store Finder FAQs Getting Started My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payment & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Contact Telephone Numbers Store Finder AGA has an extensive network of stores and partners where you can collect your gas or products. To locate your nearest outlet handling the products you need, use the search facility below. The Store Finder is for Sweden locations only. Other countries can be located using the Linde website navigator . ]
  • [ Central gas systems Gas trainings and education We offer standardised and customised training programmes in welding, heat treatment and gas safety to raise levels of competency and educate in safe gas handling. Ask for advice Welding process trainings Held by our application experts, we offer process trainings in MIG/MAG, TIG, productive MIG/MAG, welding economy, welding-cutting, brazing, plasma cutting, as well as customised training. Linde application experts are at the forefront of the technological development of gas consuming processes. WELDONOVA® process support is a vital part of our service portfolio. WELDONOVA® experts team provides process support to customers, covering various cutting, welding and heating processes. We offer technology based and cost-effective solutions for chemical, petrochemical, refinery, pulp & paper, metallurgy, food and other types of industry that use gas for their production. When you need the best knowledge and a gas installation should be integrated as a part of your production, we offer a complete project from support in defining your need to process design, construction, start-up and hand over. WELDONOVA® experts offer support either directly in the production process at the customer’s site, or at our WELDONOVA® process centre in Sweden. WELDONOVA® offers expert support to customers, such as: ● Productivity: Rapid Processing®, Tandem/Twin arc, CMT, MIG brazing, MIG/MAG, highly productive mechanised TIG and productivity and profitability analysis. ● Quality: Reduction of spatters, pores, identification of welding defects and minimisation of oxides. ● QA: Support in welding certification processes SS EN-ISO 3834, welding responsibilities. ● Problem solving: Assisting customers with all types of welding, cutting and heating problems. ● Process Training: MIG/MAG, TIG, Productive MIG/MAG, welding economy, welding-cutting, brazing, plasma cutting, as well as customised training. IWS – International Welding Certification Linde is together with Svenska Elektrod, offering a 5 weeks course (298 academic hours spread over 3 blocks with intermediate-week self-study), leading to IWS diploma. Steel and heat treatment training programs Our customised training programmes in heat treatment and gas safety raise levels of competency and create ideal conditions for optimally functioning heat treatment processes. Linde service team, FERRONOVA® process support, carries out maintenance, process service and process measurements on a wide variety of heat treatment and steel processes. When signing a contract with FERRONOVA® process support you are securing your process and equipment by teaming up with a third party accredited by Swedac. On top of that you are also getting access to extensive process competence gained over many years by Linde’s application and service engineers. Together with Linde’s application specialists, service engineers take the overall responsibility for your process and can boost your productivity and enhance your quality. By utilizing the entire width of service agreements, trainings, application support and spare parts program, a more predictable process is awaited. We also offer safety audits, which may include risk assessments, explosion protection documents and consultations on safety hazards. Would like to learn more or ask for advice about Gas trainings and education? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Promotional Offers Terms AGA Shop SE Promotional Terms Promotional Terms Welcome Offers Loyalty Offers Other Offers Other Offers Online single use 10% discount for BOC Welding Toolkit readers Online single use 10% discount for BOC Blog readers Online single use 10% discount for BOC Welding Toolkit readers BOC Limited (BOC) is offering a 10% discount via use of a valid promotional code (the Discount), on orders placed by new and existing customers (the Eligible Customers) ordering BOC products (including gases) available for purchase online (the Eligible Products) (the Offer). The Offer excludes the purchase of healthcare gases, healthcare products, Lincoln Invertec V160-T 2V, TIG Welder, and the rental of gas cylinders. The Offer is only available on Eligible Products listed online at The Discount will only apply to orders up to £750. For orders made over £750 the Discount will only be applied to the first £750 of that order. The Offer is i) available in the UK (online only) from BOC at on and from 00:00 GMT 1 November 2016 until and including 23:59 GMT 31 March 2017; and ii) is subject to stock and availability. The Offer is not available at any BOC stores or outlets. To redeem the Offer online, an Eligible Customer must enter the promotional code at checkout (the Code). The Discount will be applied at checkout online. The Code may only be used once online. The Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. The online order can be amended or cancelled by contacting the BOC Customer Services Centre on 0800 111 333. When amending the order via telephone, BOC reserves the right to withdraw the Discount, as the purchase is no longer being made online. BOC will make the promotional Code available to selected Eligible Customers who download the BOC Welding Toolkit and receive subsequent emails. To redeem the Offer, the Eligible Customer must (at the time of purchase of Eligible Products online) enter the Code at the online checkout, at which point the Discount will be applied. The Discount will only be applied to the price of the Eligible Products being purchased and will not be applied to any other costs or charges payable, such as the rental of cylinders, shipping and delivery charges. Deliveries will be made to recognised UK addresses only. For information on BOC's shipping and delivery terms click here. BOC reserves the right not to apply the Discount for any reason. The Discount is not valid for cash or cash equivalent. No adjustments on previous purchases permitted. BOC reserves the right to withdraw or amend the Offer at any time for any reason. BOC does not accept responsibility for network, computer, hardware or software failure of any kind which may affect the sending, receipt or processing of a customer's order. The Offer is subject to these promotional terms and conditions and also BOC's general conditions of sale, a copy of which can be found here . BOC reserves the right to amend these promotional terms and conditions and its general terms and conditions at any time. If any clause of these promotional terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these promotional terms and conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales. Online single use 10% discount for BOC Blog readers BOC Limited (BOC) is offering a 10% discount via use of a valid promotional code (the Discount), on orders placed by new and existing customers (the Eligible Customers) ordering BOC products (including gases) available for purchase online (the Eligible Products) (the Offer). The Offer excludes the purchase of healthcare gases, healthcare products, Lincoln Invertec V160-T 2V, TIG Welder, and the rental of gas cylinders. The Offer is only available on Eligible Products listed online at The Discount will only apply to orders up to £750. For orders made over £750 the Discount will only be applied to the first £750 of that order. The Offer is i) available in the UK (online only) from BOC at on and from 00:00 GMT 19 January 2017 until and including 23:59 GMT 31 March 2017; and ii) is subject to stock and availability. The Offer is not available at any BOC stores or outlets. To redeem the Offer online, an Eligible Customer must enter the promotional code at checkout (the Code). The Discount will be applied at checkout online. The Code may only be used once online. The Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. The online order can be amended or cancelled by contacting the BOC Customer Services Centre on 0800 111 333. When amending the order via telephone, BOC reserves the right to withdraw the Discount, as the purchase is no longer being made online. BOC will make the promotional Code available to Eligible Customers in a BOC blog post published at To redeem the Offer, the Eligible Customer must (at the time of purchase of Eligible Products online) enter the Code at the online checkout, at which point the Discount will be applied. The Discount will only be applied to the price of the Eligible Products being purchased and will not be applied to any other costs or charges payable, such as the rental of cylinders, shipping and delivery charges. Deliveries will be made to recognised UK addresses only. For information on BOC's shipping and delivery terms click here . BOC reserves the right not to apply the Discount for any reason. The Discount is not valid for cash or cash equivalent. No adjustments on previous purchases permitted. BOC reserves the right to withdraw or amend the Offer at any time for any reason. BOC does not accept responsibility for network, computer, hardware or software failure of any kind which may affect the sending, receipt or processing of a customer's order. The Offer is subject to these promotional terms and conditions and also BOC's general conditions of sale, a copy of which can be found here . BOC reserves the right to amend these promotional terms and conditions and its general terms and conditions at any time. If any clause of these promotional terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these promotional terms and conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales. Legal Statements Terms of Sale Website Terms of Use Cookies Policy Privacy Policy Security Statement Accessibility Legal Statements Terms of Sale Website Terms of Use Cookies Policy Privacy Policy Security Statement Accessibility Statement Promotional Terms Welcome Offers Loyalty Offers Other Offers Other Offers Online single use 10% discount for BOC Welding Toolkit readers Online single use 10% discount for BOC Blog readers Online single use 10% discount for BOC Welding Toolkit readers BOC Limited (BOC) is offering a 10% discount via use of a valid promotional code (the Discount), on orders placed by new and existing customers (the Eligible Customers) ordering BOC products (including gases) available for purchase online (the Eligible Products) (the Offer). The Offer excludes the purchase of healthcare gases, healthcare products, Lincoln Invertec V160-T 2V, TIG Welder, and the rental of gas cylinders. The Offer is only available on Eligible Products listed online at The Discount will only apply to orders up to £750. For orders made over £750 the Discount will only be applied to the first £750 of that order. The Offer is i) available in the UK (online only) from BOC at on and from 00:00 GMT 1 November 2016 until and including 23:59 GMT 31 March 2017; and ii) is subject to stock and availability. The Offer is not available at any BOC stores or outlets. To redeem the Offer online, an Eligible Customer must enter the promotional code at checkout (the Code). The Discount will be applied at checkout online. The Code may only be used once online. The Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. The online order can be amended or cancelled by contacting the BOC Customer Services Centre on 0800 111 333. When amending the order via telephone, BOC reserves the right to withdraw the Discount, as the purchase is no longer being made online. BOC will make the promotional Code available to selected Eligible Customers who download the BOC Welding Toolkit and receive subsequent emails. To redeem the Offer, the Eligible Customer must (at the time of purchase of Eligible Products online) enter the Code at the online checkout, at which point the Discount will be applied. The Discount will only be applied to the price of the Eligible Products being purchased and will not be applied to any other costs or charges payable, such as the rental of cylinders, shipping and delivery charges. Deliveries will be made to recognised UK addresses only. For information on BOC's shipping and delivery terms click here . BOC reserves the right not to apply the Discount for any reason. The Discount is not valid for cash or cash equivalent. No adjustments on previous purchases permitted. BOC reserves the right to withdraw or amend the Offer at any time for any reason. BOC does not accept responsibility for network, computer, hardware or software failure of any kind which may affect the sending, receipt or processing of a customer's order. The Offer is subject to these promotional terms and conditions and also BOC's general conditions of sale, a copy of which can be found here . BOC reserves the right to amend these promotional terms and conditions and its general terms and conditions at any time. If any clause of these promotional terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these promotional terms and conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales. Online single use 10% discount for BOC Blog readers BOC Limited (BOC) is offering a 10% discount via use of a valid promotional code (the Discount), on orders placed by new and existing customers (the Eligible Customers) ordering BOC products (including gases) available for purchase online (the Eligible Products) (the Offer). The Offer excludes the purchase of healthcare gases, healthcare products, Lincoln Invertec V160-T 2V, TIG Welder, and the rental of gas cylinders. The Offer is only available on Eligible Products listed online at The Discount will only apply to orders up to £750. For orders made over £750 the Discount will only be applied to the first £750 of that order. The Offer is i) available in the UK (online only) from BOC at on and from 00:00 GMT 19 January 2017 until and including 23:59 GMT 31 March 2017; and ii) is subject to stock and availability. The Offer is not available at any BOC stores or outlets. To redeem the Offer online, an Eligible Customer must enter the promotional code at checkout (the Code). The Discount will be applied at checkout online. The Code may only be used once online. The Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. The online order can be amended or cancelled by contacting the BOC Customer Services Centre on 0800 111 333. When amending the order via telephone, BOC reserves the right to withdraw the Discount, as the purchase is no longer being made online. BOC will make the promotional Code available to Eligible Customers in a BOC blog post published at To redeem the Offer, the Eligible Customer must (at the time of purchase of Eligible Products online) enter the Code at the online checkout, at which point the Discount will be applied. The Discount will only be applied to the price of the Eligible Products being purchased and will not be applied to any other costs or charges payable, such as the rental of cylinders, shipping and delivery charges. Deliveries will be made to recognised UK addresses only. For information on BOC's shipping and delivery terms click here . BOC reserves the right not to apply the Discount for any reason. The Discount is not valid for cash or cash equivalent. No adjustments on previous purchases permitted. BOC reserves the right to withdraw or amend the Offer at any time for any reason. BOC does not accept responsibility for network, computer, hardware or software failure of any kind which may affect the sending, receipt or processing of a customer's order. The Offer is subject to these promotional terms and conditions and also BOC's general conditions of sale, a copy of which can be found here . BOC reserves the right to amend these promotional terms and conditions and its general terms and conditions at any time. If any clause of these promotional terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these promotional terms and conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales. ]
  • [ Analyses and risk assessment Certification, analysis and risk assessment Raising safety levels by documenting gas and gas mixture quality. Ask for advice Gas certificates and analysis The correct safety procedures are essential to protecting gas users against potential sources of harm. Equally important, however, is the need for gas users to understand exactly what they are dealing with. This requires suppliers to be very specific about the quality of the gas products and equipment they provide. To contribute to operator safety, we issue gas certificates for all of our products. These bring operators the peace of mind that comes from knowing that defined quality control processes have been carried out and that all of our gases and gas mixtures have been carefully analysed. Safety assessments An assessment is a careful examination of what could cause harm to people in the workplace. Through knowledge and competence, we can reduce the number of accidents, incidents and injuries. We therefore offer a number of different training courses so that companies and their employees can meet the legal requirements regarding responsibility when handling and distributing gas. In Sweden, Norway and Finland, we also offer complete security analyzes at the customer with regard to the handling and distribution of gas. The analysis sheds light on the customer's operation from a security perspective and results in a detailed report with recommendations on what needs to be fixed. We can also help with documentation to authorities for applications of various kinds. Would like to learn more or ask for advice about application and engineering consultancy? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
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  • [ Welcome Welcome to Linde We would like to be your partner when it comes to providing gases and high-quality solutions, technologies and services, which makes you as our customer more successful and helps sustain and protect the environment. Become a customer We are glad to welcome you in Linde. It is easy and convenient to become our customer to start using Linde products, applications and services. Get started What do you get with Linde? By becoming Linde customer you will get a customer number, which enables you to order gases and equipment. By also registering to our customer portal you get an instant access to our self-service, where you can buy gases online 24/7, view your invoices or check cylinder balance. Available 24/7 Always open, order whenever or wherever Rental services Purchase and monitor your certificates Download invoices Check your orders and download documents Easy reordering Reorder based on your past orders Cylinder holding Check your cylinder holdings anytime, anywhere Order templates Create your favourite lists How to buy? We have multiple ways to order online or offline. Customer portal EDI/Punch out ACCURA Self service Agent Propane vending machine How to buy? We have multiple ways to order online or offline. Customer portal Buy gases and equipment online anytime and check your cylinder holdings and invoices. Register here EDI/Punch out Electronic Data Interchange between Linde and customer for efficiency of business processes. ACCURA Gas management service to monitor your gas consumption and order online Agent Find the nearest gas store or reseller to buy or pick up gases your own. Read more Propane vending machine Easy way to buy or exchange propane cylinders 24/7 in a self-service vending machine. Read more Supply modes The properties of an industrial gas dictate the way in which it is supplied to the customer. Gases can be supplied to a customer using a range of different options including cylinders that can operate at very high pressures to tanks which hold gas as a cryogenic liquid at very low temperatures. Cylinders Many fuel gases are liquid and room temperature and are stored at low pressures in thin walled steel or composite cylinders. Bulk supply With high-volume requirements and operations suited to piped supplies of gas, a bulk cryogenic storage vessel installed... Tonnage Air separation plants are plants that are individually designed for the specific demands of our customers. Ways of delivering We delivers gases according to your needs by meeting today’s safety and regulatory requirements. You can ask the delivery at your location, whether it’s a cylinder, bundle of cylinders or even a tank, where gas is delivered in liquid form. You can also visit our gas agents, self-service point or propane vending machines to buy products at once Get started with us! It is easy and convenient to become our customer to start ordering Linde products. You can choose, whether you want to get the gases delivered at your location or visit your nearest agent. Get started 1. Become a customer 2. Register to customer portal 3. Make your first purchase 4. Enjoy Linde’s products and services ]
  • [ Welcome Offers Terms AGA Shop SE Promotional Terms Promotional Terms Welcome Offers Welcome Offers Online single use 10% promotional code included in welcome emails BOC Limited (BOC) is offering 10% discount with a valid promotional code (the Discount) on one online purchase of gas equipment and safety products (Eligible Products) (the Offer). The Offer excludes any gases (cylinders or otherwise) and healthcare products. The Offer is available in the UK (online only) from BOC at on and from 00:00 GMT 01 April 2016 until and including 23:59 GMT 31 December 2017 and is subject to stock and availability. The Offer is not available at any BOC stores or outlets. To redeem the Offer online, eligible customers must enter their personal promotion code at checkout. The Discount will be applied at checkout online. The Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. The Discount will not be applied to purchases of Eligible Products made by BOC customers that have independently agreed prices for those Eligible Products. For information on BOC's shipping and delivery terms click here . BOC reserves the right not to apply discount where it suspects fraudulent use. The Discount is not valid for cash or cash equivalent. No adjustments on previous purchases permitted. BOC reserves the right to withdraw or amend the Offer at any time, including in the event of fraudulent behaviour. BOC does not accept responsibility for network, computer, hardware or software failure of any kind which may affect the sending, receipt or processing of a customer's order. The Offer is subject to these promotional terms and conditions and also BOC's general conditions of sale, a copy of which can be found here . BOC reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. If any clause of these promotional terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these promotional terms and conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales. Legal Statements Terms of Sale Website Terms of Use Cookies Policy Privacy Policy Security Statement Accessibility Promotional Terms Loyalty Offers Other Offers Legal Statements Terms of Sale Website Terms of Use Cookies Policy Privacy Policy Security Statement Accessibility Statement Promotional Terms Welcome Offers Loyalty Offers Other Offers Welcome Offers Online single use 10% promotional code included in welcome emails BOC Limited (BOC) is offering 10% discount with a valid promotional code (the Discount) on one online purchase of gas equipment and safety products (Eligible Products) (the Offer). The Offer excludes any gases (cylinders or otherwise) and healthcare products. The Offer is available in the UK (online only) from BOC at on and from 00:00 GMT 01 April 2016 until and including 23:59 GMT 31 December 2017 and is subject to stock and availability. The Offer is not available at any BOC stores or outlets. To redeem the Offer online, eligible customers must enter their personal promotion code at checkout. The Discount will be applied at checkout online. The Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. The Discount will not be applied to purchases of Eligible Products made by BOC customers that have independently agreed prices for those Eligible Products. For information on BOC's shipping and delivery terms click here . BOC reserves the right not to apply discount where it suspects fraudulent use. The Discount is not valid for cash or cash equivalent. No adjustments on previous purchases permitted. BOC reserves the right to withdraw or amend the Offer at any time, including in the event of fraudulent behaviour. BOC does not accept responsibility for network, computer, hardware or software failure of any kind which may affect the sending, receipt or processing of a customer's order. The Offer is subject to these promotional terms and conditions and also BOC's general conditions of sale, a copy of which can be found here . BOC reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. If any clause of these promotional terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these promotional terms and conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales. ]
  • [ Contactform Get in touch with us Please contact our customer service, if you have questions or need assistance with a problem. Many questions are already answered in our FAQs. By registering and logging in to Customer Portal , you get an instant access to ordering, invoices, delivery notes and cylinder balance reports. Are you an existing Linde customer? Yes No Customer number*: Are you a company or an individual? Company Individual Company name*: First Name* Last Name* Telephone* E-mail* Choose an area*: Select Your account Billing & Payment Rental Holdings inquiry Rental certificates Products Orders/Deliveries Webshop Complaint (pls provide details) Other Choose a topic*: Select Please describe your request or issue:* Message ]
  • [ Accessibility Statement AGA Shop SE Accessibility Statement Legal Statements Terms of Sale Website Terms of Use Cookies Policy Privacy Policy Security Statement Accessibility BOC is committed to taking all reasonable steps to ensure that material published on our web site is accessible to all users, including people with disabilities. Accessibility standards of our pages. All content appearing on the site has been developed to conform to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 1.0 (WCAG 1.0).   We  are working towards a minimum level of Double-A conformance to WCAG 1.0. We acknowledge that we currently use deprecated features which means that the page coding does not validate against the specified document type. However testing with users has shown that this is not detrimental to real-life accessibility. All new content on will be developed to the same standard. View the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 1.0 Difficulties with accessing content on the site? If you have difficulties accessing pages on this site please contact us and we will be happy to supply the information in an alternative form. Accessibility features Some key accessibility features are described below for those who may wish to take advantage of them. More information on making our pages easier to use by making changes to your browser, computer, keyboard and mouse settings can be found at the My Web My Way site provided by BBC. This includes information for uses of PC Windows, Apple Mac and Linux operating systems. Visit the My Web My Way site provided by the BBC Navigation We've made navigation links consistent between pages throughout the site. The site is also fully accessible using only the keyboard and can be navigated with scripting disabled. Skip navigation link A 'skip to page contents' link is provided on each page that will enable users of browsers such as screen readers to jump directly to the main content on the page, avoiding all of the standard navigation links. Images All images that provide information have appropriate alternative text such that the information is available to people who cannot see the images. Images that are provided for decoration are provided as either background images or have NULL (empty quote marks) alternative text. Site map A site map  is provided to assist with navigation. Text size and style Pages are built in such a way that all pages should display correctly and legibly if you make changes to 'Text Size' within your browser's 'View' settings. Use of data tables Simple tables are used for presenting key data. The row and column headings for the data tables are identified (using TH) making their use easier for screen reader users. Layout using Cascading Style Sheets Styling and layout has been achieved using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). The site will still be usable if CSS is disabled. Disabling of CSS will result in a well structured single column page that will be styled according to the default settings of your browser. Pop-up windows Our website does not use pop-up windows unless they are appropriate. Acceptable cases, for example, are when it is important to see the browser window you've just navigated from in the background. Standards compliance We have strived to ensure our website conforms to level A compliance as specified by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Promotional Terms Welcome Offers Loyalty Offers Other Offers Legal Statements Terms of Sale Website Terms of Use Cookies Policy Privacy Policy Security Statement Accessibility Promotional Terms Welcome Offers Loyalty Offers Other Offers BOC is committed to taking all reasonable steps to ensure that material published on our web site is accessible to all users, including people with disabilities. Accessibility standards of our pages. All content appearing on the site has been developed to conform to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 1.0 (WCAG 1.0).   We  are working towards a minimum level of Double-A conformance to WCAG 1.0. We acknowledge that we currently use deprecated features which means that the page coding does not validate against the specified document type. However testing with users has shown that this is not detrimental to real-life accessibility. All new content on will be developed to the same standard. View the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 1.0 Difficulties with accessing content on the site? If you have difficulties accessing pages on this site please contact us and we will be happy to supply the information in an alternative form. Accessibility features Some key accessibility features are described below for those who may wish to take advantage of them. More information on making our pages easier to use by making changes to your browser, computer, keyboard and mouse settings can be found at the My Web My Way site provided by BBC. This includes information for uses of PC Windows, Apple Mac and Linux operating systems. Visit the My Web My Way site provided by the BBC Navigation We've made navigation links consistent between pages throughout the site. The site is also fully accessible using only the keyboard and can be navigated with scripting disabled. Skip navigation link A 'skip to page contents' link is provided on each page that will enable users of browsers such as screen readers to jump directly to the main content on the page, avoiding all of the standard navigation links. Images All images that provide information have appropriate alternative text such that the information is available to people who cannot see the images. Images that are provided for decoration are provided as either background images or have NULL (empty quote marks) alternative text. Site map A site map is provided to assist with navigation. Text size and style Pages are built in such a way that all pages should display correctly and legibly if you make changes to 'Text Size' within your browser's 'View' settings. Use of data tables Simple tables are used for presenting key data. The row and column headings for the data tables are identified (using TH) making their use easier for screen reader users. Layout using Cascading Style Sheets Styling and layout has been achieved using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). The site will still be usable if CSS is disabled. Disabling of CSS will result in a well structured single column page that will be styled according to the default settings of your browser. Pop-up windows Our website does not use pop-up windows unless they are appropriate. Acceptable cases, for example, are when it is important to see the browser window you've just navigated from in the background. Standards compliance We have strived to ensure our website conforms to level A compliance as specified by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). ]
  • [ Privacy policy Data Protection General terms General rental terms Legal notice Data Protection Protect your private data. Linde plc The Priestley Centre 10 Priestley Rd. Surrey Research Park Guildford GU2 7XY United Kingdom With the following data privacy notice, we would like to inform you about the processing of your personal data by Linde plc, The Priestley Centre, 10 Priestley Rd., Surrey Research Park, Guildford GU2 7XY , United Kingdom (in the following “Linde”). From time to time, it may be necessary to adapt this privacy policy as whole as well as specific parts of it to comply with the up to date legal requirements or to cover the introduction of new services. The most recent version of our data privacy notice can be found at: I. General Information regarding Data Protection in Linde 1. Controller and Data Protection Officer The controller responsible for the processing of your personal data in the sense of data protection law is Linde. Linde is a company of Linde. Linde is one of the leading gases and engineering companies in the world, with approximately 58,000 employees working in more than 100 countries worldwide. The EU Group Data Protection Officer (“EU GDPO”) of Linde and Linde is available to answer all your questions regarding data protection at Linde by e-mail or mail. You can contact the EU GDPO under the following address: Linde plc Data Protection Officer The Priestley Centre 10 Priestley Rd. Surrey Research Park Guildford GU2 7XY United Kingdom Email: 2. Your Data Privacy Rights In connection with any processing of personal data by Linde, all data subjects have the following rights pursuant to Articles 15 to 21 GDPR - within the statutory limits of the member states: • Right to information; • Right to correction; • Right of deletion; • Right to limitation of processing; • Right to data transferability; • Right of objection. Furthermore, you have the right to revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time with effect for the future. Such revocation has no effect for the past, i.e. it does not affect the effectiveness of the data processing carried out up to the revocation. If you are of the opinion that the processing of personal data by Linde is not in accordance with the data protection regulations or you are not satisfied with the information provided by us, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (see Art. 77 GDPR). 3. Transfer to Third Party Countries or International Organizations We take care not to transfer your data to recipients in countries without an adequate level of data protection (third party countries). However, in some cases, this cannot be completely avoided. Where this is the case, Linde has taken and will take appropriate measures to ensure an adequate level of data protection at the recipient at all times. 4. Storage and Retention Periods We process personal data only as long as it is necessary for the fulfilment of our contract obligations. As soon as the data concerned is no longer required for this, it is generally deleted. However, in order to comply with certain legal requirements, we must store some data beyond the termination of contractual relationships. This includes commercial and tax documentation, evidence and storage obligations. In these cases, we are generally required to safeguard or store data for three to ten years, or in rare instances, e.g. in legal disputes for up to 30 years. II. Processing of Personal Data by Linde for Core Business Purposes The Linde Group is offering customers from the industrial retail, trade, science, research and public sectors a comprehensive product and service portfolio. Our customers, suppliers and partners are as diverse as we are. To conduct our complex international business, it is necessary to process personal data. 1. Type and Origin of Personal Data processed by Linde We process personal data only to the extent necessary to fulfil our contractual and legal obligations in connection with the business relationship with our customers, suppliers and partners. “Processing” means that we collect, store, delete or transfer personal data, to list a few examples. Personal data processed by us includes: • Master and contact data of customers and suppliers, such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, function, department of our contact persons, etc. • Data we need for invoicing and payment processing, such as bank details, tax number, credit management information, etc., as far as it concerns the data of a natural person; • Supplier and customer relationship management information, such as order history, etc., as far as it concerns the data of a natural person; • Special categories of personal data relating to customers of our healthcare business, such as diagnosis and therapy related information required for treatment. We regularly receive the personal data processed by us within the framework of and in the course of our business relationship with our customers. In some cases, we also receive personal data from affiliated companies of Linde, e.g. contact data from suppliers within Linde’s supplier relationship management. In some cases, we also process personal data that we have received in another manner, in accordance with the applicable data protection laws. This is regularly the case regarding: • Publicly accessible sources, e.g. trade and business registers, trade fairs, exhibitions, Internet sources, newspapers, trade directories, etc. •Third parties who are not affiliated with Linde, e.g. trade/business associations, credit agencies, insurance companies, etc. 2. Purpose for Processing by Linde and Legal Basis We process your personal data only for permitted purposes and in accordance with the applicable legal provisions of the GDPR and relevant national data protection laws. 2.1 We process Data to fulfil our Contractual Obligations We process personal data to fulfil our contractual obligations towards our customers and suppliers or to carry out so-called pre-contractual measures, which take place upon a specific request. In these cases, the purpose of data processing is determined by the contract we have concluded with our customers or suppliers and services that are provided under this contract. This also includes, for example, the processing of personal data in the context of sending catalogues, information on our services or the preparation of specific offers. 2.2 We process Data to protect Legitimate Interests We also process personal data insofar as it is necessary to safeguard the legitimate interests of Linde or Linde companies as well as our costumers (and, if applicable, other third parties). Where this is the case, we process personal data only after due consideration of your relevant interests. This includes in detail e.g.: • The supply of Linde products and the provision of services; • Customer service and handling of complaints; • Direct mail, provided you have not objected to the processing of your personal data for these purposes • The surveillance of publicly accessible rooms in our branches with optical-electronic equipment (video surveillance) • Transfer of personal data within Linde for internal administrative purposes; 2.3 We process Data with your Consent We also process your personal data if you have given us your consent. You may revoke your consent at any time. Please note, however, that data processing up to the date of revocation remains permissible. 2.4 We process Data to fulfil Legal Obligations We are required to process certain data in order to comply with legal obligations. Such obligations may arise from certain provisions of national commercial, trade, tax and social law as well as European legislation, e.g. in connection with regulations to avoid the financing of terrorism. In detail, this may also result in obligations for Linde to safeguard, store, report and collect data, which generally serve control purposes from the respective authorities. 2.5 Information regarding Change of Purpose Should we process your personal data for any reason other than that for which we originally collected them, we will inform you of this new purpose to the extent permitted by law. 3. Recipients of your Data Personal data will only be made available to other companies of Linde if and insofar as this is necessary to protect our legal and contractual rights and obligations. This, for example, can be the case for the coordination of our contractual services. Typical examples are centralized supplier and customer management services, centralized IT services and internal shared service center in finance and accounting. We cooperate with external service providers to fulfil certain contractual obligations. This is the case, for example, in connection with specific supplier and customer management services, hosting of IT infrastructure and external shared service center in finance and accounting, payment processing (credit card, direct debiting, purchase on account), logistics and delivery, promotional activities or the transaction of online orders. As far as we involve external service providers, this always takes place within the legal limits and in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations. We only transfer personal data to other recipients outside Linde if we are legally obliged to do so. In all other cases, we will only transfer your data to other third parties if you have given us your corresponding consent. In the context of the continuous development of our business, we may divest subsidiaries or business parts or merge our business or parts thereof with another company. Such transactions typically entail the transfer of customer information pertaining to the sold or divested subsidiary or business part to the buyer or to the company created by the merger. Your personal information continues to be governed by the provisions of this privacy policy in this case. In the unlikely event of a complete sale of Linde or substantial parts thereof, your personal information will also be transferred to the buyer. 4. Obligation to provide Data In order to be able to provide our services to our customers, we must process certain personal data or are legally obliged to do so. We collect the corresponding data from you upon conclusion of the contract (e.g. address, business contact data and function). Without these data we cannot conclude contracts with our customers. 5. Automated Decision-Making and Profiling We do not use automated decision-making processes for procedures that have legal implications or a similarly significant impact on you. No decision will be made without further human review. Profiling within the meaning of Art. 4 (4) GDPR does not take place at Linde with the exception of specific applications in the homecare business to identify patients at high risk of further deterioration of their health status and potentially required intervention or re-hospitalization. III. How we use Personal Data for the purposes of our Websites The companies of Linde operate websites to provide you with information regarding the companies of Linde and their products and services. 1. Type and Origin of Personal Data processed by Linde When you visit one of the websites of Linde, we collect certain personal data from you. Personal data processed in this connection includes your name, address, phone number or email address. Personal data processed in connection with the operation of our websites is typically provided by you in the course of using our website. In some cases, however, personal data processed can also be provided by third parties who are not affiliated with Linde, such as internet service providers, marketing affiliates or software plug-ins. The following data (in particular log information and device data) is automatically processed by Linde: • The name of your Internet Service Provider (ISP) • Your IP address • Your browser type and your operating system (OS) • Date, duration and time of your visit • Visited websites • Extracted data & downloaded files • Your country • Your referrer URL • Your search term in case you were referred to our website by a search engine 2. Purpose for processing by Linde and Legal Basis We process personal data only to the extent necessary in each case. 2.1 We process Data to fulfil our Contractual Obligations We process personal data to fulfil our contractual obligations towards our customers or to carry out so-called pre-contractual measures, which take place upon a specific request. This may be the case when you register for certain services, for online orders or our supplier portal. 2.2 We process Data to protect Legitimate Interests We also process personal data insofar as it is necessary to safeguard the legitimate interests of Linde or Linde companies as well as our costumers (and, if applicable, other third parties). Where this is the case, we process personal data only after due consideration of your relevant interests. This includes in detail e.g.: • Measures to analyze pseudonymized user behavior to further improve our websites, • Measures to provide website functionalities such as user account management, shopping carts 2.3 We process Data with your Consent We also process your personal data if you have given us your consent. You may revoke your consent at any time. Please note, however, that data processing up to the date of revocation remains permissible. This includes in detail e.g.: • Newsletter registrations, • Promotions • Contact enquiries 3. Recipients of your Data 3.1 Linde Companies and Service Providers Linde shares personal information as outlined above (see Section II. 3). 3.2 Social Media Providers On some websites, Linde integrates some additional content and publications (blogs, posts, news, videos, interviews etc.) which has already been published in other social media / social networks (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter). As long as you do not click on any such content, no personal information will be transmitted to the respective social media provider. By clicking on Social Media Wall content, your IP address will be transferred to the respective social media provider and stored, processed and used there in accordance with his privacy policy. An information banner at the Social Media Wall informs you that by clicking on a specific content, you agree to such transfer of your personal information. You can find further details regarding the processing of your personal information by the social media providers here: Facebook privacy policy LinkedIn privacy policy Twitter privacy policy 3.3 Eloqua We use the Eloqua service for optimal communication with our customers. The Eloqua servers of our service provider, ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG, Riesstrasse 25, 80992 Munich, Germany. In the context of support and administration services, we cannot rule out the possibility that in individual cases, individual employees of the Oracle Corporation outside of the EU may have access to user data in the course of providing contractually obligated services. As a precautionary measure, we have ensured an adequate level of data protection from the Oracle Corporation, through sufficient guarantees as required. Eloqua will place a persistent cookie on each login page, if no Eloqua cookie is already present on your device. If you have already visited a website that uses Eloqua, then you may already have an Eloqua cookie. Eloqua cookies may be used to analyze how our sites are being used, so that we can continue to improve them. Emails that are sent using Eloqua make use of tracking technologies. We use these data primarily to find out what subjects are interesting for you, by determining whether our emails were opened and which links you clicked on. We then use this information to improve both the emails that we send to you and the services we provide, and to connect them with existing tracking or profiling information. To avoid the use of Eloqua cookies on your device in the future, you may visit the following link: If you do not want us to recognize your computer on subsequent visits (with cookies stored on the hard drive), you can also set up your browser to delete cookies, block all cookies, or warn you before a cookie is stored. If you do not accept cookies, you will not be able to use some of our services. In general, cookies allow us to determine who you are, and thus to offer you better and more personalized services. 4. Cookies We use cookies. Further information regarding the nature & purpose of cookies employed by us are contained in our cookie policy, available at: Cookie Policy. 5. Links Our websites contain links to other websites, which are subject to separate data protection notices of the respective operators of such websites. IMPORTANT NOTICE Information regarding your Right of Objection 1. Objection in particular Individual Situations You have the right to object at any time to certain types of processing of your data for reasons arising from your particular situation. This right applies to data processing in the public interest and to data processing to protect legitimate separate interests. This right also applies to profiling, insofar as it is based on these two provisions. In the event of a contradiction, we will cease processing your personal data. However, this does not apply if we can prove compelling reasons worthy of protection for the processing, that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or if the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. 2. Objection to processing for Direct Marketing purposes In individual cases we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes. This is the case, for example, if we send you information about special offers or discount promotions. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for these purposes. This right also applies to profiling insofar as it is connected to direct marketing. In the event of any objection, we will no longer process your personal data for these purposes. Your objection does not require any specific form and can be e-mailed to us at: Munich, May 2018 ]
  • [ Services Services Industrial gas services are an important part of our comprehensive offering to our customers, providing a hands-on approach to understanding and fulfilling customers’ gas-related needs. We are with you at every step, from needs assessment and gas installation consulting to on-site risk assessment and training to emergency deliveries and technical support. Application and engineering consultancy Through close cooperation with our customers our application and process experts at Linde optimize existing process... Read more → Automatic gas supply SECCURA® automatic gas supply for cylinders takes care of all activities related to the availability of gas in gas distribution system. Read more → Accura cylinder management Our online management services give you full control over your gas administration, making it easier than ever for you to manage your gas cylinders and tanks, and... Read more → Certification, analysis and risk assessment Raising safety levels by documenting gas quality. We provide risk and safety services to ensure the safe handling of gas plants. Read more → Gas trainings and education We offer standardised and customised training programs in welding, heat treatment and gas safety to raise levels of competency and educate in safe gas handling. Read more → Industrial services Answering your calls 24/7 - with a one-stop industrial maintenance and shut-down service package. Read more → Maintenance Our service maintenance offer ensure that you can rely on the functioning of your system. With our knowledge and experience of gases, as well as... Read more → Liquid gas management Liquid gas management Read more → Transportation and cryogenic delivery We want to give you the freedom to focus on your core business, rather than spending time and resources worrying about managing and handling the gas... Read more → E-learning Time- and cost-effective way to learn about gases for you and your colleagues. Read more → ]
  • [ Website Terms of Use User Terms AGA's general terms for Internet Services. Click on the thumnail to read the terms. ]
  • [ Analyses and instrumentation Laboratories, analytics, and calibration Ask for advice Downloads Order gases SPECIFY configurator Research, testing, and measurement gases for all industrial sectors Our special pure gases and gas mixtures, custom-designed gas delivery systems, and expert services improve laboratory operations. With such a wide range of analytical and instrument options, lab professionals need a reliable gas partner that can deliver an extensive range of extremely pure gases and mixtures. Linde as your partner As a leading supplier of specialty gases and specialty equipment, we can help you maximize productivity in your laboratory environment by delivering precisely the gas or gas mixture you require, and supporting you with value-added services and equipment. With our SPECIFY tool, you can customize the gas mixture that suits your needs and we will prepare it for you according to the most stringent requirements. We also offer turnkey gas center systems, and through our experts we provide the optimal solutions for process optimization, starting from training staff. Quality and traceability are key ● All our gas products undergo quality assurance and, if necessary, come with a certificate of analysis. ● Purity grades are usually written in two ways: 1. As a quality code, such as 5.5, where the number preceding the decimal point represents the number of nines and the last digit the last decimal point (5.5 = 99.9995% or 6.0 = 99.9999%). 2. Impurities as a percentage, such as >99.9995. Examples: Ethylene 2.8 means a purity level of 99.8%. Argon 6.0 means a purity level of 99.9999%. Precision is key in all our operations with HiQ HiQ represents Linde's complete range of special gas solutions and equipment, from highly purified gases and rare gases to gas mixtures, as well as our gas delivery systems, ACCURA and SECCURA gas management services, maintenance service, analytical certificates, traceability and training. ● Extremely pure gases ● Rare gases ● Gas mixtures ● Gas delivery system design and installation ● ACCURA- and SECCURA- gas management services ● Maintenance services ● Analytical certificates ● Traceability ● Training Accreditation is an important aspect of specialty gas production Many of our HiQ® specialty gas facilities are ISO 9001 certified as producers, and certain facilities are independently accredited, for example, as testing or calibration laboratories according to ISO 17025:2005 standards, and ISO Guide 34. This provides the highest level of quality assurance, and we can confidently say that the methods used for certifying accredited calibration gas mixtures are accurate, consistent, documented and validated. With our self-service solution, you can assemble mixtures of hundreds of chemical compounds. SPECIFY is a fast and user-friendly tool that provides immediate feedback on product availability, similar mixtures, and suggestions. Follow these easy steps to create a gas mixture: ● Go to ● Set the amount of components to be mixed - up to 30 components ● Select chemical components and mix them with the gas ● Select certification ● Choose packaging Wait for confirmation - the platform will indicate whether the gas mixture you want can be made. Our specialty gas team will carry out the final feasibility testing and contact you with a quote. Try the Linde SPECIFY gas mixture configurator G Buy products here ARGON 4.8 Premium cylinder   Add to cart Argon HiQ® 6.0   Add to cart Argon Instrument 5.0   Add to cart GENIE® quick connector From €40.80 each excl. VAT Add to cart Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Argon safety datasheet Ammonia safety datasheet Acetylene safety datasheet Oxygen safety datasheet Helium safety datasheet Nitrogen safety datasheet Carbon dioxide safety datasheet Methane safety datasheet Synthetic Air safety datasheet Sulphur hexafluoride Hydrogen Gases and applications ebook Deuterium datasheet Ethane datasheet Ethene datasheet Sulphur dioxide datasheet Sulphur hexadioxide datasheet Synthetic hexaflouride datasheet Xenon datasheet Helium datasheet Hydrogen chloride datasheet Hydrogen datasheet Hydrogen suplhide datasheet Krypton datasheet Methane datasheet Neon datasheet Nitric oxide datasheet Nitrogen dioxide datasheet Nitrogen datasheet Nitrous datasheet Oxygen datasheet REDLINE A28 manifold datasheet REDLINE A29 manifold datasheet REDLINE S20 manifold datasheet REDLINE S21 manifold datasheet REDLINE S23 manifold datasheet Would like to learn more or ask for advice about analysis and instrumentation? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
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  • [ Cryogenic preservation QI® Cryo – the Science of Cool Linde's cryogenic solutions provide next-generation freezers for reliable, energy-efficient, and cost-effective freezing. Ask for advice Downloads Order gases Efficiency and safety through cryogenic technology The use of cryogenic storage technology for storing biological materials has revolutionized medical research. With the introduction of liquid nitrogen freezers, the cryo-storage process has become more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective. Linde offers innovative and efficient liquid and vapor-phase freezers designed to cover a range of storage temperatures from -20°C to -190°C. Our advanced vacuum technology sets us apart from the competition. Our state-of-the-art equipment maintains consistent temperatures for optimal storage of biological materials. We are proud to offer the widest range of products in the market suitable for biological material storage. From liquid nitrogen and vapor-phase freezers to dewars and storage accessories, Linde's range has everything you need. With our extensive expertise, we can design and install turnkey systems that are efficient and cost-effective in the use of liquid nitrogen, providing you the best return on your storage investment. Advantages of the method compared to electric freezers Cryopreservation is the process of storing biological materials at very low temperatures. Mechanical freezers have traditionally been used in this process, but liquid nitrogen freezers have several advantages that make them more efficient and cost-effective than mechanical freezers. ● Liquid nitrogen freezers are reliable and bring huge savings in maintenance costs. ● When liquid nitrogen freezers are used, there is no noise or heat generated by mechanical freezers. ● The lower temperatures achievable with liquid nitrogen freezers increase safety and prolong the shelf life of samples. In the event of a power outage, liquid nitrogen maintains the desired temperature for up to two weeks. ● Each freezer is designed for optimal vacuum performance. ● The freezer's design allows for sample preservation in vapor or liquid phase. Thanks to these advantages, researchers can rely on their biological materials to be stored optimally for long-term storage and future use. Did you know? ● Nitrogen is an inert gas. It is stable - it does not form dangerous reactions with other substances. ● Liquid nitrogen (LIN) is colorless, odorless and tasteless. LIN is extremely cold, with a boiling point of -196 °C (-320 °F). ● When handling liquid nitrogen, precautions must be taken as it can cause cryogenic burns or injuries. Always use cold-insulating gloves and face shields. ● Suffocation hazard - lack of oxygen. Oxygen monitoring alarm system is required in areas where liquid nitrogen is used. Automated liquid nitrogen freezers Linde represents MVE Biological Solutions, the world's leading manufacturer of vacuum insulated products. The HeCo series -190 °C freezers are available in three sizes and offer maximum storage density of 15,600 - 94,500 biological sample vials. They are among the most efficient vapor phase freezers on the market. Features include: ● Storage of dry samples ● -190 °C top box temperature ● Efficient use of liquid nitrogen ● Safe storage time is about 2 weeks before the temperature rises from -190 °C to -130 °C after the latest fill. ● Automatic monitoring system with liquid level monitoring, temperature alarm and log Individual freezers can be equipped with a 230 liter storage tank, which is automatically supplied with liquid nitrogen. In larger cryopreservation systems, liquid nitrogen is supplied to the freezers through vacuum-insulated pipelines from an external tank. A new innovative and energy-efficient alternative to cryogenic storage at extremely low temperatures. Together with Chart Bio Medical, Linde offers a completely dry sample storage freezer. It maintains the temperature defined by the user anywhere between -50 °C and -150 °C. The MVE Variō series significantly reduces the possibility of sample contamination through contact with LN2, while also providing the safety margin and consistent temperature profile associated with LN2-based cryogenic storage, even with the cover open. The MVE Variō series is capable of delivering all of this with less than 1% power consumption and about 70% total operating cost savings compared to leading mechanical freezers. MVE1800 Vario What do customers say? "Another thing that is really important to us is the safety of storing samples. In the event of a power outage, we can keep the samples frozen for two weeks after the last liquid nitrogen refill, which would not be possible with electric freezers, from which samples usually need to be evacuated within 24 hours." Tiina Vesterinen, FIMM Sample Storage Helsinki Laboratory Coordinator HiLIFE, University of Helsinki Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Liquid nitrogen safety datasheet QI® Cryo – the Science of Cool Would you like to learn more or ask for advice about cryogenic preservation? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Email Updates AGA Shop SE Sign Up For Email Updates Sign up to receive BOC emails and you'll get the latest news and information about BOC products, services, promotions and events straight to your inbox.   ]
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  • [ Guidance to features of Linde Do you know about our new features on your account? Find the instructions and guidance to the old and new features of the Linde online shop. Know more about self-services on Linde online shop for your better experience. R Register Online June 1, 2022 If you are an existing customer, with Linde customer number, you only need to activate your online account to be able to shop and access other services. By registering, you can place your gas and equipment orders online. T Tank Management June 1, 2022 Tank management is the feature that offers following: Installation Summary: view data on installation, volume levels and rate of consumption, Submit Installation Reading: installation readings can be submitted, Delivery Request: submit readings and request... R Recurring Order June 1, 2022 Recurring Order is a functionality, where Linde webshop user can set up an order with desired frequency and a day of a week (or a month), product type and quantity and then save it. After activating it, the order with predetermined products would be placed automatically. A Additional account October 21, 2022 Choose to add another customer number using Linde's delivery note or invoice. Provide required information. Confirm the information you provided and complete the registration of an aditional customer number. D Mass document download October 21, 2022 This functionality is only available for usernames who are registered using the invoice number. User accounts that are registered with the delivery note number cannot find this function on their account L Linde App October 21, 2022 Go to the Linde app and click on "Recently ordered". Find the product you want to order. Add desired quantity. Add to cart and proceed to checkout. ]
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  • [ Welding Welding and other metalworking We support all welding techniques with a full range of welding, shielding and laser gases and blends Ask for advice Topics Order gases Downloadable files Welding and shielding gases Over 100 different welding methods from MIG and MAG welding to laser welding Welding as a joining method has been in use for centuries, and the use of industrial gases to optimize welding processes dates back to the 1940s and 1950s. Today, about 100 welding methods are used in different industries. Gas-based welding processes have since become the dominant group of welding methods. Important gas-shielded welding methods include MIG, MAG, TIG and plasma. Innovations increased in the 1980s and 1990s with laser, tandem and laser-hybrid welding. Welding is an essential process in many industries Various techniques are used for melting metals, steels, and alloys. In arc welding, which is the most common fusion-based joining method, heat produced by the arc between the electrode and the workpiece is used to melt the metal at the joint area. In all welding processes, shielding gases and process gases, with their precise compositions and purity levels, play a central role in factors affecting the quality and productivity of welding. Oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide - the key welding gases Oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide are standard gases used in today's process and manufacturing industries. However, gas mixtures are commonly used in many gas solutions or applications. With premium gases such as MISON® shielding gas, you can improve your product quality, work environment, workforce productivity, and profitability. It is important to choose the right shielding gas for any welding process. We offer a wide range of shielding gases that meet all requirements. We offer a wide range of shielding gases that meet all requirements. Acetylene + For gas welding, gas cutting, brazing, and other flame processes. Buy here → Acetylene EVOS® + For gas welding, gas cutting, brazing, and other flame processes. Gas cylinder with integrated regulator. Buy here → Argon + ​ For TIG and plasma welding and root shielding, as well as applications that require an inert atmosphere. Buy here → Carbon dioxide + ​ For MAG welding (best suited for so-called short arc welding). Buy here → CORGON® 18 + ​ 82% Ar + 18% CO2 - Shielding gas (short arc and spray arc) for unalloyed and low-alloyed steel MAG welding. - Also suitable for cored wire electrodes. - Does not protect the welder's work environment like MISON 18. Buy here → CORGON® 8 + ​ 92% Ar + 8% CO2 - Shielding gas for unalloyed and low-alloyed steel MAG welding with spray arc. - Does not protect the welder's work environment like MISON 8. Buy here → CORGON® 25 + ​ 75% Ar + 25% CO2 - For MAG welding of unalloyed and low-alloyed steel. - Suitable for short arc MAG welding. - Does not protect the welder's work environment like MISON 25. Buy here → CORGON® 3+ ​ 90% Ar + 5% O2 + 5% CO2 - For MAG welding of unalloyed and low-alloyed steel (spray arc). Buy here → CRONIGON® He + ​ 69% Ar + 30% He + 1% O2 - For MAG welding of stainless steel. Buy here → CRONIGON® S2 + ​ 98% Ar + 2% O2 - For MAG welding of stainless steel. Buy here → FORMIER®10 + ​ 90% N2 + 10% H2 - Reducing root shielding gas for TIG and MIG/MAG welding of stainless steel pipes. Buy here → Laser oxygen + ​ Special pure oxygen for gas welding, gas cutting, brazing, and other flame processes. Buy here → MISON® 18 + ​ 82% Ar + 18% CO2 with 0.03% NO - Environmentally friendly (ozone reducing) shielding gas (spray arc) for unalloyed and low-alloyed steel MAG welding. - Also suitable for cored wire electrodes. Buy here → MISON® 18 EVOS + ​ 82% Ar + 18% CO2 with 0.03% NO - Environmentally friendly (ozone reducing) shielding gas (short arc and spray arc) for unalloyed and low-alloyed steel MAG welding. - Also suitable for cored wire electrodes - Gas cylinder with integrated regulator Buy here → MISON® 2 + ​ 98% Ar + 2% CO2 with 0.03% NO - Environmentally friendly (ozone reducing) shielding gas for MAG welding of stainless steel. Buy here → Laser oxygen + ​ Special-purity oxygen for gas welding, gas cutting, brazing and other combustion gas processes. Buy here → MISON® 25 + ​ 75% Ar + 25% CO2 with 0.03% NO - Protective gas improving the working environment (reducing ozone) for unalloyed and low-alloyed steel MAG welding (suitable for short arc welding). Buy here → MISON® 2He + ​ 68% Ar + 30% He + 2% CO2 with 0.03% NO - Protective gas improving the working environment (reducing ozone) for stainless steel MAG welding. Buy here → MISON® 8 + ​ 92% Ar + 8% CO2 with 0.03% NO - Protective gas improving the working environment (reducing ozone) for unalloyed and low-alloyed steel MAG welding (spray arc). Buy here → MISON® Ar + ​ Argon with 0.03% NO Protective gas improving the working environment (reducing ozone) for TIG welding. Buy here → MISON® Ar GENIE + ​ Argon with 0.03% NO - Protective gas improving the working environment (reducing ozone) for TIG welding. - Lightweight gas cylinder with digital display and filling pressure of 300 bars Buy here → MISON® H2 + ​ 98% Ar + 2% H2 with 0.03% NO - Protective gas improving the working environment (reducing ozone) for TIG welding. Buy here → Nitrogen + ​ For plasma and laser cutting, root shielding for TIG welding, and applications requiring a reaction-inert (mostly inert) atmosphere. Buy here → ODOROX® + ​ Oxygen with fragrance for gas welding, gas cutting, and brazing. Buy here → Technical air + ​ 79% N2 + 21% O2. For applications requiring clean and dry air. Buy here → VARIGON® H35+ ​ 65% Ar + 35% H2 - For plasma cutting of stainless steel. Buy here → VARIGON® H5 + ​ 95% Ar + 5% H2 - For TIG and plasma welding of austenitic stainless steel. Buy here → VARIGON® He70 + ​ 30% Ar + 70% He - For TIG and MIG welding of certain stainless steels, aluminum and copper alloys with greater material thickness, and plasma welding of aluminum and copper. Buy here → VARIGON® H7 + ​ 93% Ar + 7% H2 - For TIG and plasma welding of austenitic stainless steel. Buy here → VARIGON® He50 + ​ 50% Ar + 50% He - For TIG and MIG welding of certain stainless steels, aluminum and copper alloys. Buy here → Welding-related topics Gas welding - one of the most important processes in metalworking The great advantage of acetylene is its reducing effect, which is easy to adjust and control. Acetylene welding is characterized by good gap bridging ability. Little or no preparation of the joint is needed. For example, in pipeline construction where other welding methods are usually not an option or are not economical, the oxygen-acetylene flame is the welder's reliable and true friend. The combustion of acetylene with oxygen produces a sharply pointed flame cone. Advanced welding processes - lower production costs and better productivity We have developed the RAPID PROCESSING® concept for high productivity MAG welding, which creates better productivity due to higher welding speed and/or higher deposition rate. It also reduces spatter and the amount of welding surface slag, improves lateral penetration and levels welding reinforcements. The technology is particularly suitable for welding unalloyed and low-alloyed steel over 1 mm thickness, and it can also be used for stainless steel. Non-standard welding parameters are used in combination with argon-rich MISON® shielding gas for best results, which increases productivity and improves the working environment. Plasma welding - many advantages in welding metals Plasma arc technology is similar to TIG welding, where an arc burns between the tungsten electrode and the workpiece. The main difference is that in plasma welding, the arc is forced through a water-cooled nozzle in the form of a restrictor. The greatest benefit of plasma welding is seen in 2-8 mm sheets using "keyhole" technology, where a strong plasma arc melts a hole through the sheet. As the torch moves forward, the material also melts in front of the hole. The pressure of the arc forces this material to the back of the hole, where it merges due to surface tension and solidifies. This produces a homogeneous weld and achieves a complete full weld. Depending on the gas used, shielding gas can have a significant effect on arc energy. Usually, the shielding and plasma gases are the same. Root shield gas protects the molten welding pool and the heat-affected area on the root side of the weld. TIG welding - a quality method with little slag and no spatter TIG welding method is most commonly used for welding thin materials (~ 0.3-3 mm). The heat source is an arc that is created between the workpiece and the tungsten electrode. The pool and electrode are shielded by inert gas which flows from the gas cup where the electrode is centrally located. The shielding gas protects the electrode, welding pool, and heated material from harmful effects and also affects the arc's characteristics (e.g. energy) and the appearance of the weld as well as productivity and the work environment. The shielding gas mostly used is inert gas, such as argon, helium, or a mixture of these two. Sometimes, small amounts of hydrogen and/or nitrogen are added. The welder also needs protection from toxic gases and welding fumes. MISON® shielding gases protect both the welder and the weld by reducing harmful ozone emissions. MIG brazing - commonly used in automotive industry and repair The method is very similar to MIG/MAG welding. The main difference is the melting point of the filler material, as the base material does not melt in MIG brazing. The heat input in MIG brazing is much lower than in MIG/MAG welding, making the method particularly suitable for welding zinc-coated sheets, for example, in the automotive industry. Argon is often used. Small amounts of carbon dioxide and air can be added to improve productivity and properties. MIG-MAG welding - high productivity and easy mechanization MIG (metal inert gas) and MAG (metal active gas) welding processes are widely used in Western Europe, the United States, and Japan due to their high productivity and easy mechanization. In MIG/MAG welding, filler materials in the form of solid wire or tubular cored electrodes are continuously melted in the welding arc produced by the welding power source. The arc and molten welding pool are shielded by shielding gases that are either inert (such as argon, helium) or active (such as argon/carbon dioxide, argon/oxygen) and optimize the welding process and finished product properties. We offer MISON® shielding gases for optimal welding applications and emphasize safety measures for welders, including good ventilation and protection from ozone emissions. We also provide safety instructions for working with extreme heat and shielding gases. Laser welding - commonly used for small parts welding Carbon dioxide and Nd:YAG lasers are becoming increasingly common in industrial production. High-power carbon dioxide lasers (2-12 kW) are used for welding automotive components, powertrain parts, heat exchangers, and customized plates. Low-power Nd:YAG lasers (100-500 W) are used for welding small components, such as medical equipment and electronic housings. High-power Nd:YAG lasers (kW ranges) are often used for robotic fiber optic alignment and welding car body parts. The laser beam is focused on a focal point that melts and vaporizes materials. High-power carbon dioxide lasers use water-cooled mirrors for focusing. There are two welding methods: fusion for narrow seams and high-power penetrating welding for narrow, deep penetrating seams. Welding gases protect the welding pool, optics, and control plasma formation. Our LASERLINE® gases provide optimal solutions for all processes. Soldering Soldering is the process of adding solder capillarily between surfaces to be joined. Soldering is suitable for welding copper and copper alloys, zinc, steel-aluminum, and aluminum alloys. Soldering is used, for example, in the manufacture of bathroom furnishings for soldering copper pipes and for attaching hard metals to saw blades and drill bits. Soldering produces high-quality joints with good surface finish. Soldering does not require as high a temperature for use as welding, which means that deformations cause fewer problems. Flame heating Flame heating refers to local heat softening of the material to be worked, e.g., bending pipes, flanging distribution boxes, peeling bottoms of vessels, or pre- and post-heating in welding and cutting. There is a direct correlation between flow rate and flame propagation rate. The faster the flame propagation rate, the greater the flow rate that can be set. The more gas that burns, the higher the concentration of released heat. Chiseling Chiseling is used for joint preparation and removal of defective welds. It is similar to gas cutting. The oxygen gas flame heats the workpiece to its ignition temperature, and the cutting oxygen jet burns and carries away molten metal. In gas cutting, the cutting oxygen beam is directed perpendicular to the workpiece, while in gouging, the cutting oxygen beam is nearly parallel to the surface of the workpiece. Oxygen-gas flames can also be used in flame cleaning to remove rust, mill scale, paint, grease, and dust from surfaces. Different cutting gases are used for grinding and flame cleaning. Using ODOROX® (odored oxygen) minimizes the risk of fire and explosion associated with cutting gases. The odor warns of gas leaks in advance. Thermal spraying In thermal spraying, the additive material, which can be in the form of powder, wire, or rods, is heated to its melting temperature or practically melted. The heated material is finely distributed and sprayed onto the surface of the piece (substrate) using a gas stream, where it adheres and solidifies. The sprayed surface can be used as is or machined to the correct dimensions. Often, the surface of a part limits its service life because it is subject to wear, corrosion, and/or high temperatures. Flame spraying with the right additive can improve the surface's corrosion, wear, and high-temperature resistance. You can create surfaces with high or low friction or change the surface conductivity. Flame straightening Welding and cutting cause stresses in the material that can lead to unwanted distortions. If these distortions cannot be accepted, the piece must be straightened. Flame straightening is often a suitable method, and it involves heating the structure or piece quickly and locally. As the material cools, it contracts, which corrects the distortion. The method is suitable for steel, nickel, copper, brass, aluminum, and titanium. Although different cutting gases can be used for heating, acetylene is the best choice because it produces the hottest and most concentrated flame and fastest heating. Using ODOROX® (odored oxygen) minimizes the risk of fire and explosion associated with cutting gases. Flame brushing Flame brushing with acetylene is always used when clean metal sheet surfaces are required for further treatments. Flame brushed surfaces ensure excellent adhesion of paints and coatings, enhancing corrosion resistance. Flame brushing methods are also used for thermal treatments of concrete and natural stone surfaces. Old paints and coatings, oil contamination, and worn rubber can also be removed environmentally friendly. Thus, the exposed concrete provides optimal adhesion for synthetic resin coatings. Gas welding Advanced welding processes Plasma welding TIG welding MIG brazing MIG-MAG welding Laser welding Soldering Flame heating Chiseling Thermal spraying Flame straightening Flame brushing Gas welding - one of the most important metalworking processes One of the greatest advantages of acetylene is its reducing effect on the welding flame, which is easy to adjust and control. Acetylene welding has a great ability to bridge gaps and little or no joint preparation is required. For example, in pipe construction, where other welding methods are usually not suitable or not cost-effective, the oxygen-acetylene flame is a reliable and true friend of the welder. The combustion of acetylene with oxygen is characterized by a sharply defined flame cone. Shielding Gas Guide Select the right shielding gas for your process Do you know which shielding gases are best suited for your welding methods and materials? Now you can find out quickly and easily. Our shielding gas guide helps you choose the right shielding gas for your welding process, from MIG/MAG welding to TIG welding. Try Shielding Gas Guide → What our customers say? “Ozone is not good for human metabolism, it is bad for the respiratory system, it hurts you. It’s also a personal dilemma. When you meet people, you don’t want them to get sick, because you care. It’s my friends and my colleagues” Abraham Bergman Workshop Manager, SITAB G Buy products here MISON® 8 cylinder   Add to cart Argon cylinder   Add to cart Oxygen Cylinder   Add to cart Breathing oxygen Aviator   Add to cart Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Argon Oxygen Carbon dioxide Aluminium welding brochure Laser cutting advice LASRLINE laser gas solutions MISON shielding gas brochure Shielding gases overview Shielding gases for carbon and low alloy steels Shielding gases for stainless steel Cutting and welding catalogue (2028) Customer case: Ozone is a health risk gas metal arc welding Customer case: SITAB invests in safer working Would you like to learn more or ask for advice about welding processes? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Orders Getting Started FAQs Getting Started Questions About Getting Started Do I need to have a Linde account to purchase online? How do I register for the Linde Shop and My Account access? How do I purchase gas online? What format should my password be? How do I change my VAT display preferences? Questions About Opening A New Account How do I open an account with Linde as an existing customer? How do I open an account with Linde as a new customer? 1. Do I need to have a Linde account to purchase online? If you are a new Linde customer you will need to register for a Linde account, or if you are an existing customer you simply need to activate your online account to be able to purchase. By registering you will be able to place your gas and equipment orders online. You will also be able to view your cylinder holdings, invoices and orders.If you are a new Linde customer you will need to register for an new Linde account, customer number, and you will get immediate access to the Linde online shop. 2. How do I register for the Linde online shop and My Account access? To register for the Linde online shop , please click on the Sign in/Register link on the home page of the shop.If you are already a Linde Customer, you will need a recent paper copy of a delivery note or invoice number to make your registration. If you are not currently an Linde customer, you will need to complete the online account opening section to set up an online account. 3. How do I purchase gas online? To purchase gas online, you must have an online account as this is not possible through Guest Checkout. For existing Linde account customers, you can register for the Linde Shop. If you are a new customer you will need to set up an online account. 4. What format should my password be? Passwords need to be at least 8 characters and must follow these rules: • Your password is case sensitive • You should include at least 1 letter and number • Minimum of 3 consecutive letters or numbers • Your password cannot be the same as your username • Your password cannot have been used previously • Your password will not expire however is managed by you through your account profile 5. How do I change my VAT display preferences? The Linde online shop can display prices either including or excluding VAT depending on your preference. To change the VAT setting you can click the VAT inc. / excl. toggle at the top right hand corner of the web page. Questions About Opening A New Account 1. How do I open an account with Linde as an existing customer? a) Go to Linde Webshop online and if you are looking to register as a new user click “Sign in/Register” to register. b) Then click “Register” for “New User” c) Select “Register existing customer” Select “AGA Delivery Note” or “AGA Invoice” e) Fill in all the mandatory fields to find your account and click “Find My Account” e) f) Fill in and check all personal details and click “Open Linde Trading Account” Questions About Opening A New Account 2. How do I open an account with Linde as a new customer? a) Go to Linde Webshop online and if you are looking to register as a new user click “Sign in/Register” to register. b) Then click “Register” for “New User” c) Select “New to AGA” and click “Open new Linde Account” d) Select account type “Individual/Business” e) Fill in all the mandatory fields for Personal Details and click “Open Linde Trading Account” e) f) You get immediate access to your account and can place order. My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payment & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Telephone Numbers Store Finder FAQs Getting Started My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payment & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Contact Telephone Numbers Store Finder Questions About Getting Started Do I need to have a Linde account to purchase online? How do I register for the Linde Shop and My Account access? How do I purchase gas online? What format should my password be? How do I change my VAT display preferences? Questions About Opening A New Account How do I open an account with Linde as an existing customer? How do I open an account with Linde as a new customer? 1. Do I need to have a Linde account to purchase online? If you are a new Linde customer you will need to register for a Linde account, or if you are an existing customer you simply need to activate your online account to be able to purchase. By registering you will be able to place your gas and equipment orders online. You will also be able to view your cylinder holdings, invoices and orders. If you are a new Linde customer you will need to register for an new Linde account, customer number, and you will get immediate access to the Linde online shop. 2. How do I register for the Linde Shop and My Account access? To register for the Linde online shop , please click on the "Sign in/Register" link on the home page of the shop.If you are already a Linde Customer, you will need a recent paper copy of a delivery note or invoice number to make your registration. If you are not currently an Linde customer, you will need to complete the online account opening section to set up an online account. 3. How do I purchase gas online? To purchase gas online, you must have an online account. For existing Linde account customers, you can register for the Linde online shop. If you are a new customer you will need to set up an online account. 4. What format should my password be? Passwords need to be at least 8 characters and must follow these rules: • Your password is case sensitive • You should include at least 1 letter and number • Minimum of 3 consecutive letters or numbers • Your password cannot be the same as your username • Your password cannot have been used previously • Your password will not expire however is managed by you through your account profile 5. How do I change my VAT display preferences? The Linde online shop can display prices either including or excluding VAT depending on your preference. To change the VAT setting you can click the VAT inc. / excl. toggle at the top right hand corner of the web page. Questions About Opening A New Account 1. How do I open an account with Linde as an existing customer? a) Go to Linde Webshop online and if you are looking to register as a new user click “Sign in/Register” to register. b) Then click “Register” for “New User” c) Select “Register existing customer” d) Select “Linde Delivery Note” or “Linde Invoice” e) Fill in all the mandatory fields to find your account and click “Find My Account” f) Fill in and check all personal details and click “Complete Registration” 2. How do I open an account with Linde as a new customer? a) Go to Linde Webshop online and if you are looking to register as a new user click “Sign in/Register” to register. b) Then click “Register” for “New User” c) Select “New to Linde” and click “Open new Linde Account” d) Select account type “Individual/Business” e) Fill in all the mandatory fields for Personal Details and click “Open Linde Trading Account” f) You get immediate access to your account and can place order. ]
  • [ Returns & Refunds Questions about returns & refunds FAQs Getting Started My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payments & Charges Returns & Refunds Questions about returns & refunds How do I return an order? What is your refund policy? I have received an incorrect product in my order, what should I do? How can I return faulty items/cylinders? 1. How do I return an order? To return an order contact Customer Services by calling 019 27 61 05 and they will be able to advise you further. 2. What is your refund policy? The buyer may claim that delivered gas or dry ice is wrong, only if he has announced this to Linde without delay after he or she has noticed or should have noticed the defect. The complaint must contain a description of how the defect is expressed. If the buyer not claim refund within one (1) year of delivery, he loses the right to claim refund due to the defect. If the buyer claim refund and there is no defect that Linde Gas AB is responsible for, Linde is entitled to compensation for the work and the costs that the complaint caused Linde Gas AB. 3. I have received an incorrect product in my order, what should I do? Contact Customer Service on 019-27 61 05 and have your order reference number to hand. 4. How can I return faulty items/cylinders? Contact Customer Service on 019-27 61 05 and have your order reference number to hand. Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Telephone numbers Store Finder FAQs Getting Started My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payments Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Contact telephone numbers Questions about Returns & Refunds How do I return an order? What is your refund policy? I have received an incorrect product in my order, what should I do? How can I return faulty items/cylinders? 1. How do I return an order? To return an order contact Customer Services by calling 019 27 61 05 and they will be able to advise you further. 2. What is your refund policy? The buyer may claim that delivered gas or dry ice is wrong, only if he has announced this to Linde without delay after he or she has noticed or should have noticed the defect. The complaint must contain a description of how the defect is expressed. If the buyer not claim refund within one (1) year of delivery, he loses the right to claim refund due to the defect. If the buyer claim refund and there is no defect that Linde Gas AB is responsible for, Linde is entitled to compensation for the work and the costs that the complaint caused Linde Gas AB. 3. I have received an incorrect product in my order, what should I do? Contact Customer Service on 019-27 61 05 and have your order reference number to hand. 4. How can I return faulty items/cylinders? Contact Customer Service on 019-27 61 05 and have your order reference number to hand. ]
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  • [ Cookie-policy Lindes cookie-policy This Cookie Policy applies for the website of the Linde company referred to in the Imprint. EU legislation requires all website operators to inform website visitors about their usage of cookies and similar technologies, e.g. pixels, (hereinafter “cookies”) and to collect the user’s consent to such cookie usage. Cookie Consent If you visit our websites for the first time, you will see our Cookie Banner and, when you click on Cookies Settings, our Privacy Preference Center. Here you can execute choice and control over the cookies we drop on your device. What are cookies? Cookies are small text files which are sent to your device (computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet) by the website you visit. Cookies are stored on your device in your browser’s file directory. Your browser sends these cookies back to the website each time you revisit it so it can recognize your device and improve your user experience on each subsequent visit. Cookies allow us e.g. to tailor a website to better match your interests or to store your password so that you do not need to re-enter it every time. Please note that certain functions of our website may no longer work or work not correctly without cookies. Categories of cookies Depending on their function and their intended purpose, cookies can be assigned to the following categories: strictly necessary cookies, performance cookies, functional cookies and targeting cookies. Strictly necessary cookies Strictly necessary cookies are required to navigate our websites and operate basic website functions. Examples for strictly necessary cookies are login cookies, shopping cart cookies or cookies to remember your cookie settings. Without these cookies certain basic functionalities cannot be offered. Strictly necessary cookies are always active and will be placed without your consent. To the extent that information processed in connection with strictly necessary cookies should qualify as personal data, the legal ground for that processing is Linde’s legitimate interest to operate the website (Art. 6 (1) lit. (f) GDPR). Performance cookies Performance cookies – aka analytics cookies - collect information on your usage of our websites. They identify e.g. your internet browser, operating system, visited websites, duration and number of website visits, previously visited website, most commonly visited websites and errors you experienced. The information collected is aggregated and anonymous. It does not allow a personal identification. It only serves the purpose of evaluating and enhancing the user experience of our websites. To the extent that information processed in connection with performance cookies should qualify as personal data, the legal ground for that processing is your consent (Art. 6 (1) lit. (a) GDPR). Functional cookies Functional cookies enable a website to store information and options you have already previously entered (e.g. username, language settings, layout settings, contact preferences or your location) in order to offer you improved personalized functions. They are also used to enable requested functions, like playing videos. To the extent that information processed in connection with functional cookies should qualify as personal data, the legal ground for that processing is your consent (Art. 6 (1) lit. (a) GDPR). Targeting cookies Targeting cookies – aka cookies for marketing purposes - are used to offer more relevant and interest-specific content to you, to limit the display frequency of ads and to measure the efficiency of an advertising campaign. They register if you have visited a promoted website or not, and which content you used. Such information may be shared with third parties, e.g. advertisers. Legal basis for the processing of personal data in connection with targeting cookies (if any) is your consent (Art. 6 (1) lit. (a) GDPR). Cookies we use on our website You may find further detailed information on cookies utilized by us in our Privacy Preference Center. Here, you can also provide or revoke your consent and/or change your cookie settings at any time. Updates This Cookie Policy is updated from time to time. May 2020 ]
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  • [ Heat treatment Heat treatment Achieving best results with solutions for furnace atmosphere gas supply, generation, control and stirring as well as for sub-zero treatment. Ask for advice Areas Downloads Buy here A method used to alter the physical, and sometimes chemical, properties of a material. Heat treatment involves the use of heating or chilling, normally to extreme temperatures, to achieve a desired result such as hardening or softening of a material. We offer: ● Advanced and safe atmosphere control solutions ● Process optimization and process maintenance services ● Consultancy for process improvements and implementing new products and processes Heat treatment areas Annealing In annealing nitrogen or hydrogen based atmospheres are required to achieve bright surface finish. We have developed technologies to optimise atmosphere costs, ensure atmosphere uniformity and thus maximise part quality. Furnace brazing Furnace brazing requires atmospheres to facilitate excellent braze joints and better surface quality in mass production. Our technologies enable companies to control and optimise furnace conditions to achieve higher productivity and increased quality. Carburising and carbonitriding In thermo-chemical processes precise carbon potential control is essential to achieve the desired specifications. Our systems provide leading atmosphere supply and control functionality for furnaces to address these demanding conditions. Neutral hardening Neutral hardening is the most common method to harden metals through heating and quenching. We offer gases and technologies to avoid oxidation and decarburisation in the most cost-effective way possible. Nitriding and nitrocarburising Nitriding and nitrocarburising can help you increase surface wear resistance. This requires a safe and reliable supply of ammonia in order to achieve excellent process results. In addition to supplying the gases, we also provide you with leading process know-how. Powder-metal-sintering Powder metal sintering requires specific gas atmospheres in order to assist de-lubrication and to avoid decarburisation. In addition to supplying the required gases we offer leading technologies to control the carbon potential and the uniformity of the sintered parts. Sub-zero treatment Sub-zero treatments using liquid nitrogen help to improve mechanical properties such as hardness and wear resistance. In addition, we also offer cryogenic cooling equipment in various standard and tailored sizes to improve efficiency and lower heat loss. Hot isostatic pressing Atmosphere control is a key success factor in hot isostatic pressing (HIP). We have the experience, engineering capabilities and product portfolio to design and deliver the optimum, customised inerting system with optional argon reuse for maximum cost efficiencies. Annealing Furnace brazing Carburising and carbonitriding Neutral hardening Nitriding and nitrocarburising Powder metal sintering Sub-zero treatment with CRYOFLEX® Hot isostatic pressing Annealing In annealing nitrogen or hydrogen based atmospheres are required to achieve bright surface finish. We have developed technologies to optimise atmosphere costs, ensure atmosphere uniformity and thus maximise part quality. Read more → G Osta tuotteita täältä Argon cylinder   Add to cart Argon NEMO® PLUS   Add to cart Argon HiQ® 6.0   Add to cart Nitrogen cylinder   Add to cart What do customers say? “We knew from experience that Linde’s CARBOFLEX solution was the most sophisticated technology available and best equipped to give us the granular control over the gases that we needed to meet our customers’ demanding quality requirements.” Thomas Mende, Director Corporate Purchasing and Logistics at Mannesmann Precision Tubes Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Argon safety datasheet Carbon dioxide safety datasheet Helium safety datasheet Hydrogen safety datasheet Nitrogen safety datasheet Oxygen safety datasheet Heat treatment brochure Brazing of metals brochure CARBOFLEX case study Mannesmann CARBOFLEX Nitrogen datasheet CARBOJET datasheet CRYOFLEX freezer datasheet Sintering of steels brochure Gas carburising brochure Neutral hardening & annealing brochure Would you like to learn more or ask for advice about Heat treatment processes? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Linde-app Get your gas ordered and delivered just in few clicks To get the app, scan this code with your phone How? Just choose the country and get direct access to all the services and products for free: invoices cylinder holdings manage orders certificates and many more... Download now ]
  • [ Privacy Policy AGA Shop SE Data Protection Principles Thank you for visiting AGA’s website and for your interest in our company and our products. We take the protection of your private data seriously and rely on mutual collaboration. The protection of your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore, you can rest assured that we comply with statutory provisions for data protection. Our employees are obligated to treat all information confidentially and they receive regular training in the areas of data protection and data security. In the sections below, we would like to briefly explain how we protect your data and what it means for you when you make use of our online contribution. Access data When our internet pages are called up, AGA receives access data that is stored for protective purposes and aids in identification. This data includes: – the name of your Internet service provider; – the country from which you are accessing the site; – the website that has directed you to our online presence; - the search term you use, if you come to our site via a search engine; – AGA website that you visit; – the user tool (web browser, operating system) you use to access our website; – files that you download from our website (e.g. PDF or Word documents); – the duration of your visit; and – the date and the time of your visit This data is analyzed so that we can familiarize ourselves with and evaluate user behavior. We do not avail ourselves of personal data in the process. Personal data Personal data is information that is used explicitly to determine your identity. It includes information such as your name and your postal or e-mail address. The only time we will save personal data along with your access data is if you give us this information voluntarily, e.g. in connection with registration, a survey, a prize draw a contact inquiry, registration for a newsletter or to process an online order. Moreover, personal data is used only to the extent necessary and only for the legally permissible purpose for which you gave your consent. To ensure the secure transmission of your data, encryption procedures are employed in secure areas. This means that communication between your browser and our order system, for instance, cannot be read by others on the Internet. All data is stored exclusively on specially protected servers of The Linde Group in Germany. Passing on personal data to third parties – when processing order-related data, such as for online orders; and – in individual cases, provided you have given your prior consent. Additional information – such as voluntary statements about your primary areas of interest – is not passed on to third parties. Personal data is conveyed to state institutions and authorities only within the scope of statutory or judicial obligations. Power of revocation If you request in writing that AGA or the representative responsible for you amend, cease from using or delete your personal data, we shall do so immediately. If you are registered as a user, we also offer you the opportunity to view the data for yourself and delete or change it as necessary. Cookies Cookies are small text files that are used by many websites throughout the world. Cookies are created during your visit to our website and are placed on your hard disk by our server. Our cookies contain no information about specific individuals. Moreover, cookies placed by our servers can only be read again by us and not by any external website. Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. If you do not wish to enjoy the advantages of cookies, you can deactivate this function in your browser. You can also view our website without cookies. However, this may restrict the use of some features. Other active content (e.g. Javascript, ActiveX) Javascript, ActiveX and other website control elements and script languages that contain executing elements can be deactivated at any time for security reasons using your browser. Our Internet sites can still be navigated without Javascript. Links AGA websites can contain links to other websites. While we make every effort to check these direct links, AGA is not responsible for the content of the websites to which we link; nor is AGA responsible for the content of websites that link to our website. Restrictions AGA reserves the right to alter these guidelines for data protection at any time in compliance with the stipulations of data protection law. > ]
  • [ Contact Would you like to get in touch with us? We are here to help you with questions about our products, services, supply modes, delivery, conditions or other gas-related topics. Our customer service is available on weekdays, but via our customer portal self-service you can already do a lot yourself independently from the opening hours. Find your nearest agent Make an enquiry If you have questions about your customer data, invoicing or payments, rent conditions, delivery or prices, contract or authorisations Contact customer service Buy gases Get instant access to ordering gases and equipment, see your cylinder balance, download invoices or get an overview about your rent certificates. Visit customer portal Contact expert If you need more advice about our gas related solutions and applications, ask advice from our experts. Ask for advice Emergency contact NOTE! Since the use of gases involves a number of safety risks, the instructions for their use must be followed. Nevertheless, not all accidents can be foreseen and prevented. In the event of a gas-related accident you should immediately take precautions and contact the Rescue Department on 112. If necessary, please also contact Linde on 010 242 9000 on weekdays. Agreements and conditions → Yleiset toimitusehdot (FI) → Yleiset vuokraehdot (FI) → Linde Asiakastietojen muutos (FI) → Linde Tilihakemus Sopimus (FI) Legal contacts Oy Linde Gas Ab Itsehallintokuja 6 02600 Espoo Phone: Email: Email: Oy Linde Gas Ab billing address: Oy Linde Gas Ab PO Box 212 Mitcheldean GL17 0UG United Kingdom Y-tunnus 0100346-5 ]
  • [ Freezing and cooling food Freezing and cooling food Cryogenic solutions are widely used in the food industry. LIN and CO2 are gentle, effective ways of quickly lowering the temperature of food products to facilitate processing or preserve quality. Ask for advice All CRYOLINE® freezers Downloads Linde Food Test Center Did you know? ● Nitrogen and carbon dioxide are inert gases, which also eliminates the risk of fire or explosion. ● Liquid nitrogen (LIN) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are extremely effective cooling agents due to the low boiling point of LIN (–196 °C) and the low sublimation point of CO2 (–78.5 °C). ● At –79 °C liquid carbon dioxide converts to solid, which is also known as dry ice, also known as dry ice. It is a flexible, easy-to-use cooling meedium. Learn more about our dry ice products Effective bacterial control and high-quality preservation through cryogenic freezing In the food industry, controlling bacterial activity is a major challenge. Chilling and freezing are effective weapons, which slow down bacterial growth by lowering temperatures and reducing the water activity. Rapidly chilling food products reduces the risk of bacterial growth even further. Cryogenic freezing maintains food quality by creating small, evenly distributed ice crystals. Quick-freezing at cryogenic temperatures is the perfect way to guarantee that small crystals are produced uniformly both inside and outside the product's cells. As a global leader in advanced food chilling and freezing technologies, we offer a full range of cryogenic freezers for in-line freezing and cooling. Our cryogenic solutions use carbon dioxide and nitrogen gases to lower product temperatures quickly, providing an effective and low-noise way of maintaining the precise temperature of chilled or frozen food products. CRYOLINE® food freezers for maximum freezing performance We offer a wide range of CRYOLINE freezers for food chilling, which meets the modern requirements for the industry. See more about the freezer types in the product datasheets under download at the bottom of this page. Benefits of Linde cryogenic freezers: ✓ Fast in-line freezing and cooling, thus preserving flavour ✓ Higher quality of the frozen product compared with slower methods ✓ Reduced drip loss on defrosting ✓ Less dehydration resulting in a higher yield ✓ Lower space requirements ✓ Different types of freezers available to suit the requirements of different foodstuffs. CRYOLINE pellet/moulded-shape freezer is the only cryogenic freezer designed to produce formed food shapes CRYOLINE® food freezers CRYOLINE® CF The CRYOLINE® CF is a cryogenic food cabinet freezer, suitable for small batch operations where food trolleys are manually loaded. It provides great flexibility for a variety of food products as well as short and long retention times. The freezer is available in several models and sizes and can operate with liquid nitrogen (LIN) or carbon dioxide (LIC). CRYOLINE® CS The CRYOLINE® CS is a cryogenic self-stacking spiral freezer. Providing a high production capacity within a small space, it is suitable for a wide range of food products. The CRYOLINE CS is targeted at medium volume customers with typical achievable production rates of 1,200–2,400 kg/h (2,600–5,300 lb/h)*. CRYOLINE® CW Easily switching between IQF (individually quick frozen) mode and standard flat belt tunnel freezer, the CRYOLINE® CW is a versatile multi-purpose  cryogenic freezer. It utilises the CRYOWAVE controllable vibration technology that provides adjustable agitation for optimum IQF foods, while also providing the ability to perform as a standard tunnel for many other food types of differing shapes and sizes. The freezer is available in various models and belt widths with typical achievable production rates of 500–2,700 kg/h (1,100–6,000 lb/h)*. CRYOLINE® MT The CRYOLINE® MT is an in-line continuous tunnel freezer, which uses either liquid nitrogen (LIN) or carbon dioxide (LIC), depending on your food product and production needs. It is modular in design, enabling you to expand production by adding additional tunnels for a longer freezing production line. It is available in several models and belt widths with production rates of 200–2,500 kg/h (440–5,500 lb/h)*. CRYOLINE® PE This is the only cryogenic freezer designed to produce formed food shapes. Processors interested in portion control of frozen ingredients for sauces, purees, soups and other liquid food products can achieve weight proportioning and unique logo imprints. The CRYOLINE® PE is perfectly suited for processors servicing the food service and ready meals industries as well as consumer markets. CRYOLINE® SC For products which are difficult to handle, the CRYOLINE® SC in-line tunnel freezer uses a patented disposable foil belt. The unit can easily freeze or cool liquid and/or marinated products, or alternatively harden soft products (e. g. fillets of fish or chicken) prior to final freezing. Because the belt is disposable, it is possible to change products during the production cycle without having to clean the belt. Another advantage over mesh belts is that the foil is smooth, which is perfect for processing soft foodstuffs as it ensures no belt marks. CRYOLINE® SI The CRYOLINE® SI is a nitrogen immersion freezer that conveys the food product through a nitrogen bath for quick IQF freezing. It is designed for high-volume IQF (individually quick frozen) applications, such as cooked poultry, diced meats and prawns. Immersion freezers expose the product directly to liquid nitrogen to get a rapid crust freeze to lock in product yield and reduce cooking losses. This ensures that there is little clumping and that only a few product particles stick to each other and the belt. CRYOLINE® TI The CRYOLINE® TI is a high performance freezer utilising top-down impingement technology. This modular flat belt freezer delivers more than twice the heat transfer rate of standard tunnel freezers and reduces the required footprint by 40 %. Using liquid nitrogen (LIN) as a cooling agent, CRYOLINE TI is suitable for a wide range of non-IQF products with a typical capacity range of 1,500–2,500 kg/h (3,300–5,500 lb/h)*. CRYOLINE® XF The CRYOLINE® XF is built for large capacities from 2,500 to 7,500 kg/h (5,500-16,500 lb/h)*. Its patented technology delivers twice the heat transfer rate of commercial spiral freezers, making it twice as powerful. The CRYOLINE XF  provides a smaller footprint, a higher production capacity and is more efficient than standard cryogenic spiral freezers. It is suitable for high temperature and high moisture products, e. g. cooked poultry, seafood and prepared meals.  CRYOLINE® CF CRYOLINE® CS CRYOLINE® CW CRYOLINE® MT CRYOLINE® PE CRYOLINE® SC CRYOLINE® SI CRYOLINE® TI CRYOLINE® XF CRYOLINE® CF The CRYOLINE® CF is a cryogenic food cabinet freezer, suitable for small batch operations where food trolleys are manually loaded. It provides great flexibility for a variety of food products as well as short and long retention times. The freezer is available in several models and sizes and can operate with liquid nitrogen (LIN) or carbon dioxide (LIC). Get your food product tested at Linde Food Test Center A nitrogen freeze test reveals the advantages of using nitrogen for your food production. We conduct tests with different parameters, calculates the optimal freezer settings, and determines which freezer type suits your needs and product the best. When we perform product tests, we always ensure data on how much of your product evaporates during cooling or freezing with nitrogen compared to cold air processes. We also provide cost calculations based on the test data and the available freezer types. Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Liquid nitrogen safety data sheet FSSC22000 Food Safety System Certificate CRYOLINE freezing solutions Dry ice brochure MAPAX CO2 cooling systems Would like to learn more or ask for advice about cooling and freezing processes? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
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  • [ Freezing_and_cooling_of_other_applications Freezing and cooling other applications Cryogenic cooling and freezing power to enhance safety, productivity and environmental performance across a wide range of applications. Ask for advice All applications Downloads Environment friendly alternatives to meet the needs of many industrial production processes Liquid Nitrogen (LIN) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are extremely effective cooling agents due to the low boiling point, which makes them environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional cooling processes, which often involve potentially harmful refrigerants, large quantities of water or dust and fumes. In addition, LIN and CO2 are environmentally sound alternatives to conventional cooling processes, which often involve potentially harmful refrigerants, large quantities of water or dust and fumes. Because they are inert, these gases also eliminate the risk of fire or explosion. Did you know? ● Nitrogen and carbon dioxide are inert gases, which also eliminates the risk of fire or explosion. ● Liquid nitrogen (LIN) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are extremely effective cooling agents due to the low boiling point of LIN (–196 °C) and the low sublimation point of CO2 (–78.5 °C). ● At –79 °C liquid carbon dioxide converts to solid, which is also known as dry ice, is a flexible, easy-to-use cooling medium. Providing rapid freezing and cooling capabilities for many industrial production processes LIN and CO2 are commonly used to ease productivity and enhance quality in concrete mixing, asphalt paving, ground freezing, rubber hose production, glass production, plastic film blowing, grinding, welding and machining. Cryogenic condensation with LIN is also an effective way of purifying waste air and recovering valuable volatile organic compounds (VOC). In the manufacture of aluminium, dross cooling with argon eliminates fumes and dust, while increasing recovery rates. The benefits of LIN in extrusion plants include higher production rates, improved surface finish and increased die lifetime. LIN and CO2 are commonly used to ease productivity and enhance quality in concrete mixing, ground freezing, rubber hose production, glass production, plastic film blowing, grinding, welding and machining. Cryogenic condensation with LIN is also an effective way of purifying waste air and recovering valuable volatile organic compounds (VOC). All freezing and cooling applications Cryogenic condensation Cryogenic condensation with liquid nitrogen (LIN) is a flexible, cost-effective process which can be used in a wide range of applications. We are focused on the following features: • Treatment of highly concentrated exhaust gas flows, • Recovery of valuable components, • Realization of low residual concentrations, • Reuse of vaporized liquid nitrogen as inert gas for inerting and blanketing. We offer a range of standardized products for you to choose from (CIRRUS M50, M150, M500). If the range of standard units do not fit your needs we can also provide customized units that are tailor made to your requirements, all of which we offer installation, start up and liquid nitrogen supply. Dross cooling Once skimmed, thermiting of dross should be prevented as rapidly as possible to preserve its metallic aluminum content which can range from 18% to 80% but cooled safely without polluting the environment. The argon based dross cooling solution Inert Gas Dross Cooler (IGDC) from the STAS company is able to cool all types of dross at any temperature without the use of mechanical moving parts and cooling water, whilst simultaneously snuffing out the thermitting reaction and stopping the generation of fumes and dust. Advantages: • Completely safe, because no water is used in either the cooling of the dross or with the equipment. • Environmentally sound, therefore no emission of dust or fume. • Provides for easy working conditions, therefore is operator friendly. • No moving parts, thus minimizing maintenance costs as well as emitting no noise. • Retains as much of the aluminium alloy present in the dross immediately after skimming (can range from 18-80%) as possible. • Treats all kinds of dross (black and white dross). • Easy to operate, efficiency is independent of the filling level. Ground creezing Under certain conditions, ground freezing with liquid nitrogen is the best solution compared to conventional soil treatment methods. • The set-up of a LIN-freezing plant can be done quickly as large quantities of specialist hardware is available in stock. • The investments for a LIN freezing plant is only a fraction of the amount to install a brine freezing unit. • The temperature of the frozen soil is substantially lower compared to the use of a brine freezing plant, which increases stability. • The low temperature of LIN (-196°C) allows freezing in about 4 to 7 days which is substantial faster than the brine freezing process which easily can take a month. • Environmental friendly process, no hazardous substances, no vibrations and no ground water pollution or extraction. • Automatically working process. Flexible in design of frozen soil. Combination of sealing and static support. • High tolerance to soil humidity (5 – 100%). Frozen soil is 100% watertight, there is no leakage. • The hardness of frozen soil is comparable to concrete. • The solidification of the soil is only temporary. • After shutting down the LIN-supply the frozen soil will melt in a few weeks. Thermal spraying Thermal spraying is the collective expression for several different spraying methods, one of which is flame spraying. When spraying equipment, the additive material, which can be in the form of powder, wire or sticks, is heated to smelting point or a practically smelted condition. The heated material is finely powdered and sprayed by means of a gas flow towards the surface of the piece (the substrate) where it fastens and stiffens. The surface cover can be used as is or worked to the correct dimensions. Flame spraying with the correct additive material can improve the surface’s resistance to corrosion, wear and high temperatures. You can achieve surfaces with high or low friction or alter the surface’s conductivity. Damaged surfaces can be repaired and faulty parts can be corrected to the right dimensions. Rapid cooling Rapid cooling is sometimes required during industrial production processes. Liquid nitrogen (LIN) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are popular cooling agents due to the low boiling point of LIN (-196°C) and the low sublimation point of CO2 (-78,5°C). This enables large-scale heat transfer in a short time period. Advantages of rapid cooling agents: • Unlimited cooling capacity. • Flexibility to reach temperatures as low as -196°C. • Excellent peak-shaving qualities. Cryogenic deflashing In the production of tires for passenger cars some finalizing work has to be done in order to make the tire perfect and attractive. This means rubber flashes need to be removed. Flashes can be found on the surface of a tire on the friction area as well as on the shoulders. Deflashing can be done easily by dipping a rotating tire into liquid nitrogen for cooling the flashes making them brittle enough for scrapers to wipe them off. We offer: Various types of cryogenic deflashing machines including shot blasters and tumblers for a wide range of moulded rubber parts. Development of special devices based on your demands. Deflashing tests on your specific products and provide you with the most suitable machine with consideration paid to all economical and technical aspects. Support with equipment installation and assistance during start-up. Shrink fitting Shrink fitting is a method used in making mechanical joints when axles, bushings and similar are to be fitted inside a part with a hole. The hole is made slightly too small for fitting at even temperature, which means that the outer part needs to be heated or the inner part needs to be cooled. Heating the outer part may take a long time, and in some cases metallurgical reasons may prevent heating altogether. However, cooling the inner part will not affect the property of the metal, and can be achieved much faster. When using liquid nitrogen as a coolant, a temperature difference of up to 200 °C can be achieved. In order to cool the inner part it should be kept in liquid nitrogen (temp. -196 °C), which will make it shrink enough to fit in. The joint becomes durable when the temperatures of the parts are even. Cooling of concrete The solidification of concrete is an exothermic process. As large quantities of heat are released inside the concrete structure, it is important that temperature changes are monitored and influenced, in particular: • In cases with high quality requirements for concrete such as bridges, tunnels and storage tanks. • In cases requiring large volumes of concrete such as dams, large foundations. • In hot climates. Solution cooling with liquid nitrogen has proved to be an effective and cheap method. One particular advantage is that coolant costs are generated only if cooling is really needed. Nitrogen cooling can be applied to cool the aggregates, mixing water or mobile mixer. Using cryogenic cooling and freezing power to enhance safety, productivity and environmental performance across a wide range of applications. Cryogenic condensation Dross cooling Ground freezing Thermal spraying Rapid cooling Cryogenic deflashing Shrink fitting Cooling of concrete Cryogenic condensation Cryogenic condensation with liquid nitrogen (LIN) is a flexible, cost-effective process which can be used in a wide range of applications. We are focused on the following features: • Treatment of highly concentrated exhaust gas flows, • Recovery of valuable components, • Realization of low residual concentrations, • Reuse of vaporized liquid nitrogen as inert gas for inerting and blanketing. We offer a range of standardized products for you to choose from (CIRRUS M50, M150, M500). If the range of standard units do not fit your needs we can also provide customized units that are tailor made to your requirements, all of which we offer installation, start up and liquid nitrogen supply. Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Liquid nitrogen safety data sheet FSSC22000 Food Safety System Certificate CRYOLINE freezing solutions Dry ice brochure MAPAX CO2 cooling systems Would like to learn more or ask for advice about cooling and freezing processes? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Säkerhetsutbildningar E-learning Time- and cost-effective way to learn about gases for you and your colleagues. Go to courses Gas safety skills with online e-learning courses Anyone who handles gases, must have sufficient competence in gases and their risks. Our online e-learning courses give basic gas knowledge and the rules that you as a gas user must know to handle, transport and store gases. You can easily assign the free course to your entire team, and after finishing it and passing the final exam, each participant will receive a diploma, which can be easily printed out. Free access via Customer Portal You can easily register participants for our e-learning courses via our customer portal, where you can access safety courses for compressed and liquefied gases. Simply select the course and register those who will be taking it, and registered participants will receive login information via email to complete the course at → . How to register? ● Go to My account in the Linde customer portal. Click on E-learning, and select a course, for example "Safe handling of gas". ● Click on "add participants" and register those at the company who need to attend the course. ● Those you register receive a separate e-mail with their login details and then log in at: and take the course. Explore e-learning courses Safe handling of gas The course gives a comprehensive gas handling knowledge with our course, which covers basic gas knowledge and rules for safe gas handling, transportation, and storage across three groups of gases - flammable, oxidizing, and asphyxiating. With animations and interactive scenarios, learn how to handle, transport, calculate ADR points, and store gases safely. Register here Safe handling of liquid nitrogen This training shows how you should handle liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen is extremely cold. In order to handle liquid nitrogen properly, you need to know the risks so that you can manage them. To understand the risks, you also need to know the properties of the gas. After completing the course and passing the final exam, the participant can print their diploma at any time. Register here LPG training for LPG dealers The training on LPG for Linde LPG dealers. This course gives you enough knowledge in order to be able to handle gas in a safe manner. As kerosene is a flammable gas, this is extra important. For flammable gases, there is a legal requirement that you who handle and sell LPG must have knowledge of how you handle and transport LPG safely. After completing the course and passing the final exam can the participant at any time print their diploma. Register here ]
  • [ Technical FAQs Technical FAQs Getting Started My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payment & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Questions About Technical Is my personal data safe? How do you use cookies on this site? 1. Is my personal data safe? We take the protection of your private data seriously and rely on mutual collaboration. The protection of your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore, you can rest assured that we comply with statutory provisions for data protection. 2. How do you use cookies on this site? Cookies are small text files that are used by many websites throughout the world. Cookies are created during your visit to our website and are placed on your hard drive by our servers. Our cookies contain no information about specific individuals. Moreover, cookies placed by our servers can only be read again by us and not by any external website Contact Email us Telephone Numbers Store Finder FAQs Getting Started My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payment & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Contact Telephone Numbers Questions About Technical Is my personal data safe? How do you use cookies on this site? 1. Is my personal data safe? We take the protection of your private data seriously and rely on mutual collaboration. The protection of your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore, you can rest assured that we comply with statutory provisions for data protection. 2. How do you use cookies on this site? Cookies are small text files that are used by many websites throughout the world. Cookies are created during your visit to our website and are placed on your hard drive by our servers. Our cookies contain no information about specific individuals. Moreover, cookies placed by our servers can only be read again by us and not by any external website. ]
  • [ Safe Handling of Gas Cylinders ]
  • [ Legal notice Legal Notice General terms General rental terms Legal notice Data Protection Head Office Oy Linde Gas Ab Linde Healthcare Itsehallintokuja 6, 02600 Espoo FINLAND Phone +358 (0)10 2421 Fax +358 (0)10 242 0593 Email Value-added tax identification number Oy Linde Gas Ab FI 0100346-5 ]
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  • [ Hydrogen energy Hydrogen Regardless of whether you want to use hydrogen as a zero-emissions source of fuel, a feedstock gas for industry or a source of heat and power for buildings, Linde offers technologies and expertise to support your project every step of the way. Ask for advice Vety puhtaamman tulevaisuuden polttoaineena Ilmastonmuutos on jo käynnissä, eikä se ole enää kaukainen uhka. Pariisin sopimuksen seurauksena yhä useammat maat, alueet, kaupungit ja niitä palvelevat yritykset asettavat kunnianhimoisia hiilineutraaliustavoitteita ja etsivät ratkaisuja, joiden avulla ne voivat saavuttaa nämä tavoitteet. Vedyllä tulee olemaan tärkeä rooli uudessa energiajärjestelmässä. Vedyn monikäyttöisyyden ansiosta se on osoittautumassa keskeiseksi mahdollistajaksi siirtymisessä vähähiiliseen ja hiilettömään energiaan, joka auttaa saavuttamaan ilmastotavoitteet. Lue lisää vedystä osoitteessa Tuemme asiakkaitamme saavuttamaan päästöjen vähentämistavoitteensa Linde on ainoa yritys,joka kattaa vedyn arvoketjun jokaisen vaiheen tuotannosta ja jalostuksesta jakelun ja varastoinnin kautta jokapäiväisiin teollisuus- ja kuluttajasovelluksiin. Vuosikymmenten tutkimustyöhön ja lukemattomiin tosielämän projekteihin perustuvat Linden vetyprojektit osoittavat sen innovatiivisen voiman ja todistetun asiantuntemuksen toimivien, taloudellisesti elinkelpoisten ja massakäyttöön soveltuvien vetyteknologioiden tuottamisessa. Lue lisää Linden vetysovelluksista → Linde kattaa vedyn arvoketjun kaasun lähteestä huoltoon Riippumatta siitä, haluatko käyttää vetyä nollapäästöisenä polttoainelähteenä, teollisuuden syöttökaasuna tai rakennusten lämmön ja sähkön lähteenä, meillä on teknologiat ja asiantuntemus projektisi tukemiseen - joka vaiheessa. Siirtyminen vihreään vetyyn Innovatiiviset teknologiamme esimerkiksi vedyn tehokkaaseen puristamiseen ja turvalliseen tankkaukseen yhdistettynä vuosikymmenten kokemukseen ja vertaansa vailla olevaan infrastruktuuriin tekevät meistä ihanteellisen kumppanin tukemaan siirtymistä puhtaaseen energiaan. Vedyn tuotanto elektrolyysillä Maailmanlaajuiset vihreän kaasun ratkaisut teollisessa mittakaavassa ITM Powerin modulaarisen PEM-elektrolyysiteknologian ja Linden maailmanluokan EPC-osaamisen ja teknologioiden avulla. Uusiutuvan energian varastointi Olemme kokenut kumppani energiapuistojen kehittämisessä. Infrastruktuuri Yli 1000 kilometriä H2-putkistoa. Omaamme vuosikymmenten kokemuksen erittäin puhtaiden ja korkeapaineisten H2-putkistojen käytöstä. Maailman suurin vedyn nesteytyskapasiteetti ja jakelukalusto nestemäisen ja kaasumaisen vedyn jakeluun. Vedyn tankkausasemat Erittäin tehokkaat ja nopeat tankkauskonseptit henkilöautoille, kuorma-autoille, junille, trukeille ja linja-autoille. Maailmanlaajuinen johtaja asennettujen H2-tankkausasemien määrässä. Hiilen talteenotto, hyödyntäminen ja varastointi Linde tarjoaa todistetusti toimivia CCUS-teknologioita ja on mukana lukuisissa T&K-yhteenliittymissä, jotka hyödyntävät valtion rahoitusta. Teollisuuden raaka-aineet Luotettava toimittaja raskaalle teollisuudelle, kuten terästeollisuudelle, kemianteollisuudelle ja jalostusteollisuudelle. Linde on hyvin varustautunut tukemaan siirtymistä vähähiiliseen tuotantoon. Tie vihreään vetyyn Vaikka vety on väritöntä, se luokitellaan harmaaksi, siniseksi ja vihreäksi riippuen sen hiili-intensiteetistä. Harmaa ja sininen vety ovat tärkeitä ponnahduslautoja vihreän vedyn tiellä, sillä niiden avulla voidaan kehittää tarvittavat puitteet ja infrastruktuurit samalla kun vihreän vedyn tuotanto saavuttaa tarvittavan mittakaavan. Vihreä vety on ympäristöystävällistä, eikä se tuota hiilidioksidipäästöjä. Voimme tuottaa vetyä useista raaka-aineista ja luonnonvaroista. Käyttämällä prosesseja, kuten höyryreformointia, tuotamme harmaata vetyä maakaasusta, nestekaasusta (LPG) tai teollisuusbensiinistä, mikä on nykyisin yleisin ja halvin vedyntuotantoprosessi. Tämä prosessi voidaan muuntaa sinisen vedyn tuotannoksi lisäämällä hiilidioksidin talteenotto- ja varastointitekniikoita. Vihreän vedyn tuottamiseen käytämme elektrolyysitekniikkaa, jossa raaka-aineena on uusiutuva energia. Vaihtoehtoinen tuotantomenetelmä on metaanin höyryreformointi, jossa raaka-aineena käytetään biomassaa. Lue lisää referenssihankkeistamme eri puolilla maailmaa Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Liquid nitrogen safety data sheet Hydrogen brochure: Tomorrow’s fuel today Hydrogen technologies brochure: Extending the reach of the hydrogen value chain E-book: Hydrogen: Fuel for change in industry and energy Would like to learn more or ask for advice about hydrogen applications? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ My Account Managing My Account FAQs Getting Started My Account Questions About Managing My Account Can I change the email address I sign in with? How do I change my password? I've forgotten my password How do I change or update my contact details? How can I close my account? Why is my account on order block? My account has been locked, what should I do? How do I change my access rights for my online account? Questions About Downloading Documents How do I find and see my previous order/delivery reference? How do I download a Proof of Delivery (POD)? Can I change the email address I sign in with? Unfortunately, you're unable to change the email address you have registered with. If you have changed e-mail address we recommend that you register a new user with your new e-mail address. If you forget your account email address you can click “Forgotten Password?” and then enter username. You will receive an email to your registered email address that will allow you to reset your password. How do I change my password? Your password can be changed in your account profile once you've logged in. To do this select the ' My Account ' icon, then go to 'My Account Profile', then select 'Show More My Account Profile Options' and select 'Contact Information'. You will then need to click the 'Change Password' button. I've forgotten my password If you have forgotten your password you can use the 'forgotten your password' link in the 'Sign In/Register' screen to reset your password. You will receive an email allowing you to reset your password for your registered email address. Alternatively, link straight through to reset your password here . How do I change or update my contact details? Your contact details can be changed in your account profile once you've logged in. To do this select the 'My Account' icon, then go to 'My Account Profile', 'Show More My Account Profile Options' and select 'Contact Information'. You will then need to select 'Edit contact details'. Alternatively link straight through to your account profile here. How can I close my account? To close your account, you need to contact our Customer Service by calling 019-27 61 27. Why is my account blocked from ordering? Your account could be blocked from ordering for several reasons: e.g. if you have not paid your invoices or exceeded your credit limit. Please contact Customer Services team by calling 019-27 61 27 and they will be happy to help. My account has been locked, what should I do? Your access to Linde online Shop will be automatically locked if you exceed 10 failed attempts when entering your log in details. If you are locked out, you need to contact our Customer Service team by calling 019-27 61 27 and they will be happy to help. How do I change my access rights for my online account? To view your “Online Service” for your account, you need to go to “Online Service” once you've logged in. To do this select the “My Account”, then go to 'My Account Profile', and select “Online Service”. You can see which one you have access to and which one you can request access to. Request and then save. Questions About Downloading Documents How do I find, see and download an invoice? Click on 'My Account' in the top navigation, then click on ‘Show More My Account Options’ and then ‘Invoices’. You can search for a particular invoice in the 'Search by reference number' box. You can also filter your search results by payer and invoice account, payment status, as well as by date. Once you have found the invoice you wish to download, click on the 'Show documents' button. A popup will appear to show you details of that document. Click on the ‘Download’ link for document number that you wish to view, and that invoice will open for you. How do I find and see my previous order/delivery reference? To see all your previous orders/deliveries, you need to go to “My Account” and then “Order Tracking”. Select actual delivery address, if you have more than one. In “Filter & Search” you can select period, order status and order type to find a specific order/delivery. Then select which one you like to see, and then it shows what was included to specific order/delivery. Delivery & Collection Orders Payment & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Telephone Numbers FAQs Getting Started My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payment & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Contact Telephone Numbers Questions About Managing My Account Can I change the email address I sign in with? How do I change my password? I've forgotten my password How do I change or update my contact details? How can I close my account? Why is my account on order block? My account has been locked, what should I do? How do I change my access rights for my online account? Questions About Downloading Documents How do I find, see and download an invoice? How do I find and see my previous order/delivery reference? Can I change the email address I sign in with? Unfortunately, you're unable to change the email address you have registered with. If you have changed e-mail address we recommend that you register a new user with your new e-mail address. If you forget your account email address you can click “Forgotten Password?” and then enter username. You will receive an email to your registered email address that will allow you to reset your password. Or If you forget your account email address . How do I change my password? Your password can be changed in your account profile once you've logged in. To do this select the ' My Account ' icon, then go to 'My Account Profile', then select 'Show More My Account Profile Options' and select 'Contact Information'. You will then need to click the 'Change Password' button. I've forgotten my password If you have forgotten your password you can use the 'Forgotten your password' link in the 'Sign In/Register' screen to reset your password. You will receive an email allowing you to reset your password for your registered email address. Alternatively, link straight through to reset your password here . How do I change or update my contact details? Your contact details can be changed in your account profile once you've logged in. To do this select the 'My Account' icon, then go to 'My Account Profile', 'Show More My Account Profile Options' and select 'Contact Information'. You will then need to select 'Edit contact details'. Alternatively link straight through to your account profile here. How can I close my account? To close your account, you need to contact our Customer Service by calling 019-27 61 27. Why is my account on order block? Your account could be blocked from ordering for several reasons: e.g. if you have not paid your invoices or exceeded your credit limit. Please contact Customer Services team by calling 019-27 61 27 and they will be happy to help. My account has been locked, what should I do? If your account is disabled. Please click on the link in the message, that comes up on Sign In page, there you will be able to re-activate your account by yourself. Alternatively, contact us on email, we will be happy to help you. How do I see and change my Online Service for my online account? To view your “Online Service” for your account, you need to go to “Online Service” once you've logged in. To do this select the “My Account”, then go to 'My Account Profile', and select “Online Service”. You can see which one you have access to and which one you can request access to. Request and then save. Questions About Downloading Documents How do I find, see and download an invoice? Click on 'My Account' in the top navigation, then click on 'Invoices' on the left hand side. You can search for a particular invoice in the 'Search by reference number' box. Or you can filter your search results by payer and invoice account, payment status, as well as by date. Once you have found the invoice you wish to download, click on the 'View documents' button. A popup will appear to show you details of that document. Click on the document number that you wish to view, and that invoice will open for you. How do I find and see my previous order/delivery reference? Click on 'My Account' in the top navigation, then click on 'Orders & Deliveries' on the left hand side. You can search for a particular 'Your ref / PO' in the 'Search by' box. Or you can filter your search results by account, status, category, as well as by date. Once you have found the POD you wish to download, click on the 'View documents' button. A popup will appear to show you details of that document. Click on the document number that you wish to view, and that document will open for you. ]
  • [ Find right shielding or purging gas Find right shielding or purging gas Choose welding process Choose welding process PURGING* PLASMA MIG/MAG* MIG brazing TIG Choose material Unaloyed/low alloyed steels Stainless steels, austenitic Stainless steels, duplex Aluminium and its alloys Cupper and its alloys Titanium *MISON gases is not intended for purging. Unaloyed/low alloyed steels Stainless steels, austenitic Stainless steels, duplex Aluminium and its alloys Cupper and its alloys Titanium Unaloyed/low alloyed steels Stainless steels, austenitic Stainless steels, duplex Aluminium and its alloys Cupper and its alloys *MIG/MAG: refers to welding with a solid wire and metal cored tubular wire. For MAG welding with flux-cored tubular wires, MISON 18 or 25 is usually a good choice. But follow the filler material manufacturer‘s recommendations. Unaloyed/low alloyed steels Elektro galvanized steels Hot-dip galvanized steels Unaloyed/low alloyed steels Stainless steels, austenitic Stainless steels, duplex Aluminium and its alloys Cupper and its alloys Titanium Find the right shielding or purging gas for your material and welding process. Find the right shielding gas for your material and welding process. A simple and practical tool that helps you to find the optimal shielding gas based on your welding method and material. Know more about the recommended gas and alternative solutions. Note! Navigate to the website you want to add as a PWA in Safari. Then tap the 'Share' button, scroll down and tap 'Add to Home Screen. Find recommended gas Back ]
  • [ Security Statement AGA Shop SE Security Statement Legal Statements Terms of Sale Website Terms of Use Cookies Policy Privacy Policy Security Statement We use reasonable security methods to protect the data that resides on our servers. However, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our servers, nor can we guarantee that information that users supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. We use Internet standard encryption technology ("SSL" or "Secure Socket Layer" technology) to encode personal data that you send to us through the Enquiry form and other forms used through the Website. SSL works by using a private key to encrypt data that's transferred over the SSL connection. To check that you are in a secure area of the Website before sending personal data to us, please look at the bottom right of your website browser and check that it displays an image of a closed padlock or an unbroken key. However, please note that whilst we take appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard the personal data that you provide to us, no transmission over the Internet can ever be guaranteed secure. Consequently, please note that we cannot guarantee the security of any personal data that you transfer over the Internet to us. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to . We reserve the right to modify this policy effective seven (7) days after the posting of the revised policy. Accessibility Promotional Terms Welcome Offers Loyalty Offers Other Offers Legal Statements Terms of Sale Website Terms of Use Cookies Policy Privacy Policy Security Statement Accessibility Promotional Terms Welcome Offers Loyalty Offers Other Offers We use reasonable security methods to protect the data that resides on our servers. However, no security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our servers, nor can we guarantee that information that users supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. We use Internet standard encryption technology ("SSL" or "Secure Socket Layer" technology) to encode personal data that you send to us through the Enquiry form and other forms used through the Website. SSL works by using a private key to encrypt data that's transferred over the SSL connection. To check that you are in a secure area of the Website before sending personal data to us, please look at the bottom right of your website browser and check that it displays an image of a closed padlock or an unbroken key. However, please note that whilst we take appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard the personal data that you provide to us, no transmission over the Internet can ever be guaranteed secure. Consequently, please note that we cannot guarantee the security of any personal data that you transfer over the Internet to us. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to . We reserve the right to modify this policy effective seven (7) days after the posting of the revised policy. ]
  • [ New customer Start using Linde online shop just in few steps: Call our customer service on 010 242 9009 Our customer service will open a customer number to help you make first order Go to and "register as an existing customer" Register using Linde's customer number and the invoice or delivery note number you received with your order In the future, you can place orders, check the cylinder balance, print invoices, and more. ]
  • [ Product data sheets and brochures Downloads Here you find all our brochures, product datasheets and documents gathered in one library. Please choose the product from the list or use serch box to find the specific document. All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ISO Name AC ACCURA gas management for offshore AG Acetylene datasheet AL Ammonia datasheet AM Aquaculture brochure AR Argon datasheet AR AVANTO welding brochure CR Carbon dioxide datasheet CR Central gas equipment for industrial gases CR Chlorine datasheet CR CRYOLINE CF freezer datasheet CR CRYOLINE CS freezer datasheet CR CRYOLINE CW freezer datasheet CR CRYOLINE CWI freezer datasheet CR CRYOLINE freezing solutions brochure CY CRYOLINE SC freezer datasheet DE CRYOLINE SI freezer datasheet ET CRYOLINE TI freezer datasheet ET CRYOLINE XF freezer datasheet FG Cutting and welding equipment catalogue FG Cylinder colors poster FL Deuterium datasheet GA Dry ice brochure GA Ethane datasheet GA Ethene datasheet GA FERRONOVA heat treatment datasheet GE Fume and gases GE Gases and applications ebook Helium datasheet HFC refrigerants Cap and phase down brochure Hydrogen chloride datasheet Hydrogen datasheet Hydrogen sulphide datasheet ISO9001 quality certificate Krypton datasheet Linde general terms and conditions of purchase Linde general terms of procurement Linde Green liquefied gases brochure Linde material compliance declaration Linde supplier code of conduct LINDOFLAMM flame solutions brochure LINDOFLAMM thermal engineering brochure MAPAX packaging solutions brochure Methane datasheet Natural refrigerants brochure Neon datasheet Nitric oxide datasheet Nitrogen datasheet Nitrogen dioxide datasheet Nitrogen services brochure Nitrous oxide datasheet Offshore 300/70 manifold rack datasheet Offshore brochure Offshore cryotanks datasheet Offshore high pressure cryotanks datasheet Offshore transport and manifold racks datasheet Oxygen datasheet OZORA oxygen recovery unit datasheet OZORA oxygen recovery unit white paper Pharmaceuticals brochure Propane datasheet R1233zd refrigerant datasheet R1234YF Opteon YF refrigerants brochure R1234yf refrigerants datasheet R32 refrigerant brochure R407A refrigerants brochure R407F refrigerants brochure R427A refrigerants brochure R438A ISCEON MO99 refrigerants brochure R448A Soltice N40 refrigerants datasheet R449A refrigerants brochure R449A refrigerants datasheet R452A refrigerants brochure R454C refrigerant R455A refrigerant datasheet R515B refrigerants datasheet R717 (Green ammonia) refrigerants datasheet R744 CO2 refrigerants datasheet REDLINE A28 manifold datasheet REDLINE A29 manifold datasheet REDLINE C200-1 regulator datasheet REDLINE C200-2 regulator datasheet REDLINE S20 manifold datasheet REDLINE S21 manifold datasheet REDLINE S23 manifold datasheet Refrigerants brochure Refrigerants F-gas regulations datasheet Refrigerants F-gas restrictions 2020 Refrigerants F-gases and alternatives brochure Refrigerants leaflet Refrigerants product data summary SOLVOCARB customer reference Alter Farmacia SOLVOCARB customer reference BOSSA SOLVOCARB customer reference Pilsner Urquell SOLVOCARB product line datasheet SOLVOCARB technologies datasheet SOLVOCARB venturi datasheet SOLVOX B aquaculture dataheet SOLVOX customer reference Swan river SOLVOX diffusion hoses datasheet SOLVOX expert article Plant capacity oxygen SOLVOX expert article Treating wastewaster in food industry SOLVOX in control datasheet SOLVOX inline injector datasheet SOLVOX mobile datasheet SOLVOX oxycloud datasheet SOLVOX OxyStream datasheet SOLVOX reactor datasheet SOLVOX Streamline SOLVOX venturi datasheet Specialty gas mixtures datasheet Specialty gases certificates datasheet Sulphur dioxide datasheet Sulphur hexaflouride datasheet Synthetic air datasheet VERISEQ Argon datasheet VERISEQ Carbon dioxide datasheet VERISEQ Helium datasheet VERISEQ Nitrogen datasheet VERISEQ Oxygen datasheet VERISEQ Synthetic Air datasheet Water treatment brochure X21 Pro burner datasheet X21 Pro series overview Xenon datasheet ]
  • [ New customer Start using Linde online shop just in few steps: 1) Call our customer service on 010 242 9009 2)Our customer service will open a customer number to help you make first order 3) Go to and "register as an existing customer" 4) Register using Linde's customer number and the invoice or delivery note number you received with your order 5) In the future, you can place orders, check the cylinder balance, print invoices, and more. ]
  • [ Who are we Who are we? Linde is the leading gas company in the Nordic and Baltic countries and the natural partner for companies in many different industries. Contact us We have an extensive range of products, services and technical support for industrial and specialty gas. For consumers we offer LPG and mineral water products. We also manufacture and provide medical gases, service and services under the Linde Healthcare brand. In cooperation with our customers we develop turn key solutions. With advanced gas technology, we enable customers to increase profitability, safety and quality while protecting the environment. Linde (former AGA) is a Linde company and is the Region of northern Europe where the other Nordic and the Baltic countries are included. Linde is a leading industrial gases and engineering company with 2020 pro forma sales of USD 27 billion (EUR 24 billion). The Company employs approximately 80.000 people globally and serves customers in more than 100 countries worldwide. Lue lisää AGA AB, formerly AB Gasaccumulator and AB Svenska Gasaccumulator, was a Swedish industrial gas company founded in 1904, and Gustaf Dalén played a key role in its success. In addition to introducing acetylene welding, AGA also pioneered innovative techniques such as orbital welding and established a welding school. Although AGA went on to manufacture radios, televisions and cars over the years, it returned to its nuclear gas business in the 1970s. Since 2000, it has been part of the Linde Group, which merged with Praxair in 2019, resulting in the company becoming OY Linde Gas AB. Tärkeimmät tilastotiedot Pohjois-Euroopan yksiköstä •1 600 työntekijää •8 maata •8 kieltä •90 tuotantoyksikköä 59 paikkakunnalla •600 myyntipistettä •400 000 kaasuasiakasta Linde delivers innovative and sustainable solutions to its customers and creates long-term value for all stakeholders. Our commitment to integrity For a sustainable future "Here at Linde, we live and work by our company's values because we understand that our values pave the way for a successful and sustainable future. We strive to achieve our goals ethically and with the highest integrity because being a trusted partner wins us business. We are committed to improving the communities in which we operate and live because we want to be proud of who we are and what we do." Sanjiv Lamba, CEO, Linde PLC For more details click here ]
  • [ Right gas Click on the gas name to learn more. Gas Recommended ● Alternative ● Can give advantages ● ●This is the recommended and best choice that always work. This is a premium product which outshine standard products when it comes to working environment, quality or productivity. ●This is an alternative standard product that will do the job but lack the benefits of the premium products. ●This is an alternative gas choice that can give quality and productivity advantages in special cases (click on gas name to see more information). Contact LINDE WELDONOVA® process support team if you want to know more. You can also find your nearest agent or visit Linde’s online shop via the links below. Contact our support Agent finder Visit online shop Please find further information on Linde’s website. click here How do you rate us? Tell us about your experience with gas guide 5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star ]
  • [ Ask for advice Ask for advice Get in touch with our experts, if you have questions or need advice about our gas related solutions and applications. First Name* Last Name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail* Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead Source Message ]
  • [ Sustainability Sustainability Through our high-quality solutions, technologies and services we are making our customers more successful and helping to sustain and protect our planet. Ask for advice Sustainable development is rooted into all areas of our business At Linde, we live our mission of making our world more productive. Through our high-quality solutions, technologies and services we are making our customers more successful and helping to sustain and protect our planet. We want to help our customers to improve their environmental performance and reduce their carbon footprint. At the same time, we are committed to minimizing our own environmental resource intensity, including for energy, water and waste. We manage performance through a sustainable development management system with KPIs and targets that are applicable to global operations and our value chain. Measuring environmental impact Mapping of our environmental impacts shows that energy consumption for producing our gases, and emissions from transporting gases to our customers, are the two significant ones. We have defined indicators to measure these impacts and have established targets and improvement programmes. Linde has traditionally been working to develop and deliver innovative technologies and products that protect environment. Examples of environmentally friendly gas applications are: ● Pulp production: oxygen reduces the use of chlorine ● Water treatment : CO2 and oxygen as alternative to chemicals ● Transport cooling: CO2 replaces diesel ● Steel production: furnaces use oxygen instead of air ● Bioenergy: gasification turns forest residues into biofuel ● LNG replaces oil, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas ● Hydrogen has the potential to replace fossil fuels in both industry and transport applications How our gases and solutions contribute to sustainability The Sustainable Development Materiality Assessment (SDMA) defines the priority sustainable development factors for Linde and is the basis of Linde's 10-year sustainable development targets 2018-2028. Clean energy initiatives We believe that issues over long-term energy availability and future climate change will only continue to intensify. Addressing the issues surrounding climate change is one of the highest priorities for Linde around the world. Linde Green – liquefied gases without carbon footprint Linde Green is an opportunity for you as a customer to further reduce your emissions, strengthen your sustainability profile and become an even fairer choice. We take the next step and proudly present Linde Green – liquefied gases without carbon footprint, using renewable energy and fuel in production and for transports, together with climate-compensation. Read more about Linde Green Climate compensated carbon dioxide It is increasingly well-known that using carbonated water at home means buying far fewer disposable plastic bottles, which reduces transportation and saves money. By using CO2 in sparkling water machines you help us to reduce Greenhouse Emissions through climate compensation. Our commitment to the Taking Root project in Nicaragua means we offset more than we emit by planting trees. By offsetting 110% of our emissions by planting trees which bind carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while they grow, we contribute to a positive climate impact. This means the product can be classed as climate-positive. Hydrogen – supporting customers achieve their decarbonization targets To tackle climate change, countries around the world are putting in place ambitious plans to transition to low-carbon sources of energy, with hydrogen at its core. Even though light and small, hydrogen is a powerful energy carrier – one kg of hydrogen carries three times the energy of kerosene. It is a versatile, clean and safe energy carrier that can be used as fuel or as industry feedstock – be it mobility, heavy industry, power buffering or aviation industry. When used in a fuel cell, it produces zero emissions as it only emits water vapor, setting it as a strong contender to decarbonize transportation. Hydrogen could be the most competitive low-carbon solution in more than 20 applications by 2030, including long-haul trucking, shipping, and steel. Linde covers the full spectrum of the hydrogen value chain. We can help customers and industry stakeholders navigate through the complexities of the transition to a zero-carbon economy. Community engagement We are committed to improving the communities where we live and work. We especially support programs and initiatives related to the environment, science and chemistry education. The projects and community engagement initiatives that we support are in line with our brand values and follow our code of conduct. ● Aim to benefit the community at large (local, regional, national or global) ● Are initiated in order to solve a problem or address community-determined needs ● Are conducted through collaborative, on-going, long-term and mutually beneficial relationships ● Apply Linde resources (knowledge, expertise, position, building, land, human resource, capital) ● Create measurable and sustainable change ● Complement our mission of making our world more productive Downloads Policies and position statements Linde’s Sustainable Development Targets 2018-2028 ISO 9001 management system certificate Linde Sustainable Development Report Would you like to learn more or ask for advice about Sustainability? ]
  • [ Fish farming Fish farming Improving farming efficiency through oxygenation. Ask for advice Innovation center SOLVOX products Downloads Buy here Aquaculture solutions to streamline oxygenation and emergency oxygen supply Aquaculture with its complex onshore and offshore fish farming systems has become the production of choice when it comes to meeting the rapidly rising global demand for fish. Yet the industry is facing a number of challenges in supplying a healthy aquatic environment for best results. Supplementary oxygenation is the key to enhancing a fish farm’s stocking density, to keeping it disease-free and the productivity and overall profitability high. A perfectly balanced oxygen saturation will: ● Improve feed conversion ratio (FCR) for feed cost savings ● A reduction in the FCR from 1.5 to 1.0 can lower production costs by up to 20% ● Raise specific growth rate (SGR) for increased profitability ● Increase fish growth rates even on higher stocking densities ● Better fish healthy and reduced mortality Negative impact of low oxygen levels Saturation levels can drop to 85% with no negative effect on fish well-being, yet once it falls to 75%, the fish reduce their metabolism. Below that level, appetite decreases further, at 60% the fish start to die. Massive mortality results if oxygen saturation keeps falling to reach 40% or even 30%. Did you know? “Dissolved oxygen is by far the most important chemical parameter in aquaculture. Low-dissolved oxygen levels are responsible for more fish kills, either directly or indirectly, than all other problems combined. Like humans, fish require oxygen for respiration. The amount of oxygen consumed by the fish is a function of its size, feeding rate, activity level and temperature. Small fish consume more oxygen than do large fish because of their higher metabolic rate.” (A Fish Farmer’s Guide to understanding water quality, LaDon Swann (Purdue University)) Innovation Centre for Aquaculture and Water Treatment We have worked with aquaculture topics since the early days of this industry and are commited to make a difference to our customers with our inventions - now and in the future. Linde has a Innovation Centre for Aquaculture and Water Treatment in Ålesund, Norway. Specifically, new applications and solutions will be researched and developed at the centre to ensure the future of sustainable aquaculture. We are proud to offer our customers the international exerpertise with a range of services like training, performance measurement and proof-of-concept simulations. Oxygenation in Aquaculture Lack of oxygen can cause massive harm to fish, reducing appetite, compromising growth and well-being, and ultimately resulting in death. Following chart visualises the impact of oxygen saturation on the growth rate, mortality and food conversion ratio (FCR) of salmon for instance. Our offering for the aquaculture industry Our aim is to support the fish farms of all sizes, so that as many people as possible can enjoy the nutritional benefits of the fresah fish without compromising tomorrow’s marine ecosystems. SOLVOX product line SOLVOX® A low-pressure exchangers SOLVOX A® reduces nitrogen and total gas pressure during the water oxygenation process. Therefore, there is normally no need for aeration of raw water. It is available in a variety of options adapted to your individual needs for tanks with a water flow ranging from 75 l/min to 9000 l/min. For the optimal solution, we recommend that you always combine SOLVOX A with SOLVOX stream. SOLVOX® B diffusion hose SOLVOX ® B diffusion hose is a perforated hose used for supplying oxygen to fish tanks and for emergency oxygenation. It is also used for oxygen supply when transporting live fish and the supply of oxygen and CO2 for anaesthetising/sedating the fish. SOLVOX B dissolves oxygen in the water by small bubbles generated through the perforations in the hose. In aquaculture, diffuser hoses are used to stabilise the oxygen levels directly in the fish tank. SOLVOX® C high pressure SOLVOX C cones are designed to increase the concentration of gases in water to a rather high level. In standard operation, the gas transfer efficiency is close to 100%. The operation the cone is simple: as water and gas enter from the top, the water jet forces the water to mix intensively with the oxygen bubbles, thus creating a high specific interface and a high turbulence at a top of the dissolver. SOLVOX® CV recirculation SOLVOX CV is an additional system to boost the oxygenation capacity of SOLVOX C cones, allowing up to 50 % higher oxygen dosing without increasing the water flow rate or energy consumption. SOLVOX CV uses a patented venturi nozzle to re-inject oxygen which is gathered at the top of the cone back into the water feed pipe. The installation can be done without any time consuming shut down. The SOLVOX CV is flanged directly onto the water feed pipe of the cone. By doing so, the water flow rate into the cone can be increased by up to 25% above nominal value, which then gives you an additional 25% increase in oxygen capacity. SOLVOX® CD ceramic diffuser SOLVOX ® CD ceramic diffusers are used to dissolve oxygen and stabilise the levels of oxygen directly in the fish tank. The ceramic diffusers can also be used for emergency oxygenation. SOLVOX CD ceramic diffusers transfers gas into water by generating micro-bubbles at low pressure (maximum pressure 3 bar). SOLVOX CD also provide an aeration/stripping effect of unwanted gases. SOLVOX® CV cone booster SOLVOX® CV is a patented product which is fitted to the water supply to the AGA oxygen cone, SOLVOX C. Inside the SOLVOX CV, specially designed nozzles are connected to a hose from the bleeder valve at the top of the cone. These nozzles create a vacuum that sucks undissolved oxygen from the top of the cone and mixes it in with the flow of water. Both “new” and re-circulated oxygen are supplied to the flow of water via the nozzles in the SOLVOX CV. SOLVOX® F back-up cabinet The cabinet is connected permanently to the gas pipeline network via a 22 mm oxygen pipe. The pressure on the network can be read from the pressure gauge. Compressed oxygen can quickly be connected as all the components are ready for use inside the cabinet. The cabinet is designed to be kept outdoors. SOLVOX® dosing cabinet The dosing cabinet distributes and controls the oxygen from the distribution network to the tank using the customer’s own PLS system. The dosing cabinet is divided into two separate sections, one for normal operation and one for emergencies. The oxygen used for operation is dosed through two rotameters. One of the rotameters feeds oxygen for normal consumption and has to be adjusted gradually according to the oxygen consumption. The other rotameter is fitted in series with a solenoid valve. This valve is controlled by the output saturation in the tank and opens to allow additional oxygen when needed, to keep the oxygen saturation at a constant level in the fish tank. SOLVOX® Mix nozzle unit SOLVOX ® Mix makes it possible to mix water with high oxygen saturation into a main flow without degassing and reduced efficiency. It is especially adapted nozzle unit used in conjunction with installations with SOLVOX ® C (cone). SOLVOX ® Mix is used when pressurized, highly oxygenated water from SOLVOX ® C is to return to a water stream that has a lower pressure.It can be installed at tank level for individual oxygenation, or in the main water supply to the plant to provide basic oxygenation. SOLVOX® Oxystream low-pressure SOLVOX ® OxyStream is a low-pressure oxygenation system for vessels with seawater, brackish water and fresh water. The microbubbles created by SOLVOX Oxystream reduce the concentration of dissolved nitrogen and the total gas pressure of the water. Due to this beneficial effect, external degassing units have become obsolete in many cases. SOLVOX Oxystream achieves maximum effect beginning at about 15‰ salinity and requires a pressure of merely 0.05–0.2 barg to oxygenate the water, strip nitrogen, and create optimal tank hydrodynamics for fish production. The low pressure requirement makes the system very energy-efficient. SOLVOX® streamline SOLVOX® Stream creates a better tank environment and improves the well-being of the fish. It provides good tank hydraulics and even oxygen distribution throughout the water volume. SOLVOX® Stream creates a better tank environment and improves the well-being of the fish. It provides good tank hydraulics and even oxygen distribution throughout the water volume. Rotameter We supply rotameters in various sizes with capacities ranging from 0.4 kg O2/hour to 9.0 kg O2/hour at a pressure of 6 bar (maximum operational pressure 10 bar). At other pressures the capacity is corrected using tables in our datasheet. Handheld Oxygen meter Handy Polaris is simple to use and has a straightforward menu. It takes fast and accurate measurements/logging of O2 and temperature in both salt and fresh water. Equipment for optimised dissolution of oxygen in water, perfect distribution of oxygenated water to the fish and a regulation concept for smooth and reliable operation. SOLVOX® A low-pressure exchangers SOLVOX® B diffusion hose SOLVOX® dissolver cone SOLVOX® CV recirculation device cone SOLVOX® CD ceramic diffuser SOLVOX® CV cone booster SOLVOX® F back-up cabinet SOLVOX® dosing cabinet SOLVOX® Mix nozzle unit SOLVOX® low-pressure dissolver SOLVOX® streamline Rotameter Handheld Oxygen meter SOLVOX® A low-pressure exchangers for salt water and brackish water SOLVOX A® reduces nitrogen and total gas pressure during the water oxygenation process. Therefore, there is normally no need for aeration of raw water. It is available in a variety of options adapted to your individual needs for tanks with a water flow ranging from 75 l/min to 9000 l/min. For the optimal solution, we recommend that you always combine SOLVOX A with SOLVOX stream. What do our customers say? “It was very reassuring to know that the Linde’s team really knew what they were doing. Calculating key factors such as the mass balance calls for expert insights – and the obvious expertise of the Linde application engineers really built trust and confidence in the capabilities of SOLVOX OxyStream,” Sveinbjörn Oddsson, COO at Matorka G Osta tuotteita täältä BIOGON® O cylinder   Add to cart BIOGON® C cylinder Please sign in or register to view prices and order this product.   Add to cart Oxygen NEMO® PLUS   Add to cart BIOGON® NCO 10 10 cylinder   Add to cart Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures BIOGON O safety datasheet Linde aquaculture portfolio Innovative aquaculture solutions An independent study of the SOLVOX® system SOLVOX Oxystream product datasheet SOLVOX cone pressure dissolver product datasheet SOLVOX ceramic diffuser product datasheet SOLVOX dropin product datasheet SOLVOX Oxystream low-pressure oxygen dissolver Would like to learn more or ask for advice about Fish farming processes? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Legal Notice Legal Notice Head Office AGA Gas AB Agavägen 54 181 39 Lidingö Sweden Phone +46 (0)8 706 95 00 Fax +46 (0)8 731 10 80 E-mail : VAT number: SE663000058301 ]
  • [ Industrial services Industrial services Answering your calls 24/7 – with a one-stop industrial maintenance and shut-down service package to meet customer needs Ask for advice Industrial services Through our technical service department, we can combine our knowledge and experience of industrial gases and applications with our practical understanding of supply solutions to or in the customers' own installations. Through this, we can help with temporary installations for the supply of nitrogen in gaseous or liquid form. With a combination of knowledgeable staff and mobile equipment, we can help with planning, equipment, construction, commissioning, monitoring and special solutions for all different needs. We help with, among other things: ● Ground freezing ● Concrete cooling ● Inerting ● Purging We comply with all chemical industry standards and use specially designed equipment, such as high-pressure and high-temperature pumps. Our pressure pumps are suitable for use in an Exe zone 2 environment and are sound-proof. Other specialist equipment includes steam vaporisers, mobile and flying purgers, mobile storage tanks, purge skids, pressure and flow meters and mobile cryo-condensation unit. Downloads: Safety datasheets Brochures → Nitrogen compressed → Nitrogen liquid Would like to learn more or ask for advice about industrial services? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
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  • [ AGA to Linde Brand change Why are you changing to Linde? AGA has been a part of Linde since 2000. The merger between Linde and Praxair earlier this year marks a historic highlight when the two companies together form the global market leader in the industrial and medical gas industry with over 80,000 employees and customers in more than 100 countries. As part of the formation of the new Linde, we have decided to change our company name from AGA to Linde in all Scandinavian and Baltic countries from January 2020. The AGA brand will be retained as a product brand for our propane, welding products and carbonated products.Our change of name means no changes to our offer, our contact areas and relationships. In the longer term, however, we are convinced that you as a customer will benefit from Linde's global presence, broad product portfolio, expertise and commitment. We will continue to invest in customized solutions as well as our website and app. What do I as a customer need to do? AGA online shop customers: You don’t need to do anything other than updating your app. AGA will simply change into Linde and you can continue using the service with your AGA username and password. If you go to the webpage it will redirect you to the webpage Old app users (propane): Please download the new app with the name Linde shop and create your new profile. The old AGA app should also have a link which takes you to the App Store/Google Play store where you can download the new app. As an old AGA app user, why do I need to download a new app and create a new profile? Since we do not transfer customer data to the new app we ask you to download the new app Linde shop. As mentioned however, if you already have AGA online shop app you don’t need to do anything – this app will be transformed into Linde shop app. What will happen to The will shut down on 13 of January. You will then be redirected to the new website automatically. When will I get more info about the rebranding? We will continuously inform you about all the upcoming changes through email, push notification and messages in the app and on the website. Exact dates and timelines will also be shared continuously. How do I access my old personal data? You will be able to access and download all your customer information from AGA online shop until 12 of January 2020. After that date, your information will be transferred to Linde online shop automatically. ]
  • [ Liquid gas management Liquid gas management Optimising your gas management with an easy-to-use online tool Ask for advice Trace gas consumption to your production Tank management in Linde customer portal provide you all the information you need to efficiently manage Linde liquid gas tanks within your company. You can check your current tank level, consumption patterns and delivery details per tank and location. At a glance ● You can access it via Linde customer portal ● Overview of current tank levels and consumption data per tank and location ● Comparison of gas consumption across different production periods, plants and processes ● Overview of delivery note data and quantities supplied ● Defined analyses per period (week, month, year) automatically sent via e-mail Benefits to you ● Increased efficiency with greater support for your planning, control and reporting processes ● Easy creation of safety and environmental reports (ISO 9001) on gas supply, with analyses of tank levels, delivery volumes and consumption quantities ● Increased safety and cost savings through early detection of leaks ● Cost savings potential through increased process efficiency, based on insights gained from comparisons across different production periods, plants and processes. Downloads: Safety datasheets → ACCURA liquid gas for tanks datasheet Would like to learn more or ask for advice about liquid gas management in tanks? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Promotional Terms Promotional Terms Welcome Offers Loyalty Offers Other Offers Loyalty Offers Online multiple use New Year 5% discount for selected BOC customers Online single use 5% discount for selected BOC Healthcare customers Online multiple use New Year 5% discount for selected BOC customers BOC Limited (BOC) is offering a 5% price discount via use of a valid promotional code (the Discount), on orders placed by existing BOC customers (the Eligible Customers) ordering BOC products (including gases) available for purchase online (the Eligible Products) (the Offer). The Offer excludes the purchase of healthcare gases, healthcare products, Sureserve products, delivery charges and the rental of gas cylinders. The Offer is only available on Eligible Products listed online at The Discount will only apply to orders up to £750. For orders made over £750 the Discount will only be applied to the first £750 of that order. The Offer is available in the UK (online only) from BOC at on and from 00:00 GMT 1 January 2017 until and including 23:59 GMT 31 March 2017 at the latest. BOC in no way guarantees that the Offer will run for the full three month period and reserves the right to withdraw or amend the Offer at any time for any reason. The Offer is subject to stock and availability. The Offer is not available at any BOC stores or outlets. To redeem the Offer online, an Eligible Customer must enter the promotional code at checkout (the Code). The Discount will be applied at checkout online. The Code may be used more than once during the Offer period on subsequent purchases of Eligible Products. The Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. The online order can be amended or cancelled by contacting the BOC Customer Services Centre on 0800 111 333. When amending the order via telephone, BOC reserves the right to withdraw the Discount, as the purchase is no longer being made online. BOC will make the promotional Code available to the selected Eligible Customers in the letter sent by BOC informing the Eligible Customers of BOC’s price increases for 2017. To redeem the Offer, the Eligible Customer must (at the time of purchase of Eligible Products online) enter the Code at the online checkout, at which point the Discount will be applied. The Discount will only be applied to the price of the Eligible Products being purchased and will not be applied to any other costs or charges payable, such as the rental of cylinders, shipping and delivery charges. Deliveries will be made to recognised UK addresses only. For information on BOC's shipping and delivery terms click here . BOC reserves the right not to apply the Discount for any reason. The Discount is not valid for cash or cash equivalent. No adjustments on previous purchases permitted. BOC does not accept responsibility for network, computer, hardware or software failure of any kind which may affect the sending, receipt or processing of a customer's order. The Offer is subject to these promotional terms and conditions and also BOC's general conditions of sale, a copy of which can be found here . BOC reserves the right to amend these promotional terms and conditions and its general terms and conditions at any time. If any clause of these promotional terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these promotional terms and conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales. Online single use 5% discount for selected BOC Healthcare customers BOC Limited (BOC) is offering a 5% price discount via use of a valid promotional code (the Discount), on orders placed by existing BOC customers (the Eligible Customers) ordering BOC Healthcare gases and Healthcare equipment available for purchase online (the Eligible Products) (the Offer). The Offer excludes the purchase of all other products and gases available for purchase from BOC. The Offer is only available on Eligible Products listed online at The Discount will only apply to orders up to £750. For orders made over £750 the Discount will only be applied to the first £750 of that order. The Offer is available in the UK (online only) from BOC at on and from 00:00 GMT 1 March 2017 until and including 23:59 GMT 31 May 2017 at the latest. BOC in no way guarantees that the Offer will run for the full three month period and reserves the right to withdraw or amend the Offer at any time for any reason. The Offer is subject to stock and availability. The Offer is not available at any BOC stores or outlets. To redeem the Offer online, an Eligible Customer must enter the promotional code at checkout (the Code). The Discount will be applied at checkout online. The Code may only be used once during the Offer period on the purchase of Eligible Products. The Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. The online order can be amended or cancelled by contacting the BOC Customer Services Centre on 0800 111 333. When amending the order via telephone, BOC reserves the right to withdraw the Discount, as the purchase is no longer being made online. BOC will make the promotional Code available to the selected Eligible Customers in the letter sent by BOC informing the Eligible Customers of BOC’s price increases for 2017. To redeem the Offer, the Eligible Customer must (at the time of purchase of Eligible Products online) enter the Code at the online checkout, at which point the Discount will be applied. The Discount will only be applied to the price of the Eligible Products being purchased and will not be applied to any other costs or charges payable, such as the rental of cylinders, shipping and delivery charges. Deliveries will be made to recognised UK addresses only. For information on BOC's shipping and delivery terms click here. BOC reserves the right not to apply the Discount for any reason. The Discount is not valid for cash or cash equivalent. No adjustments on previous purchases permitted. BOC does not accept responsibility for network, computer, hardware or software failure of any kind which may affect the sending, receipt or processing of a customer's order. The Offer is subject to these promotional terms and conditions and also BOC's general conditions of sale, a copy of which can be found here. BOC reserves the right to amend these promotional terms and conditions and its general terms and conditions at any time. If any clause of these promotional terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these promotional terms and conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales. Legal Statements Terms of Sale Website Terms of Use Cookies Policy Privacy Policy Security Statement Accessibility Legal Statements Terms of Sale Website Terms of Use Cookies Policy Privacy Policy Security Statement Accessibility Statement Promotional Terms Welcome Offers Loyalty Offers Other Offers Loyalty Offers Online multiple use New Year 5% discount for selected BOC customers Online single use 5% discount for selected BOC Healthcare customers Online multiple use New Year 5% discount for selected BOC customers BOC Limited (BOC) is offering a 5% price discount via use of a valid promotional code (the Discount), on orders placed by existing BOC customers (the Eligible Customers) ordering BOC products (including gases) available for purchase online (the Eligible Products) (the Offer). The Offer excludes the purchase of healthcare gases, healthcare products, Sureserve products, delivery charges and the rental of gas cylinders. The Offer is only available on Eligible Products listed online at The Discount will only apply to orders up to £750. For orders made over £750 the Discount will only be applied to the first £750 of that order. The Offer is available in the UK (online only) from BOC at on and from 00:00 GMT 1 January 2017 until and including 23:59 GMT 31 March 2017 at the latest. BOC in no way guarantees that the Offer will run for the full three month period and reserves the right to withdraw or amend the Offer at any time for any reason. The Offer is subject to stock and availability. The Offer is not available at any BOC stores or outlets. To redeem the Offer online, an Eligible Customer must enter the promotional code at checkout (the Code). The Discount will be applied at checkout online. The Code may be used more than once during the Offer period on subsequent purchases of Eligible Products. The Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. The online order can be amended or cancelled by contacting the BOC Customer Services Centre on 0800 111 333. When amending the order via telephone, BOC reserves the right to withdraw the Discount, as the purchase is no longer being made online. BOC will make the promotional Code available to the selected Eligible Customers in the letter sent by BOC informing the Eligible Customers of BOC’s price increases for 2017. To redeem the Offer, the Eligible Customer must (at the time of purchase of Eligible Products online) enter the Code at the online checkout, at which point the Discount will be applied. The Discount will only be applied to the price of the Eligible Products being purchased and will not be applied to any other costs or charges payable, such as the rental of cylinders, shipping and delivery charges. Deliveries will be made to recognised UK addresses only. For information on BOC's shipping and delivery terms click here . BOC reserves the right not to apply the Discount for any reason. The Discount is not valid for cash or cash equivalent. No adjustments on previous purchases permitted. BOC does not accept responsibility for network, computer, hardware or software failure of any kind which may affect the sending, receipt or processing of a customer's order. The Offer is subject to these promotional terms and conditions and also BOC's general conditions of sale, a copy of which can be found here . BOC reserves the right to amend these promotional terms and conditions and its general terms and conditions at any time. If any clause of these promotional terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these promotional terms and conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales. Online single use 5% discount for selected BOC Healthcare customers BOC Limited (BOC) is offering a 5% price discount via use of a valid promotional code (the Discount), on orders placed by existing BOC customers (the Eligible Customers) ordering BOC Healthcare gases and Healthcare equipment available for purchase online (the Eligible Products) (the Offer). The Offer excludes the purchase of all other products and gases available for purchase from BOC. The Offer is only available on Eligible Products listed online at The Discount will only apply to orders up to £750. For orders made over £750 the Discount will only be applied to the first £750 of that order. The Offer is available in the UK (online only) from BOC at on and from 00:00 GMT 1 March 2017 until and including 23:59 GMT 31 May 2017 at the latest. BOC in no way guarantees that the Offer will run for the full three month period and reserves the right to withdraw or amend the Offer at any time for any reason. The Offer is subject to stock and availability. The Offer is not available at any BOC stores or outlets. To redeem the Offer online, an Eligible Customer must enter the promotional code at checkout (the Code). The Discount will be applied at checkout online. The Code may only be used once during the Offer period on the purchase of Eligible Products. The Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion. The online order can be amended or cancelled by contacting the BOC Customer Services Centre on 0800 111 333. When amending the order via telephone, BOC reserves the right to withdraw the Discount, as the purchase is no longer being made online. BOC will make the promotional Code available to the selected Eligible Customers in the letter sent by BOC informing the Eligible Customers of BOC’s price increases for 2017. To redeem the Offer, the Eligible Customer must (at the time of purchase of Eligible Products online) enter the Code at the online checkout, at which point the Discount will be applied. The Discount will only be applied to the price of the Eligible Products being purchased and will not be applied to any other costs or charges payable, such as the rental of cylinders, shipping and delivery charges. Deliveries will be made to recognised UK addresses only. For information on BOC's shipping and delivery terms click here. BOC reserves the right not to apply the Discount for any reason. The Discount is not valid for cash or cash equivalent. No adjustments on previous purchases permitted. BOC does not accept responsibility for network, computer, hardware or software failure of any kind which may affect the sending, receipt or processing of a customer's order. The Offer is subject to these promotional terms and conditions and also BOC's general conditions of sale, a copy of which can be found here. BOC reserves the right to amend these promotional terms and conditions and its general terms and conditions at any time. If any clause of these promotional terms and conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these promotional terms and conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales. ]
  • [ Cleaning, polishing and grinding Cleaning, polishing and grinding Bringing you the benefits that come from decades of experience and a proven track record. Ask for advice Downloads Buy here Bringing you the benefits that come from decades of experience and a proven track record Our experts are among the most knowledgeable in the world when it comes to gas-enabled applications. Here you will find a wealth of information on the process innovations and application expertise they have brought to Cleaning, Polishing & Grinding. Simply click on the Processes and discover how we can help you meet your quality, efficiency and optimisation targets. Cryocleaning During the printing process most parts of the printing press get contaminated by all kinds of substances like dried ink, paper dust, grease, oil, coatings, varnish, etc. The conventional cleaning methods need aggressive solvents which are toxic, hazardous and can be flammable. An additional problem are long downtimes. Using dry ice cleaning takes away most of those problems and gives substantial benefits to the user. The cleaning agent (dry ice pellets) is very soft like plaster, thus creating no scratches, wear or damages, even on sensitive surfaces. When the cylinders are removed all surfaces are accessible and can be cleaned in a fraction of the time needed before. This gives a dramatic reduction in downtime. Further savings will result from the absence of disposal costs. Did you know? ● To produce crumb rubber, it is necessary to reduce the size of the tire shred or chip. This is accomplished by techniques called cryogenic grinding. ● Cryogenic processing refers to the use of liquid nitrogen (−196°C) to freeze tire chips prior to size reduction. The rubber is immersed in liquid nitrogen to reduce the temperature of the tire chip. The cooled rubber is then ground in an impact-type reduction device. Dry ice cleaning The dry ice cleaning process CRYOCLEAN® increases the output of a printing machine substantially by simultaneously reducing costs for the cleaning. Cryogenic grinding can achieve a very fine level of grind as most hardy materials tend to become brittle when cooled with liquid nitrogen. Waste materials can be separated by exploiting the coldness of liquid nitrogen. Cryogenic grinding can achieve a very fine level of grind as most hardy materials tend to become brittle when cooled with liquid nitrogen. Bleaching Ozone is an attractive alternative to chlorine-containing chemicals as a way to bleach pulp and achieve the necessary level of brightness. It is widely used for both TCF and ECF bleaching. As it is an extremely effective bleaching agent, ozone reduces the volume of other bleaching chemicals required. Grinding Cryogens can be an effective way to reduce the size of materials that cannot be ground under normal conditions. Many materials that are resilient at ambient temperatures become brittle and glass-like under low temperatures. As a result, these materials can be pulverised through impact or shearing. This form of grinding can also be used to create unusual particle shapes or sizes. Various materials are suited to cryogrinding. For instance, materials that are tacky or oily can often be solidified and ground. Products that are heat-sensitive can be processed at a temperature level that allows them to be ground without degrading or melting. In addition, cryogenic impact can debond multicomponent materials such as chrome-plated ABS (plastic). And spices can be ground without loss of volatile oils and flavours, thus preserving and enhancing their quality. Liquid nitrogen The most widely accepted refrigerant for cryogrinding is liquid nitrogen (–196°C). Unlike CO2, liquid nitrogen (LIN) does not go through a solid phase, instead transitioning directly to a gaseous state. LIN can thus be directly injected into a grinding mill. During the solid-to-gas phase change, it produces a powerful cooling effect on the product. Solid carbon dioxide (also known as dry ice) or liquid CO2 can also be used as grinding coolants if temperatures below –78°C are not required. We deliver a tailored, dedicated supply concepts for cryogrinding installations, extending from gas supply and storage systems through supply lines to pressure and temperature control solutions. G Buy products here Nitrogen cylinder   Add to cart Laser Nitrogen 5.0 cylinder   Add to cart Oxygen Cylinder   Add to cart Breathing oxygen cylinder   Add to cart Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Dry ice brochure Would you like to learn more or ask for advice about cleaning, polishing and grinding processes? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
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  • [ Modified and controlled atmospheres Modified and controlled atmospheres Bringing you the benefits that come from decades of experience and a proven track record. Ask for advice Areas Downloads Buy here Gas-enabled applications for various industries to optimise their processes Carbonation is the process of adding carbon dioxide to drinks to create fizz, while controlled atmosphere stunning is a technology that creates humane conditions for animals being slaughtered, improving animal welfare and meat quality. Carbon dioxide fertilization enhances the growth of plants in greenhouses, while liquid nitrogen dosing strengthens bottle walls to avoid breakage during transportation. Modified atmosphere packaging uses gas mixtures to extend the shelf life of foodstuffs, without the need for chemicals or freezing. Success through partnership We work closely with food research institutes in many countries, e.g. SIK (Sweden), VTT (Finland), Campden (UK), and have numerous food-processing customers worldwide. To create the best atmosphere for each application, we also collaborate closely with suppliers of packaging materials and machines. Several factors affect the packaging atmosphere: the foodstuff and its properties, microbial activity, hygiene requirements, the pre-packaging delay and temperature. The permeability and other properties of the packaging material, the free gas volume within the package, and the residual oxygen level are also important. Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) Food manufacturers are always looking for ways to extend shelf life. They want to achieve this without altering the physical or chemical properties of foodstuffs, or adding any unnatural ingredients. Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) is the ideal solution. This natural method is rapidly gaining in popularity around the world. It can also complement alternative preservation methods. We have developed a range of application-specific packaging solutions under our MAPAX® brand. Synergizing our vast knowledge of food science, gas mixtures and packaging, MAPAX extends shelf life – the natural way. With MAPAX, you can: ● Increase your sales, by satisfying growing demand for fresh and naturally preserved products ● Extend shelf life without chemicals or freezing ● Increase shelf life in the distribution chain, by days or even weeks ● Retain taste, texture and appearance ● Enhance production and distribution efficiency by cutting costs Related areas Carbonation Carbon dioxide is the most frequently used industrial gas in the beverages industry. It is dissolved in drinks to create the well-known 'fizz' effect. We deliver food-grade carbon dioxide, sourced from both natural wells and industrial facilities. Our carbon dioxide complies with all relevant food guidelines. During carbonation, carbon dioxide is added to the liquid in a carbonator. There, vaporized carbon dioxide is mixed under pressure with temperature-controlled water. Syrup, sweetener and other ingredients are then added, to create the final product. Controlled Atmosphere Stunning (CAS) Consumer interest in animal welfare is rising – as are quality requirements for meat and poultry. Our sophisticated Controlled Atmosphere Stunning (CAS) solutions satisfy the evolving needs of today’s slaughter plants. We can help you to design a safe and reliable system tailored to your individual needs. CAS modifies the atmosphere to create humane euthanasia conditions for animals. This gentle technology provides a less stressful experience, contributing to improved animal welfare, better processing conditions and higher quality meat. CAS provides a less stressful experience for animals and leads to various improvements, including a safer working environment, better plucking results, reduced fecal contamination, easier animal handling, elimination of hemorrhages, bruises and broken bones, reduced meat bruising, and better bleed-out of arteries in the fillet, wing and thigh. These benefits make CAS a preferred method for animal euthanasia, which enhances both animal welfare and meat quality. Carbon dioxide fertilization Normal air has a carbon dioxide concentration of 340 ppm. This is insufficient for producing the best yield. Plants usually require carbon dioxide concentrations of between 600 and 1,000 ppm. Supplementary carbon dioxide is particularly important when using artificial lighting. If the concentration of carbon dioxide is allowed to fall, growth is halted and artificial lighting provides no benefits. When extra carbon dioxide is added to greenhouse air, the tomato, cucumber and lettuce yield improves by up to 25-30%, or even more. Cut flowers and potted plants also benefit from carbon dioxide fertilization. Carbon dioxide not only increases yield, but also produces an earlier harvest and improves plants’ resistance to disease and pests. Carnations can bloom up to one month earlier. Lettuce is ready for harvesting weeks earlier, while tomatoes in tomato sprouts can ripen a week sooner than usual. Carbon dioxide fertilization pays off, as clearly indicated by several studies and practical experience. In greenhouses heated by burning propane, carbon dioxide is obtained as a by-product, but often at the wrong time of day. Carbon dioxide is needed most at midday, when extra heat is seldom needed. The heating system must be able to store this heat, and release it during the cold hours of the day. There is always the risk of incomplete burning, resulting in the formation of NOX, which is very harmful to plants. If a greenhouse heating system cannot store heat, adding pure carbon dioxide to the greenhouse air is usually the best solution. This also helps to avoid the moisture problems produced by burning propane. One kilogram of propane generates 1.6 kilograms of water vapor, which condenses into liquid water. Such water won’t go away by itself. Liquid nitrogen dosing When making drink bottles, manufacturers of non-carbonated beverages (water, juices, teas, etc.) generally rely on PET (polyethylene terephthalate). Over the last 20 years, in line with environmental and cost pressures, plastic bottles have become thinner. However, this has reduced the weight of PET polymers in bottles, resulting in thinner, weaker bottle walls. After filling, bottles must be stacked for transportation to customers. At the bottom of a pallet, weak bottles with thinner walls buckle under the weight of the bottles above. This leads to unsafe conditions and costly product losses. Such a problem can be avoided by pressurizing the bottles. Available in liquid form, nitrogen is the perfect medium for this. When liquid nitrogen vaporizes, it expands to 682 times its liquid volume. In addition, because it is inert, it protects the drink against the drink spoilage and lost revenues that can result from oxidation. We supply the liquid nitrogen (LIN) needed for the LIN dosing systems commonly used in bottling facilities. Such systems add a droplet of liquid nitrogen, which is trapped by immediately capping the bottle. Expanding as it vaporizes, the trapped droplet increases the internal pressure. This ‘rigidifies’ the bottle for stacking. Oxygenation in aquaculture Adequate and stable supply of oxygen is essential for fish welfare, growth and survival. The amount of oxygen required for optimal fish growth is dependent on the fish species, size, feed fish density, activity levels and water temperature. When there is a reduction or stop in oxygen supply, fish will soon start experiencing problems and, in serious cases, die from lack of oxygen. Fish welfare is a constant concern. Maintaining proper oxygen levels is important to the immune system of fish and leads to stable production and economic benefits for the farmer. Carbonation Controlled Atmosphere Stunning (CAS) Carbon dioxide fertilization Liquid nitrogen dosing Oxygenation in aquaculture Carbonation Carbon dioxide is the most frequently used industrial gas in the beverages industry. It is dissolved in drinks to create the well-known 'fizz' effect. We deliver food-grade carbon dioxide, sourced from both natural wells and industrial facilities. Our carbon dioxide complies with all relevant food guidelines. During carbonation, carbon dioxide is added to the liquid in a carbonator. There, vaporized carbon dioxide is mixed under pressure with temperature-controlled water. Syrup, sweetener and other ingredients are then added, to create the final product. G Buy products here BIOGON® O cylinder   Add to cart BIOGON® N cylinder   Add to cart BIOGON® C cylinder Please sign in or register to view prices and order this product.   Add to cart BIOGON® NC 30 cylinder   Add to cart MAPAX technology MAPAX gas mixtures inhibit microbial growth and can consist of gases such as CO2, N2, O2, N2O, Ar, and H2 in specific ratios. CO2 inhibits microorganisms by reducing pH and penetrating biological membranes. Nitrogen prevents oxidation and package collapse, while oxygen is needed for meat's red color and allows fruits and vegetables to breathe. MAPAX offers tailored solutions for dairy, dry foods & bakery, fish & seafood, fruit & veg, meat, and prepared & catered foods industries. Questions and answers about modified atmosphere packaging Gas + Which gas mixture should I use? It depends on the type of food you produce, the shelf-life you need and the way your product is consumed. For detailed information, refer to the specific MAPAX® flyers and your local Linde application engineer. Tests will probably need to be conducted to decide the optimum mixture. I am just starting out with the MAP system. What equipment do I need? Most systems require a minimum of a regulator, a flowmeter and piping. It is recommended to start with the pre-mixed single cylinders. Contact your local Linde application engineer to see what else might be needed. Is it better to purchase pre-mixed cylinders or to purchase pure gases and mix them on site? This depends on the volume and the type of production at your facility. If the volumes are large or your plant produces various products with different gas requirements, it would be better to mix the right gases on site. Where can I place the cylinders that I am using? Ideally you would want them out of the processing area for quality and hygiene reasons. Please refer to your local regulations. How much pressure do I need to supply to my machine? This depends on the type of machine and the type of product being run. Consult your machine manufacturer as well as your local Linde application engineer. If I use more gas, will using individual cylinders become more expensive? Yes. As your business grows, so will your gas consumption. It is important to consult your Linde representative to work out the best time to switch from cylinders to a bulk tank supply mode. What about safety for the use of gases? We provide safety information and training. Each country has its own safety regulations for the use of gas. These regulations must be followed and integrated into your quality systems. Our specially trained experts will support you here. What precautions should be taken when using gas mixtures with a high oxygen content? Please contact the machine supplier to check whether the machine is suitable for operation with mixtures containing high oxygen levels. The machine has to be specified for high oxygen ratings. What are the functions of different gases? The most important gas is CO2, since it delays the growth of microorganisms by dissolving into the food. N2‚‚ is used to replace O2‚‚ and thereby decrease deterioration. It is also used as a buffer gas. O2‚ is used to keep the red colour of meat and for the respiration of fruit and vegetables. The gases are normally used in mixtures to suit the needs of the specific product. Why should I use food-grade gases? Industrial gases do not meet the legal demands relating to the quality, traceability, labelling and handling of food-grade gases as additives. Food+ How far can I extend the shelf-life of my products by using an MAP system? That depends on many factors such as food product, temperature, hygiene, package and gas mixture. Generally, shelf-life can be increased by a period ranging from days to several weeks. For specific information, see the MAPAX brochure for your particular product. Can I freeze a product that is packed in a modified atmosphere? Yes- but it would be more effective and efficient to first freeze the product and then pack it in a modified atmosphere. Make sure the packaging material is suitable for freezing. Which gas or gas mixture can prevent the greenish colouring on the ham I produce? This greenish colouring is caused by bacteria grown naturally during processing. There is no gas or mixture that can change this afterwards. The meat I pack under MAP loses its colour, but the colour reappears after I open the package. Am I using the right gas mixture? The myoglobin molecule, which is responsible for the colour of meat and meat products, turns different colours with different gases. For recommendations relating to the correct gas mixture, see the MAPAX brochure. The sliced meat product I pack under MAP turns grey. Sometimes only spots on the meat have different colors. Could that be caused by a wrongly filled gas cylinder, or is it caused by the gas mixture in general? The gases and mixtures in our food-grade gases are controlled constantly and the wrong labelling or filling of a cylinder is almost impossible. The grey spots may be caused by a number of factors. To give you just a few ideas: the UV filter of the films could have been changed so that it no longer matches the light exposure, additives could have been changed, or the process could have been altered. Even raw materials like water and meat can vary. Maybe the optimum gas mixture is not being used, or there is an excessively high residual oxygen level in the package or condensed water that can fall down from the lid. Contact your local Linde engineer for tests. Why does drip loss appear in fresh meat in a modified atmosphere? Drip loss is caused by meat handling and processing. Carbon dioxide and oxygen are absorbed and metabolised by the product and microorganisms, creating a partial vacuum inside the container. In fresh meat packaging, this vacuum may be strong enough to actually squeeze water from the meat if insufficient nitrogen is present in the headspace. This can result in drip inside the package. Adding nitrogen should minimise the problem. When I open the food package, I can smell a specific odour. How can we explain this? In most cases when food is properly stored, this is a normal phenomenon. Each product generates its own odour which consists of many volatile compounds that collect in the headspace of the package. Wait a minute after opening. If the smell continues, please check the quality further. Which gas or gas mixture should be used for the ripening of meat? Meat can be successfully ripened in mixtures of CO2‚ and N2. The mixture depends on the type of meat and how it is cut. There are some pale grey, almost white spots on smoked sausages. The sausages are rinsed, cooled in a cryogenic freezer and then packed in MAP. How can I prevent this? There may be a number of reasons for these spots, for example, a local low temperature area could arise during the cooling process that often comes before the slicing. Cryogenic freezing involves very low temperatures that can cause bleaching. Contact your application engineer to check the freezer. Changes in various steps of the process may influence this. Packaging + ​ Does the package labelling have to indicate that the produce is packaged in a modified atmosphere? That depends on regional regulations. For EU countries, if the durability of a food has been extended by being packaged in a modified atmosphere, the packaging must state: Packaged in a protective atmosphere. What headspace (gas volume) is used in the package? That depends on the food product and type of package. The gas volume / product volume ratio lies between 0.5 for sausages and 2 for fish. I get condensation in my package, what’s wrong? The most likely reason is the temperature difference between the product and the storage temperature. We can improve packaged product visibility by using anti-fogging films. The product should always have the lowest possible temperature at the moment of packaging and be kept at the same temperature or lower during storage. The package could also be punctured. Check the residual oxygen. My packages inflate over time. Is the product fermenting? This is nearly always due to the CO2‚ which is generated by the product. This can be caused by too high temperatures (exceeding 4Ā°C) over a certain time. This process cannot be reversed by cooling the product down again. Some products, such as hard cheeses, develop CO2‚ through natural fermentation; this process can sometimes continue after packing and cause an undesirable inflated effect. The package can also be contaminated and develop unwanted gases which cause it to expand. Check immediately with your food lab. Why do MAP packages collapse? This is a normal physical phenomenon that often happens to products with a high water content. CO2‚ is a basic compound in MAP mixtures and dissolves easily in the water and fat phase of a product kept at low temperatures. That’s why the amount of CO2‚ in the head-space decreases and creates a small degree of underpressure inside the package. How do I know that I have the right gas volume and mixture in the package? There are several types of gas analysers on the market. They are easy to use and will give you fairly accurate answers to questions about mixtures and residual O2‚ levels. It is important to establish good routine checks to make sure you do not package a large amount of produce and end up with a less-than-optimum outcome. Your Linde application engineer will assist you by advising on the mixture and equipment best suited to your needs. Why does the residual oxygen in the package increase over time? There are a few reasons why this might happen. There could be a leak in the package or the oxygen barrier may not be high enough. Moreover, air (containing 21% oxygen) could have been trapped within the product during packaging (cakes and breads for example). However, the most common reason is leaks in the sealing. How much residual oxygen is recommended in the package? This depends very much on the product. Consult your local Linde application engineer. Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Liquid Carbon dioxide MAP Packaging materials MAP food grade gases and supply MAP packaging machines Would you like to learn more or ask for advice about modified and controlled atmospheres processes? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
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  • [ Petrochemical processing and refining Petrochemical processing and refining Experience and a proven track record in gas technologies and solutions for petrochemical processing and refining. Ask for advice Vital role of gases in petrochemical processing and refining In petrochemical processing and refining, industrial gases perform a number of key tasks, often serving as invisible helpers and problem-solvers. They are used not only as petrochemical feedstocks, but also as reactants and oxidative agents. In addition, they support hydrotreating, process intensification, process and quality control, inerting, storage and transport. Gases role from development to implementation We offer a wide range of gas-related solutions spanning state-of-the-art application technologies, end-to-end hardware supply schemes, development tools such as experimental set-ups, calculation programs for process design and software to support safety competence, for instance. Our experts work closely with you in order to develop and optimise the gas application solution best suited to your needs. In addition, we support all stages of the project lifecycle, from trails and design through to implementation and start-up. Would like to learn more about Petrochemical processing and refining Hydrogen in refining + Not only legislation but more extensive processing of residues and higher diesel demand compared with petrol will also increase hydrogen's demand. There are various hydrotreating processes in a refinery. To name a few: ● Hydrodesulphurisation: sulphur compounds are hydrogenated to hydrogen sulphide H2S as feed for Claus plants ● Hydroisomerisation: normal paraffins are converted into iso-paraffins to improve the product properties (e.g. RON) ● Dearomatisation: aromatics are hydrogenated to cyclo paraffins or alkanes ● Hydrocracking: long-chain hydrocarbons are cracked to shorter chains in the gasoline range. Main processes for hydrogen production: ● Steam reforming of methane or other hydrocarbons ● Gasification of organic feedstock to syngas (H2/CO) ● Recovery from gaseous waste streams ● Electrolysis of NaC Process consulting, financing, erection and start-up are all services offered by Linde. We can also provide hydrogen plant operation (over-the-fence-supply), maintenance and repair and emergency supply arrangement to ensure that your business is working at its optimum. Hover on the image to enlarge it Oxygen enrichment in Claus plants + Claus plants in refineries process concentrated hydrogen sulphide (H2S) fractions converting them into elemental sulphur. They can also remove pollutants, particularly by decomposing ammonia. Stricter environmental regulation leads to products with lower sulphur content. As a result Claus plant loadings with hydrogen sulphide and ammonia are increasing and the Claus plant may become a bottleneck. The problem can be overcome by oxygen enrichment of the combustion air. This increases the capacity significantly. A new type of burner ensures excellent mixing of hydrogen sulphide and oxygen enriched air over a wide load range. Benefits of oxygen enrichment in Claus plants: ● Increased Claus plant capacity ● Increased productivity without changing the pressure drop ● More effective treatment of ammonia containing feeds ● Less effort for tail gas purification (reduced nitrogen flow). Oxygen enrichment in FCC units + ​ Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) converts primarily vacuum gas oil from the crude distillation unit into gasoline blending stocks and fuel oils. FCC breaks down heavier and more complex hydrocarbons into lighter ones. Feed is primarily vacuum gas oil, often mixed with refinery residues. The main products are gas fraction (mainly C3/C4), liquid fraction and coke (solid formation on the catalyst). FCC oxygen enrichment involves the addition of a controlled flow of gaseous oxygen into the combustion air. The additional oxygen in the regenerator results in higher plant efficiency due to: ● Increased plant capacity by up to 35% ● More flexibility in the selection of feedstock, especially to enable use of heavier feedstock with a higher tendency to form coke ● Increased conversion ratio and gasoline yield ● Resolved air blower constraints ● Reduced CO in the regenerator off-gas ● Less abrasion of the catalyst and less erosion of the cyclones due to reduced gas velocity, resulting in less downtimes and repairs In order to help control particulates, sulfur dioxide and NOx emissions from the FCC we offer the LOTOX® technology. LOTOX® is a patented innovation that uses ozone to selectively oxidize insoluble NOx to highly soluble species that can be easily removed in a wet scrubber. The benefits include increased capacity, greater flexibility in the choice of feeds, increased conversion rates and reduced emissions. Partial oxidation + ​ Partial oxidation plants are used to form hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water from the residues (liquids, highly viscous hydrocarbons) of the refining process. The products can be used as synthesis gas, fuel gas or feed for hydrogen recovery. With tailored oxygen supply for Partial Oxidation (POX) we can offer you the following benefits: ● Cleaner and better reuse of residues ● Broader economic base of the refinery ● Higher flexibility through a wider range of products ● Handling of refinery feed compositions within a wide range Industrial services for refineries + ​ We offer a vast service portfolio dedicated specifically to the needs of refinery operations. Pressure, temperature, purity and volume requirements can vary significantly across a range of highly specialised applications. Many refinery operators rely on our nitrogen services – sometimes in combination with other gases – to support the following applications: ● Drying and purging: Humidity in pipelines can delay start-up or compromise productivity for days. Purging with large streams of gaseous nitrogen enables pipelines to be dried and heated in a controlled manner, thus accelerating start-up and boosting productivity. We can supply nitrogen at flow rates of up to 25,000 m3/h and at a pressure of up to 700 bar for these applications. ● Inerting and blanketing: We supply inert gases such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide (CO2) to bring oxygen concentrations down to a safe level in environments with the potential for fire and explosions. ● Pipeline pigging: A pig is sometimes pressed through a duct or pipeline that requires cleaning or inspection, especially if it contains viscous material. We supply gaseous nitrogen for this purpose. It is a highly effective, safe and dry pressure medium, supporting a wide range of pressures, temperatures and volume flow rates. ● Leak and pressure testing: We supply a special nitrogen/helium mixture to detect even tiny leaks and leakage rates at operating conditions with pressures of up to 250 bar. The helium acts as an easily detectable tracer gas as it is inert and diffusible. This is an effective, economical solution that enables operators to rapidly remedy defects. We also supply high-pressure nitrogen for testing at pressures of up to 700 bar. ● Reactor cool-down with hot stripping: With our hot stripping and CATCOOL™ processes, refineries can shorten by days the window needed to cool down high-temperature facilities in preparation for inspection. This inert process technology relies on controlled streams of large volumes of cold nitrogen to reduce production downtime. ● Pipe and ground freezing: Cryogenic nitrogen can be used to temporarily seal and freeze pipe sections for installation or repair work. This smart solution eliminates the need to drain and shut down the entire piping system. This method can also be used to freeze the ground for construction work. G Buy products here MISON® 18 NEMO® PLUS   Add to cart MISON® 18 cylinder   Add to cart VARIGON® H35 cylinder   Add to cart VARIGON® H5 cylinder   Add to cart Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Liquid nitrogen safety datasheet Liquid oxygen safety datasheet Hydrogen safety datasheet Nitrogen services brochure Refineries overview brochure Oxygen enrichment for intensification of air oxidation reactions The role of oxygen and hydrogen in refining Would you like to learn more or ask for advice about petrochemical processing and refining processes? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Downloads overview page Downloads Here you will find product safety and product datasheets, application brochures, as well as other materials to help you choose the right gases and applications. Safety datasheets The chemical's safety data sheet (SDS) provides information about the chemical's risks to human health and the environment, as well as the safe handling of its side effects. Go to page → Product datasheets and brochures Here you will find product datasheets, as well as various application brochures and other materials that provide additional information about our products. Go to page → ]
  • [ Applications Gas applications We support our customers by enhancing process flows and sustainability performance across the broadest industrial spectrum with innovative gases and application technologies. As experts on industrial gases, Linde has deep and intimidate knowledge of the many gas-enabled processes that play a critical role in our customers’ businesses. We work in close cooperation to develop innovative gas solutions that address new challenges and opportunities, helping our customers remain leading positions in their respective industries. Additive manufacturing At a low cost and in a short timeframe, even complex geometries can be built. It allows extensive customization, manufacturing flexibility, and on-demand delivery. Read more → Analysis and instrumentation Putting you on the fast track to the best analysis results in the best possible times with high-purity speciality gases. Read more → Cleaning, polishing and grinding Enhancing process efficiency and environmental performance with innovative gas technologies and application expertise. Read more → Cryogenic preservation Efficient cryopreservation with the widest range of cryotechnology products on the market for storage of biological materials and the most advanced vacuum technology in the sector. Read more → Cutting There are various ways of separating materials, such as oxyfuel, plasma and laser cutting. Read more → Fish farming Exploring the impact of oxygen saturation on the growth rate, mortality and food conversion ratio of fish. Read more → Freezing and cooling applications Using cryogenic cooling and freezing power to enhance safety, productivity and environmental performance across a wide range of applications. Read more → Heat treatment Offering cutting-edge technologies and in-depth know-how to give you precision control over various heat treatment processes. Read more → Hydrogen energy Regardless of whether you want to use hydrogen as a zero-emissions source of fuel, a feedstock gas for industry or a source of heat and power for buildings, we have the technologies and... Read more → Inerting Managing safety, degradation and quality risks with a wide range of purging, inerting and blanketing solutions for industrial and food/beverage applications. Read more → Melting and heating Supporting all your heating requirements in metal fabrication innovative, safe gas supply and application technologies designed to enhance quality. Read more → Modified atmospheres We offer cutting-edge technology and in-depth know-how to give you precise control over a wide range of processes such as gasification, gas packing or liquefied nitrogen addition. Read more → Moulding, forming and extrusion Exploring the full potential of industrial gases used to optimise plastic and rubber processing. Read more → Petrochemical processing Supporting gas-enabled petrochemical processing and refining steps with a broad spectrum of gas- related solutions spanning state-of-the-art application technologies. Read more → Process chemistry Supporting the fine and specialty chemistry sector with innovative solutions for cooling, emissions control, solvent recovery and hydrogen supply. Read more → Pulp and paper Offering know-how and patented processes, our gas-based technologies protects the environment while pulp and paper manufacturers benefit form reliable processes. Read more → Water and waste water treatment Providing a full range of application technologies engineered to deliver the best water treatment results in a cost-effective way. Read more → Welding Supporting all welding techniques with the full selection of welding, shielding and laser gases and mixtures. Read more → Welding related processes Differentiated depending techniques, gases and working temperatures for welding related processes. Read more → ]
  • [ vuokrapalvelut Rental services from Linde Find out more about our new features The key features of the program Your safety is always our first priority › When working with our gases, safety must always be a topic of highest importance. Cylinders are highly pressurized with up to 300 bar (and even more) and the gas itself can have tremendous harmful potential to people and the environment if released in an uncontrolled manner. Therefore, the integrity of the cylinder and the valve are a key factor for ensuring a safe handling of the gas. You do not need to worry about the condition of their cylinders and valves. Experts at our maintenance shops perform regular safety tests of each cylinder and replace expendable parts. This allows our customers to work according to the highest safety standards. No need for you to invest into cylinders › As our customer, you do not need to invest into cylinders. We do it for you. Therefore, high depreciation costs for cylinder investments are being avoided and money can be spent in a more business beneficial way instead. In addition, there is no need to hold extra cylinders during maintenance and testing. We just pick up the empty cylinder and deliver a new one, which is filled. When the your consumption is going down, e.g. due to seasonality effects, the unused cylinders are just given back to us so that we can use them for other customers, who actually need them. Therefore, the cylinder asset park is always employed in a maximum efficient way, which leads to cheaper operating costs for us and the customer. Enjoy a maximum degree of flexibility › Renting cylinders comes along with a maximum degree of flexibility for our customers compared to purchasing them. You are free to select and swap between different gas types and cylinder sizes according to the current needs of their business. You are also flexible when it comes to the choice of supply mode: Cylinder can either be picked up from and returned to one of our agents or be delivered directly. There are multiple ways to pay for rentals to ensure convenience and adaption to your current situation. Have constant access to the latest state-of-the-art technology › Renting cylinders from us gives you access to the latest state-of-the-art technologies such as lightweight cylinders and high-tech valves, for example Genie or Evos. We constantly innovate new technologies based on the market`s demand and aim at adding value to your business to improve his productivity and safety. Benefit from our broad experience and knowledge in all gas-related matters › As we are the world's largest gas supplier, our customers can count on our reliability, knowledge and experience that only a few can offer to that extent. We provide access to a broad scope of products and services as well as extensive technical and safety support. Enjoy the convenience of a dense network of agents and an online shop with one-stop shopping. The Linde Digital Service Hub Every customer that is dealing with gases packaged in cylinders comes accross various day-to-day issues. With the new Linde Digital Service Hub we help you to manage these challenges in a quick and very cost-efficient manner. For example, you get support in meeting certain legal safety demands, learn how to safely handle your cylinders in your daily operations and how to reduce your cost of usage by häving a better transparency over your cylinder and gas stock. Features included in the Linde Digital Service Hub Certificates Certificate overview quantity, price, duration. Manage your certificates online. Rental Report Find out how many cylinders you have rented via daily rent and how many via long-term leases. Gain access to all transactions. Gas Consumption Get an overview of the quantity of each gas/material you have consumed within a certain time frame. E-Learning We provide you with trainings around the topics of safety, welding, cutting, how to use certain Equipment and much more. More information about the Linde Digital Service Hub ]
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  • [ delivery-confirmation DELIVERY CONFIRMATION / INFORMING DEVIATIONS IN DELIVERY Dear customer, All deviations on any goods delivered to you must be informed to Linde (former AGA) within five working days of the delivery. If deviations are informed later than five working days after the delivery, Linde will not accept any deviation on delivered goods. Remember to check carefully your delivery Please check carefully the transport box and goods received. •In case you notice any damage on the transport box please write a note to the driver’s delivery note included in the shipment. •If the goods are damaged, you have the right to refuse to accept the delivery; in such a case please notify Linde by email within 5 working days as instructed below. •It is very important that you make a notice of the deviation/damage on the Bill of lading as proof of the deviation to the transport company How to inform deviations in the delivery In case you notice a deviation in your delivery please inform Linde by sending an email to Linde customer service no later than within five (5) working days of delivery. When sending the email please remember: - Write to subject field of the email: “Deviation in delivery goods” - Include Linde order or delivery number as a reference - Describe the deviation - Send email to (please note that our customer service email addresses have been changed): •Sweden: •Norway: •Denmark: •Finland: We highly appreciate your support in this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service. Sparkling Water Linde Gas, Northern Europe ]
  • [ Kommer snart Coming Soon Sorry, but you have managed to reach a spot that is not ready yet and that we are working on. Soon you will see the result! Stay tuned and we really hope you like our new online services AGA online shop team ]
  • [ Payments & Charges Payment & Charges FAQs Getting started My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payment & Charges Questions about Payment What happens if I don't pay my invoice on time? What are my payment terms? How do I sign up for eBilling? Questions about Charges Why do I need to pay rental on cylinders? 1. What happens if I don't pay my invoice on time? As a registered user with an existing Linde account, any orders online will be added to your account and payable in accordance with your payment terms. If you do not pay your bills on time this may affect your ability to order or receive products from us. It is therefore very important that if you are unable to pay for any reason you need to contact Customer Services on 019-27 61 27 to discuss the matter. 2. What are my payment terms? Payment of terms are stated in the price list, at any time being, provided by Linde. This also shows the billing-, delay and claim fees applied by Linde, as well as interest on late payment. 3. How do I sign up for eBilling? Click on "My Account" and “My Profile” and select “Invoice Preferences” you can apply for eBilling. Questions about charges 1. Why do I need to pay rental on cylinders? Rental charges cover the maintenance and replenishment of our cylinder stocks, helping us to ensure you are supplied with cylinders that are safe, reliable and fit the purpose of containing gas. We test our cylinders regularly and replace those that have reached the end of serviceable life with new stock, and we continue to invest in development of different cylinder types to meet your supply needs. Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Telephone Numbers Store Finder FAQs Getting started My Account Delivery & Collection Orders Payment & Charges Returns & Refunds Mobile App Technical Contact Email us Telephone numbers Questions about Payment What happens if I don't pay my invoice on time? What are my payment terms? How do I sign up for eBilling? Questions about charges Why do I need to pay rental on cylinders? 1. What happens if I don't pay my invoice on time? As a registered user with an existing Linde account, any orders online will be added to your account and payable in accordance with your payment terms. If you do not pay your bills on time this may affect your ability to order or receive products from us. It is therefore very important that if you are unable to pay for any reason you need to contact Customer Services on 019-27 61 27 to discuss the matter. 2. What are my payment terms? Payment of terms are stated in the price list, at any time being, provided by Linde. This also shows the billing-, delay and claim fees applied by Linde, as well as interest on late payment. 3. How do I sign up for eBilling? Click on "My Account" and “My Profile” and select “Invoice Preferences” you can apply for eBilling. Questions about Charges 1. Why do I need to pay rental on cylinders? Rental charges cover the maintenance and replenishment of our cylinder stocks, helping us to ensure you are supplied with cylinders that are safe, reliable and fit the purpose of containing gas. We test our cylinders regularly and replace those that have reached the end of serviceable life with new stock, and we continue to invest in development of different cylinder types to meet your supply needs. ]
  • [ Back to all news Media contacts Milla Huovila Head of Communications +358 50 3813 134 Share: Copied link About us Legal contacts Careers in Linde Safety in Linde Linde in society Ask for advice → ]
  • [ Recurring order Recurring Order How to use new functionality of Recurring Order: Log in to your account → Klick on Recurring order → Fill out the form → Receive your order automatically Short description of Recurring Order: Recurring Order is a functionality, where Linde webshop user can set up an order with desired frequency and a day of a week (or a month), product type and quantity and then save it. After activating it, the order with predetermined products would be placed on a predetermined day with predetermined frequency automatically without the need for the user to do anything manually. User would be getting email notifications of order activation, placement etc. Go to Home and log in. You will land on My Account page. How to create and save a Recurring Order: - There are multiple ways of creating and saving a recurring order. A: Create Recurring Order from your Order History, where you have overview of earlier placed orders. Select an account and delivery address, that the order was placed for, choose an order from the list that you would like to be placed on a regular base and click on „Save as Recurring Order“: B: Create Recurring Order from the section of Recurring Order by simply clicking on the button of „Create New Recurring Order“. NB! When saving a Recurring Order from the section of Recurring Order, you will have to manually add desired products to the order later before activating it! C: Create Recurring Order from a Shopping Cart, where you already have added products that you need to order on a regular base. A popup will appear, where details for recurring order have to be provided. Fields marked with * are mandatory. Keep in mind to make sure that recurring order is being created for correct account number and delivery address. When ready, save this recurring order: You should get a notification popup window confirming your Recurring Order was saved. NB!In case recurring order needs to have an expiry date – check the box for an End Date as shown on the picture! Navigate to the section of Recurring Orders in order to see saved Recurring Orders. Select correct account followed by delivery address, for which you want to see Recurring Orders. When done, a list of all saved (both, active and inactive) recurring orders will appear: Click on the order you want to activate or modify. Order will then expand. The details of the recurring order (valid email address for order placement notifications, account nr, delivery address, order frequency, order day etc) will appear on the left, while next order placement date, order status and additional info will appear on the right side: How to edit a Recurring Order: Any change of the order details, including editing email address for notifications on this recurring order, adding/removing products, changing order placement day or frequency etc is doable only when order is in editing mode. If you need to edit any of the details for the recurring order, navigate to the section of Recurring Order under My Account, click on mentioned section, choose correct account number and delivery address, find the order you wish to edit and click on it. Order will then expand with all details. Scroll to the bottom of the order and click on „Edit this Order“ button. All fields will become editable. Make required changes to the order, then click on „Save Changes“ at the bottom of the page: Notification popup will appear, saying that changes have been saved. NB! If you need to edit an active order, it will first have to be deactivated! How to activate saved Recurring Order: For the order to start being placed automatically, saved Recurring Order has to be first activated. If you need to activate an order, navigate to My Account, from there to the section of Recurring Order, then choose correct account number and delivery address, find correct recurring order, click on it and it will then expand. If all the details are correct, check the box for email-confirmation: NB! Be sure that email address for recurring order notifications would be correct! It may as well be different than the email address you have used under the registration process. Then check another box for accepting Linde Webshop Conditions and click on „Activate this Order“ button. You will now see in the list of Recurring Orders that the status of your order has become „Active“. ]
  • [ Melting and heating Melting and heating Precision manufacturing processes call for tailored solutions that optimise productivity and efficiencies. Ask for advice All areas Downloads Buy here A variety of techniques to enhance quality and productivity Our experts are among the most knowledgeable in the world when it comes to gas-enabled applications. Here you will find a wealth of information on the process innovations and application expertise. Heating of metal fabrication The main heating processes are following: Preheating – certain materials must be preheated before welding to avoid hardening cracks. After welding, stress relief heat treatment may be necessary in order to reduce welding stress. Flame straightening – this technique is employed to change or restore the shape of parts that have been distorted. When a defined section is heated beyond its yield limit and the surrounding prevent expansion, plastic deformation will occur. Once cooled, the material will shrink in size. A skilled operator can heat isolated spots to straighten the deformation. Melting – this involves soldering, brazing and fusing of sprayed coatings as well as flame welding. Forming – the part to be formed is heated locally. An external force is then applied to form the part. For example, necking out pipe branch stubs. Shrink fitting – to achieve a change in size used for shrink fitting to securely fit shafts/bearings. Liquid nitrogen can be used for cooling (shrinking) and an oxy-acetylene flame for heating (expanding). Stress relief heat treatment – this may be necessary after welding. Metal structure changes – this involves flame-hardening. Heating furnaces Our Oxyfuel-based solutions are designed to help you achieve the same process results with less fuel consumption, reduced harmful emissions and even increased process capacity. For existing furnaces with unchanged staffing, REBOX® oxyfuel offers efficient solutions providing increased production capacity and flexibility, decreased fuel costs and lowered emissions of carbon dioxide, NOx and SOx. REBOX has also been successfully applied in new furnaces. REBOX offers more capacity with less emission to any new or existing furnace by: Throughput (t/h) increased up to 50%; Fuel savings up to 50% Corresponding to a 50% reduction of CO2. Aluminium melting Low-temperature oxyfuel combustion technology is uniquely designed for the challenges that exists within the aluminium industry to boost capacity, with uniform furnace temperatures to avoid hot spots, reduce fuel consumption, improve yields and reduce emissions. The combustion occurs under a diluted oxygen concentration by mixing the furnace gases into the combustion zone. This slows down the oxyfuel combustion reactions and results in lower flame temperatures, comparable to those of airfuel technology, which are below the point at which thermal NOx is created. The mixing of furnace gases into the flame also disperses the energy throughout the entire furnace for uniform heating and more efficient melting. The dispersed flame contains the same amount of energy but with a much more effective distribution. The overall result is more homogenous heating and melting, enabling not only a higher power input and thus higher melt rates, but also reduced formation of dross and NOx emissions. Ladle heating Flameless oxyfuel combustion technology is uniquely designed to boost capacity, reduce fuel consumption, improve temperature uniformity and lowering emissions. The combustion occurs under a diluted oxygen concentration as flue gases are mixed into the combustion zone. This slows down the oxyfuel combustion reactions and results in lower flame temperatures, which are below the point at which thermal NOx is created. The overall result is a more homogenous heating, a further decreased fuel consumption, and reduced emission of NOX emissions. Customer benefits: Up to 55% reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions 25% shorter heating cycle for ladles. Flameless oxyfuel promotes a more uniform heating to further extend refractory lining life. Flameless oxyfuel effectively lowers NOx emissions. Compact, simple and powerful oxyfuel installation, easy to fit on any vessel. A hotter ladle allows for lower metal tapping temperature saving energy, refractory lining and reducing number of rejections (returns due to too low metal temperature). A faster heating, which could reduce the number of ladles in circulation. Hotter and uniformly heated vessel for improved cast product quality. Glass forming and processing Polishing and fusing enhance the surface quality of glass. Flames from our special burners impinge the glass directly to remelt a thin surface layer. Polishing can be used to eliminate or reduce the need for etching, thus reducing the environmental impact and paving the way for a cleaner, safer working environment. Benefits of pre-mixed burners Pre-mixed burners are more efficient than post-mixed burners. In addition, technologies based on hydrogen/oxygen are more efficient than those using natural gas/oxygen or propane/oxygen. Our pre-mixed technology with oxygen and hydrogen is the solution of choice for high-end processes where speed, quality and efficiency are critical. Glass melting The variety of ways to increase combustion efficiency when melting glass include oxygen enrichment, oxygen lancing, oxyfuel boosting, all oxyfuel. Using oxygen instead of air in combustion processes eliminates nitrogen and increases flame temperatures. Oxyfuel solutions also raise the concentration of CO2 and H2O in the vicinity of the flame. And since these gases are mainly responsible for thermal radiation, they make gas jets more efficient. Deployed correctly, burners help control heat input more accurately, improve glass circulation and enhance batch melting. We offer a range of burners tailored to individual applications. LINDOFLAMM flame solutions for heating Heating furnaces – REBOX® oxyfuel Aluminium melting Ladle heating Glass forming and processing Glass melting Heating of metal fabrication - LINDOFLAMM flame solutions for heating The main heating processes are following: Preheating – certain materials must be preheated before welding to avoid hardening cracks. After welding, stress relief heat treatment may be necessary in order to reduce welding stress. Flame straightening – this technique is employed to change or restore the shape of parts that have been distorted. When a defined section is heated beyond its yield limit and the surrounding prevent expansion, plastic deformation will occur. Once cooled, the material will shrink in size. A skilled operator can heat isolated spots to straighten the deformation. Melting – this involves soldering, brazing and fusing of sprayed coatings as well as flame welding. Forming – the part to be formed is heated locally. An external force is then applied to form the part. For example, necking out pipe branch stubs. Shrink fitting – to achieve a change in size used for shrink fitting to securely fit shafts/bearings. Liquid nitrogen can be used for cooling (shrinking) and an oxy-acetylene flame for heating (expanding). Stress relief heat treatment – this may be necessary after welding. Metal structure changes – this involves flame-hardening. LINDOFLAMM® flame solutions – tailored solutions for every heating application The LINDOFLAMM® programme is the result of over 100 years of experience with our customers. We are therefore able to meet any demand and can provide you with complete solutions, including the right gas and equipment, comprehensive services, continuous gas supply and extensive process know-how. Our portfolio includes manually guided as well as mechanised burners. Manually guided special burners differ from off-the-shelf models as both their shape and capacity are modified for the purpose at hand. The burners are usually gas-cooled. Read more → G Osta tuotteita täältä Acetylene cylinder   Add to cart Oxygen Cylinder   Add to cart Acethylene, AAS   Add to cart Breathing oxygen Aviator   Add to cart Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Propane Leak Finder.pdf Acetylene safety datasheet Oxygen safety datasheet Propane LINDOFLAMM® brochure LINDOFLAMM thermal engineering brochure Would you like to learn more or ask for advice about melting and heating processes? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Yleiset toimitusehdot Yleiset toimitusehdot Yleiset toimitusehdot Yleiset vuokraehdot 1. Yleiset ehdot Näitä toimitusehtoja sovelletaan silloin, kun osapuolet ovat siitä kirjallisesti tai muulla tavalla sopineet. Ehdoista poikkeamisesta on sovittava kirjallisesti, jotta poikkeaminen olisi pätevä. Tuotetiedoissa, hinnastoissa ja muissa vastaavissa asiakirjoissa samoin kuin muulla tavalla annetut tiedot ovat sitovia vain siinä laajuudessa, kun niihin osapuolten välisessä sopimuksessa nimenomaisesti viitataan. 2. Määritelmät Pullokaasulla tarkoitetaan kaasua pullossa tai kuljetettavassa säiliössä. Nesteytetyllä kaasulla tarkoitetaan jäähdyttämällä tai paineistamalla nesteytettyä kaasua, joka ilmakehänpaineessa tai ylipaineessa on nestemäisessä muodossa, esimerkiksi nestemäistä argonia, typpeä, happea, hiilidioksidia tai maakaasua. Kuivajäällä tarkoitetaan kiinteässä muodossa olevaa hiilidioksidia. Pakkauksella tarkoitetaan kaasun säilyttämiseen ja kuljettamiseen käytettäviä säiliöitä, kuten kaasupulloja, kaasupullopaketteja, siirtolava- kontteja, kaasupullojen koreja, kuljetettavia nesteytetyn kaasun säiliöitä sekä kuivajäälaatikoita. Kaasuasemalla tarkoitetaan Ostajan luona olevaa varastosäiliötä tai kaasun valmistuslaitteistoa oheislaitteineen. Kaasuntoimitusvälineillä tarkoitetaan Pakkauksia, Kaasuasemia ja kaikkia muita Kaasuntoimitusvälineitä, joita Myyjä käyttää kaasun toimittamiseen. 3. Kaasumäärien mittausperusteet Pullokaasun paine määritellään +15ºC lämpötilassa. Jollei muuta erityisesti ilmoiteta, on kaasutilavuudet kaasuille laskettu kaasupullon sisätilavuuden ja nimellisen täyttöpaineen funktiona kaasukohtaiset tekijät huomioon ottaen. Pullokaasun, joka on huoneenlämmössä paineistettuna nestemäisessä muodossa, samoin kuin nesteeseen liuotetun kaasun kuten asetyleenin määrä määritellään punnituksella. Nesteytetyn kaasun määrä määritellään punnituksella tai tilavuusmittauk - sella. Määrä ilmoitetaan joko painona kilogrammoina (kg) tai tilavuutena joko litroina (l) nestemäisessä muodossa tai kuutiometreinä (m3) kaasumuodossa +15ºC lämpötilassa ja 1013 mbar:in paineessa. Muunto- ohjeet saa Myyjältä pyydettäessä. Kuivajään määrä mitataan punnitsemalla. 4. Laatu ja dokumentaatio Toimitettu kaasu ja Kuivajää täyttävät Myyjän laatumääritelmät. Myyjä toimittaa kyseiset laatumääritelmät Ostajalle tämän pyynnöstä. Korvausta vastaan Myyjä toimittaa myös yhdenmukaisuustodistuksen (Certificate of Conformity) ja analyysitodistuksen (Certificate of Analysis) edellyttäen, että niitä pyydetään tilauksen yhteydessä. 5. Toimitusehdot Kaasut Pakkauksissa toimitetaan Ex Works Myyjän tuotantolaitos tai Myyjän edustajan toimipiste. Nesteytetyn kaasun toimitusraja Kaasuasemalla on Kaasuaseman lähtöliitäntä (venttiili, laippa tai muu vastaava), mikäli muuta ei ole sovittu. Mikäli Ostajalla on oma Kaasuasema tai omia Pakkauksia toimitusraja on Kaasuaseman tai Pakkauksen täyttöliitäntä. Kuivajää toimitetaan Ex Works Myyjän Kuivajään tuotantolaitos tai Myyjän edustajan toimipiste. Toimitusehtoja tulkitaan sopimuksen alkaessa voimassaolevien INCOTERMS-ehtojen mukaan. 6. Vastaanottaminen Ostajan tulee pitää Kaasuasemalle tai Ostajan osoittamalle vastaanot - topaikalle kulkeva, alueellaan oleva tie vapaana, kulkukelpoisena ja muuten tarkoituksenmukaisena pitkille ja raskaille ajoneuvoille. Kyseinen velvollisuus koskee ympäri vuorokauden sellaista Ostajaa, jolla on Kaasuasema ellei muuta sovita, ja muuta Ostajaa tämän normaalin työ- tai aukioloajan aikana. Jos Ostaja ei muusta kuin kohdan 14 mukaisesta syystä myötävaikuta siihen, että toimitus voi tapahtua, on Myyjällä oikeus korvaukseen odotusajasta sekä muista kuluista, joita Myyjälle aiheutuu. Ostajan ja Myyjän tulee tarkistaa, että kuormakirjaan on merkitty oikea asiakasnumero ja määrä. Ostajan tai Ostajan osoittaman vastaanottajan tulee olla läsnä vastaanottohetkellä ja viivytyksettä vahvistaa vastaanotettu toimitus tai Kaasuasemalle täytetty kaasumäärä allekirjoittamalla kuormakirja. Mahdolliset poikkeamat tulee merkitä kuormakirjaan. Jos Ostaja ei ole läsnä luovutushetkellä, tulee Myyjän tarkistaa, että kuorma- kirjassa on oikeat tiedot. Myyjän tulee siinä yhteydessä merkitä kuorma- kirjaan, että Ostaja ei ole ollut läsnä samoin kuin mahdollisimman pian sen jälkeen ilmoittaa Ostajalle, että kaasu on toimitettu tai Kaasuasema täytetty. Kyseinen ilmoitus tapahtuu siten, että Myyjä jättää kuormakirjan sitä tarkoitusta varten varattuun postilaatikkoon tai muuhun sovittuun paikkaan. Kuormakirjassa annettujen tietojen katsotaan tällöin olevan oikeita, mikäli Ostaja ei voi näyttää niiden olevan virheellisiä. er kan påvise det motsatte. 7. Kaasun toimitus Ostajan Kaasuasemalle tai Ostajan Pakkauksessa Myyjällä on oikeus korvaukseen lisäkuluista, jotka aiheutuvat erityisestä käsittelystä ja toimitussuunnitelmasta silloin, kun kaasua toimitetaan Osta- jan Pakkauksessa tai Ostajan Kaasuasemalle. Vaihdettaessa Ostajan Pakkauksia Myyjällä on oikeus toimittaa kaasua toisessa vastaavanlaisessa Pakkauksessa. Kaasun toimittaminen tapahtuu tämän kohdan mukaisesti vain silloin, kun Pakkaukset tai Kaasuasema täyttävät viranomaismääräykset sekä Myyjän antamat ohjeet 8. Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden merkitseminen Myyjällä on oikeus merkitä kaasuntoimitusvälineet erityisillä merkinnöillä. Ostajalla ei ole oikeutta irrottaa, muuttaa tai lisätä sellaista merkintää ilman Myyjän kirjallista suostumusta. 9. Vastuut Kaasuntoimitusvälineistä Ostaja on velvollinen noudattamaan viranomaismääräyksiä ja Myyjän ohjeita, jotka koskevat kaasuntoimitusvälineiden, toimitetun kaasun ja Kuivajään käyttöä, kuljetusta, varastointia ja valvontaa. Ostajan tulee hoitaa Kaasuntoimitusvälineitä ja käsitellä niitä huolellisesti. Ostaja on vastuussa Kaasuntoimitusvälineistä, niissä tapahtuneista menetyksistä ja vahingoista, joita Myyjä ei ole aiheuttanut, silloin kuin Kaasuntoimitus - välineet ovat Ostajan hallinnassa. Ostajan on välittömästi ilmoitettava Myyjälle Kaasuntoimitusvälineissä olevasta virheestä. Ostajan tulee ryhtyä kaikkiin kohtuullisiin toimenpiteisiin sellaisen vahingon rajoittamiseksi, joka aiheutuu kyseisestä virheestä. Myyjän tulee noudattaa Kaasuntoimi- tusvälineiden asennuksessa ja purkamisessa sekä kaasun ja Kuivajään toimittamisessa viranomaisten antamia terveys-, ympäristö- ja turvalli- suusohjeita. Pakkaukset, kuten kaasupullot ja siirtolavakontit, tulee palauttaa Myyjälle jäännöspaineisina. Ostajalla ei ole oikeutta saada korvausta sellaisesta jäännöskaasusta. 10. Hinta ja maksuehdot Toimituksiin sovelletaan Myyjän toimituspäivänä voimassaolevia hintoja ja maksuehtoja, jotka ilmenevät Myyjän hinnastoista. Niistä ilmenevät myös Myyjän soveltamat laskutus-, viivästys-, perimismaksut, viivästyskorko sekä mahdolliset muut maksut. 11. Virhe Jos Myyjä on toimittanut virheellistä kaasua tai Kuivajäätä, on Myyjä velvollinen viipymättä ja ilman, että siitä aiheutuu kuluja Ostajalle, toimittamaan virheetöntä kaasua tai Kuivajäätä. Jos Myyjä on huolehtinut kuljetuksesta alkuperäisellä toimitushetkellä, tulee Myyjän huolehtia kuljetuksesta ja siitä aiheutuvista kustannuksista myös korvaavassa toimituksessa. Jos Myyjä ei ole toimittanut virheetöntä kaasua tai Kuivajäätä kymmenen päivän kuluessa kirjallisen huomautuksen vastaanottamisesta, on Ostajalla oikeus purkaa sopimus virheellisen toimituksen osalta. 12. Reklamaatio Ostaja saa vedota toimitetun kaasun tai Kuivajään virheellisyyteen vain, jos hän on reklamoinut siitä Myyjälle viipymättä sen jälkeen, kun Ostaja havaitsi virheen tai hänen olisi pitänyt se havaita. Reklamaation tulee sisältää kuvaus siitä, miten virhe ilmenee. Jollei Ostaja reklamoi yhden (1) vuoden kuluessa toimituksesta, Ostaja menettää oikeutensa vedota virheeseen. Jos Ostaja reklamoi, eikä sellaista virhettä ilmene, josta Myyjä on vastuussa, on Myyjällä oikeus korvaukseen siitä työstä ja niistä kuluista, jotka ovat aiheutuneet Myyjälle reklamaatiosta. 13. Tuotevastuu Ostaja korvaa Myyjälle aiheutuneet vahingot ja hyvittää Myyjälle kaikki kustannukset silloin, kun Myyjä velvoitetaan vastaamaan kolmatta kohtaan sellaisesta vahingosta tai menetyksestä, josta Myyjä ei vastaa Ostajaa kohtaan tämän kohdan toisen kappaleen mukaan. Myyjä ei vastaa vahingosta tai menetyksestä, a) jonka kaasu tai Kaasuntoimitusvälineet aiheuttavat kiinteälle tai irtaimel le omaisuudelle, tai vahingon tai menetyksen seurauksista, jos v ahinko tai menetys kohtaa kaasua tai Kaasuntoimitusvälinettä silloin, k un ne ovat Ostajan hallinnassa, tai b) jonka kaasu tai Kaasuntoimitusvälineet aiheuttavat Ostajan v almistamille tuotteille tai tuotteille, joihin Ostajan tuote sisältyy, tai sel laisesta vahingosta tai menetyksestä omaisuudelle, jonka nämä tuo tteet aiheuttavat kaasun tai Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden ominaisuuk sien takia. Mainitut Myyjän vastuun rajoitukset eivät sovellu, jos Myyjä aiheuttaa vahingon tai menetyksen törkeällä huolimattomuudella. Jos kolmas osapuoli vaatii Myyjältä tai Ostajalta korvausta tässä kohdassa tarkoitetusta menetyksestä tai vahingosta, tulee siitä välittömästi ilmoittaa toiselle osapuolelle. Myyjällä ja Ostajalla on velvollisuus antaa sellainen asia tuomioistuimen tai välimiesoikeuden ratkaistavaksi, joka käsittelee korvausvaatimusta jompaa kumpaa heistä kohtaan, jos vaatimus perustuu vahinkoon tai menetykseen jonka kaasun tai Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden väitetään aiheuttaneen. Keskinäinen vastuu Ostajan ja Myyjän välillä ratkaistaan aina kohdan 20 mukaisesti. 14. Ylivoimainen este Jos sopimuksen täyttäminen estyy tai muodostuu kohtuuttoman raskaaksi jostakin sellaisesta olosuhteesta kuten sota, viranomaisten väliintulo, kapina, mellakka, rajoittunut energiansaanti, työmarkkinahäiriöt, kielto, rajoitukset, saamatta jääneet luvat, onnettomuudet, koneviat, epäsuotuisat kuljetus- tai sääolosuhteet, keskeytys tai häiriöt yleisessä teleliikenteessä, rajoitukset käyttövoiman saannissa tai virheelliset tai viivästyneet toimitukset ali- hankkijoilta, vapautuu osapuoli vastaavassa laajuudessa velvoitteistaan. Yllämainitut olosuhteet muodostavat ylivoimaiseen esteen vain, jos osapuoli ei ole voinut niitä kohtuudella ennakoida sopimusta tehtäessä ja joiden seurauksia osapuoli ei ole kohtuudella voinut välttää tai voittaa. Osapuolen, joka tahtoo vedota ylivoimaiseen esteeseen, tulee viipymättä kirjallisesti ilmoittaa vastapuolelle perusteen syntymisestä ja päättymisestä. Riippumatta siitä, mitä näistä määräyksistä seuraa, on kummallakin osapuolella oikeus purkaa sopimus kirjallisella ilmoituksella toiselle osapuolelle, jos täyttäminen viivästyy enemmän kuin kuusi (6) kuukautta ylivoimaisesta esteestä, jotka mainitaan tämän kohdan ensimmäisessä kappaleessa. 15. Toimituksen viivästyminen Jos Myyjän toimitus viivästyy muusta kuin kohdassa 14 mainitusta syystä, eikä viivästys johdu Ostajan toiminnasta tai laiminlyönnistä, on Ostajalla oikeus sopimussakkoon. Sakon enimmäismäärä lasketaan seuraavasti: 0,5 % viivästyneen toimituksen hinnasta jokaiselta kokonaiselta viivästyneeltä viikolta, kuitenkin niin, että enimmäismäärä on 7,5 % sovitusta hinnasta. Jos vain osa toimituksesta on viivästynyt, tulee sakko laskea siitä hinnan osasta, joka koskee toimituksen viivästynyttä osaa. 16. Vastuunrajoitus Myyjän vastuu rajoittuu näissä ehdoissa esitettyihin kohtiin. Tämä koskee kaikenlaisia menetyksiä, joihin sisältyy muun muassa tuotannon menetys, saamatta jäänyt voitto tai muu taloudellinen seurannaisvahinko. Tämä Myyjän vastuun rajoitus ei sovellu, jos Myyjä on aiheuttanut vahingon törkeällä huolimattomuudella. 17. Sopimuksen purkaminen Kummallakin osapuolella on oikeus purkaa sopimus, jos toinen osapuoli rikkoo olennaisesti sopimusehtoja eikä suorita oikaisua kolmenkymmenen (30)päivän kuluessa kirjallisen kehotuksen vastaanottamisesta. 18.Muut määräykset Myyjällä on oikeus kieltäytyä sopimuksen mukaisesta toimituksesta Ostajalle, jos Ostajalla ei ole tarvittavaa lupaa tai jos toimitus muusta syystä olisi viranomaisten tai Myyjän antamien turvallisuusmääräysten vastainen. Jos Myyjä on sitoutunut liittämään Kaasuntoimitusvälineet Ostajan kaasu- järjestelmään, on Myyjällä kuitenkin oikeus kieltäytyä siitä, jos kaasu- järjestelmä ei täytä viranomaismääräyksiä tai Myyjän antamia ohjeita. 19.Henkilötiedot Myyjä käsittelee Ostajan henkilötietoja voidakseen pitää tarjolla sopimuksen mukaisia palveluita/tuotteita, sekä osapuolten sopimussuhteen hallinnointia, markkinointia (sisältäen suoramarkkinoinnin), asiakasprofilointia sekä laskuttamista varten. Antamalla henkilötietoja (jotka sisältävät henkilö- tunnuksen tarpeen mukaan) sopimuksen alkamisen yhteydessä, Ostaja suostuu henkilötietojen käsittelyyn kyseisellä tavalla. Ostajalla on oikeus saada tietoja siitä, millaisia henkilötietoja Myyjä käsittelee. Myyjä on myös velvollinen oikaisemaan virheelliset henkilötiedot Ostajan vaatimuksesta. 20.Erimielisyyksien ratkaisu Mahdolliset erimielisyydet Ostajan ja Myyjän välillä ratkaistaan lopullisesti Kansainvälisen Kauppakamarin välimiesmenettelyä koskevien sääntöjen mukaisesti niiden perusteella valittujen yhden tai useamman välimiehen toimesta. Välimiesmenettely tapahtuu Myyjän kotipaikalla ja siellä voimassa olevaa lainsäädäntöä noudattaen. Silloin kun Ostajaa pidetään kuluttajana, ratkaistaan erimielisyys yleisessä tuomioistuimessa. 01.06.2009 ]
  • [ Hydrogen projects Reference projects Hydrogen technology from Linde – all around the world. Ask for advice Reducing your carbon footprint by getting started with clean hydrogen Full scale hydrogen test with Ovako 30+ years of cooperation → Linde's Oxyfuel technology in 57 heating furnaces in Hofors → Ambition to replace LPG with green hydrogen → Demo in Linde Tech Center, followed by full-scale test at Ovako in Hofors → Result: No negative effect on the steel! → Arlanda Airport, Stockholm, Sweden Sweden's first public H2 fueling station → Capacities for up to 180 fuelings per day → 70 MPa → BMW plant, Greer (SC), USA 14 H2 dispensers for hydrogen-fueled material handling vehicles → Fueling of more than 380 material handling vehicles → Fueling in only 3 minutes → More than 3,000m of pipeline from the compressor to the dispensers → 2.5 MPa (IC with additional capacity) → Aberdeen, Scotland Largest hydrogen fueling station in the UKFueling of Europe's largest H2 bus fleet → Fueling of Europe's largest H2 bus fleet → More than 80t H2/year → Alkaline water electrolyzers, hydrogen generation based on green electricity → 35 MPa (2 x IC 90) → Ramos Oil fueling station, USA Linde's first H2 fueling station in the USA → 11,000-litre LH2 tank → Ionic compressor IC 90 → 35/70 MPa → Energiepark Mainz, Germany Power-to-gas plant → Production of green H2 for mobility applications by electrolysis with renewable energies → Storage capacity: 1,000 kg → Ionic compressor → ]
  • [ Transportation and cryogenic delivery Transportation and cryogenic delivery Focus on your core business and let us manage the gas supply. Ask for advice Reliable gas supply services adapting to changing demands Is gas one of the most important raw materials for production in your facilities? If so, you need a partner who can supply the right type of gas for your needs so you can focus on day-to-day operations. Our range of services is designed for a safe, reliable and continuous supply of gas, and to respond quickly to sudden changes in gas demand. ● With SECCURA ® automatic gas supply for tanks, you no longer need to monitor the gas level, order gas or handle deliveries ̶̶ we take care of the continuous gas supply. ● SECCURA ® automatic cylinder gas supply takes care of all activities related to the availability of gas in your gas distribution system. This includes monitoring gas levels, ordering gas, managing transport at the facility and changing bottles and packages. ● Express and emergency deliveries for unforeseen gas needs. Emergency and express delivery If something unexpected has happened or if you have an important deadline and are running out of gas Linde’s extra delivery services can be used to deliver the product as soon as possible. We promise to do our best to fulfil your expectations, but delivery is always dependent on gas and transport availability. We can offer two types of service: ● Express delivery. If you have not ordered in time or need the product outside of our normal delivery routines. The order will be handled outside of our normal delivery routines and will be delivered with the next delivery in your geographical area (even though the order came in too late or if we normally do not deliver to you on that weekday) ● Critical express delivery. If your situation is critical or you need the product at a certain time. As for express delivery the order is handled outside the normal routines, but in this case we use external logistic solutions to be able to fulfil your requirement CRYO Service Cryogenic liquid nitrogen has become indispensable in many industrial, medical and laboratory processes. It is also widely used in the food industry. However, many customers only need small quantities of liquid nitrogen (LIN). To meet these customers’ needs, we have developed a special service – CRYO Service liquid nitrogen (LIN). Our CRYO Service vehicle can visit your site and refill your LIN containers – bringing precisely the amount of gas you need. ● Simple. All you have to do is place your order with us and we will look after the rest – right up to the point of delivery. We will tell you all you need to know about storing and using liquid nitrogen. ● Safe. Workplace safety is a key priority for us. Our staff is given intensive training on all safety issues. We have prepared a special safety-aware LIN package especially for you. We can also provide you with the necessary protective gear. ● Reliable. You can rely on us to get your order right and deliver on time, every time. If you have any questions, you can also contact us any time. Downloads: Safety datasheets → SECCURA automatic gas supply for tanks datasheet(EN) → SECCURA automatic cylinder gas supply datasheet Would like to learn more or ask for advice about cryogenic delivery services? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
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  • [ General rental terms Yleiset vuokraehdot Yleiset toimitusehdot Yleiset vuokraehdot Oikeudellinen huomautus Tietosuoja 1. Yleiset ehdot Näitä ehtoja sovelletaan Vuokranantajan omaisuuden vuokraamiseen silloin, kun Vuokranantaja ja Vuokraaja ovat siitä kirjallisesti tai muulla tavalla sopineet. Ehdoista poikkeamisesta on sovittava kirjallisesti, jotta poikkeaminen olisi pätevä. Tuotetiedoissa, hinnastoissa ja muissa vastaavissa asiakirjoissa samoin kuin muulla tavalla annetut tiedot ovat sitovia vain siinä laajuudessa, kun niihin osapuolten välisessä sopimuksessa nimenomaisesti viitataan. 2. Määritelmät Pakkauksella tarkoitetaan kaasun säilyttämiseen ja kuljettamiseen käytettäviä säiliöitä, kuten kaasupulloja, kaasupullopaketteja, siirtolavakontteja, kaasupullo - jen koreja, siirrettäviä astioita, siirrettäviä säiliöitä sekä kuivajäälaatikoita. Kaasuasemalla tarkoitetaan Vuokraajan luona olevaa varastosäiliötä tai kaasun valmistuslaitteistoa oheislaitteineen. Vuokrasopimuksella tarkoitetaan Vuokranantajan ja Vuokraajan välillä tehtyä Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden vuokraamista koskevaa sopimusta. Kaasuntoimitusvälineillä tarkoitetaan Pakkauksia, Kaasuasemia ja kaikkia muita Kaasuntoimitusvälineitä, joita Vuokranantaja antaa vuokralle. 3. Vuokrasopimuksen laajuus Vuokrasopimus käsittää Kaasuntoimitusvälineet, joita Vuokraaja vuokraa kuorma- kirjojen tai muiden asiakirjojen mukaisesti. Vuokraajan vaihtaessa Pakkausta Vuokranantajalla on oikeus luovuttaa Vuokraa - jalle Pakkauksia, jotka vastaavat aikaisemmin vuokrattuja Pakkauksia. 4. Vuokra Vuokra laskutetaan siitä päivästä lähtien, milloin Kaasuntoimitusvälineet ovat Vuokraajan käytettävissä. Vuokra sellaisista Kaasuntoimitusvälineistä, jotka annetaan vuokralle määräajaksi, maksetaan etukäteen joko koko vuokra-ajalta tai sen osalta. Vuokra sellaisista Pakkauksista, jotka vuokrataan toistaiseksi, maksetaan jälkikäteen (päivävuokra). Silloin, kun Vuokraaja on maksanut Pakkauksista vuokran etukäteen tietyltä ajanjaksolta eikä Vuokraaja palauta Pakkauksia ajan - jakson päätyttyä tai maksa vuokraa etukäteen uudelta ajanjaksolta, laskutetaan Pakkausten vuokra ajanjakson päätyttyä jälkikäteen (päivävuokra). Samoin menetellään, kun Vuokraaja ei Vuokrasopimuksen päätyttyä palauta Kaasuntoimi - tusvälineitä Vuokranantajalle siten kuin näissä ehdoissa määrätään. Vuokran laskeminen ja laskuttaminen perustuvat kuormakirjaan. Vuokraaja ei ole velvollinen maksamaan vuokraa sellaiselta ajalta, jonka aikana hän ei ole voinut hyödyntää Kaasuntoimitusvälineitä tarkoitetulla tavalla sellaisen virheen vuoksi, josta Vuokranantaja vastaa. 5. Hinta ja maksuehdot Vuokran määrä ilmenee Vuokranantajan kulloinkin voimassaolevista hinnastoista. Maksuehdot ilmenevät Vuokranantajan kulloinkin voimassaolevista hinnastoista. Niistä ilmenevät myös Vuokranantajan soveltamat laskutus-, viivästys- ja perimis - maksut, viivästyskorko sekä mahdolliset muut maksut. 6. Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden luovutus Kaasuntoimitusvälineet luovutetaan Vuokraajan käytettäväksi Ex Works Vuokranantajan varasto. Tässä ilmoitettuja ehtoja tulkitaan sopimuksen alkaessa voimassaolevien INCOTERMS-ehtojen mukaan. Vuokraajan tai hänen osoittamansa vastaanottajan tulee olla läsnä luovutuksen yhteydessä. Luovutuksen yhteydessä Vuokraajan ja Vuokranantajan tulee tarkistaa, että kuormakirjassa mainittu Pakkausten lukumäärä vastaa tosiasiallisesti luovutet - tujen Pakkausten lukumäärää, ja että kuormakirjaan on merkitty oikea asiakas- numero. Vuokraajan tulee vahvistaa vastaanottaminen allekirjoittamalla kuormakirja. Mahdolliset poikkeamat tulee merkitä kuormakirjaan. Jos luovutus tapahtuu Vuokraajan rakennuksessa eikä Vuokraaja ole läsnä, mistä tulee sopia joka kerta erikseen, tulee Vuokranantajan tarkistaa, että kuormakirjassa on oikeat tiedot. Vuokranantajan tulee siinä yhteydessä merkitä kuormakirjaan, että Vuokraaja ei ole ollut läsnä samoin kuin mahdollisimman pian sen jälkeen ilmoittaa Vuokraajalle, että Kaasuntoimitusvälineet on luovutettu. Kyseinen ilmoitus tapahtuu siten, että Vuokranantaja jättää kuormakirjan sitä tarkoitusta varten varat - tuun postilaatikkoon tai muuhun sovittuun paikkaan. Kuormakirjassa annettujen tietojen katsotaan tällöin olevan oikeita, mikäli Vuokraaja ei voi näyttää niiden olevan virheellisiä. 7. Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden palautus Vuokraaja vastaa Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden palautuskuljetuksesta Vuokranantajan osoittamalle paikalle. Samalla kun Vuokranantaja huolehtii Pakkausten kuljetuksesta Vuokraajalle, Vuokranantaja sitoutuu korvausta vastaan huolehtimaan palautuskuljetuksen vastaavalle määrälle Pakkauksia. Tällöin Pakkausten tulee olla valmiina kuljetusta varten ja niiden tulee olla saatavilla lastausta varten luovutuspaikalla. Venttiilin - suojusten tulee tarvittaessa olla asennettuina. Vuokraajan tulee laatia ja luovuttaa palautuskuljetusta varten tarvittavat kuljetus- asiakirjat. Jos Vuokraaja ei ole laatinut ja luovuttanut kyseisiä kuljetusasiakirjoja, on Vuokranantajalla oikeus laatia ne Vuokraajan kustannuksella. Pakkausten palautuksen yhteydessä Vuokraajan ja Vuokranantajan tulee tarkistaa, että kuormakirjassa mainittu palautettujen Pakkausten lukumäärä vastaa palautettujen Pakkausten tosiasiallista lukumäärää, ja että kuormakirjaan on merkitty oikea asiakasnumero. Vuokranantajan tulee vahvistaa palautus allekirjoittamalla kuormakirja. Kaasupullot, kaasupullopaketit ja siirtolavakontit tulee palauttaa Vuokranantajalle jäännöskaasupaineisena. Vuokraajalla ei ole oikeutta saada korvausta sellaisesta jäännöskaasusta. 8. Vuokraajan vastuu Vuokraaja on velvollinen noudattamaan viranomaisten määräyksiä ja Vuokran- antajan ohjeita, jotka koskevat Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden kuljetusta, varastointia ja käyttöä. Vuokraajan tulee hoitaa Kaasuntoimitusvälineitä ja käsitellä niitä huolellisesti. Vuokraaja on vastuussa Kaasuntoimitusvälineille tapahtuneista menetyksistä ja vahingoista Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden hänelle luovuttamisesta lähtien siihen asti, kun ne on palautettu Vuokranantajalle, riippumatta siitä onko vahinko tai menetys aiheutunut puutteellisesta hoidosta ja huolenpidosta tai muista syistä. Vuokraajalla ei ole oikeutta korjata itse menetyksiä tai vahinkoja, vaan Vuokraa - jan on välittömästi ilmoitettava Vuokranantajalle, että menetys tai vahinko on tapahtunut. Vuokranantajan tulee siinä yhteydessä korjata menetys tai vahinko erillistä korvausta vastaan. Jos Vuokranantaja ei korvaa menetystä tai vahinkoa kohtuullisessa ajassa, on Vuokraajalla oikeus korjata vahinko tai menetys omalla riskillään ja kustannuksellaan. Vuokraajan tulee ryhtyä kaikkiin kohtuullisiin toimenpiteisiin sellaisen vahingon rajoittamiseksi, joka aiheutuu virheestä, josta Vuokranantaja vastaa. Vuokraajalla ei myöskään ole oikeutta korjata itse sellaista virhettä, vaan Vuokraajan on välit - tömästi ilmoitettava Vuokranantajalle virheestä. Vuokraaja sitoutuu huolehtimaan, että sellaiset Pakkaukset, jotka ovat umpinaisia säiliöitä, täytetään vain Vuokranantajan kaasulla. Vuokraaja ei saa luovuttaa, antaa lainaksi, vuokrata, pantata tai muulla tavalla oikeudellisesti määrätä vuokratuista Kaasuntoimitusvälineistä. Vuokraaja ei saa ilman Vuokranantajan kirjallista suostumusta siirtää, muuttaa tai täydentää Kaas - uasemaa. Vuokraaja on velvollinen ilmoittamaan välittömästi Vuokranantajalle omaisuuteen - sa kohdistuvasta ulosmittauksesta tai konkurssista samoin kuin ilmoittamaan ulos - ottoviranomaiselle tai konkurssipesän hoitajalle Vuokranantajan omistusoikeudesta Kaasuntoimitusvälineisiin. 9. Reklamaatio Vuokraaja saa vedota Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden virheellisyyteen vain, jos hän on reklamoinut siitä Vuokranantajalle viipymättä sen jälkeen, kun Vuokraaja havaitsi virheen tai hänen olisi pitänyt se havaita. Reklamaation tulee sisältää kuvaus siitä, miten virhe ilmenee. Vuokraaja saa vedota siihen, että Vuokranantaja on laskuttanut vuokrasta virheel - lisesti vain, jos hän on reklamoinut siitä Vuokranantajalle viipymättä sen jälkeen, kun Vuokraaja havaitsi virheen tai hänen olisi pitänyt se havaita. Vuokranantajan velvollisuus ryhtyä virheen oikaisuun on tällöin rajoitettu kahteentoista (12) kuukauteen taaksepäin laskettuna viimeksi laaditun vuokraa koskevan laskun päiväyksestä. Jos Vuokraaja reklamoi, eikä sellaista virhettä ilmene, josta Vuokranantaja on vas - tuussa, on Vuokranantajalla oikeus korvaukseen siitä työstä ja niistä kuluista, jotka ovat aiheutuneet Vuokranantajalle reklamaatiosta. 10. Vuokranantajan vastuu Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden tulee olla hyvässä kunnossa ja sovittujen määritys - ten mukaisia, kun ne luovutetaan Vuokraajalle. Jos Kaasuntoimitusvälineet ovat virheellisiä ja virhe aiheuttaa epäolennaista suurempaa haittaa Vuokraajalle, on Vuokranantajan velvollisuutena ilman kohtuutonta viivästystä korjata virhe tai korvata Kaasuntoimitusvälineet. Vuokranantaja vastaa sellaisesta menetyksestä, vahingosta tai virheestä Kaasun- toimitusvälineissä, joka aiheutuu Vuokranantajan menettelystä tai laiminlyönnistä. Jos Vuokranantaja ei ole kolmenkymmenen (30) päivän kuluessa vastaanotetusta reklamaatiosta korjannut virhettä, on Vuokraajalla oikeus purkaa sopimus. 11. Tuotevastuu Vuokraaja korvaa Vuokranantajalle aiheutuneet vahingot ja hyvittää Vuokran- antajalle kaikki kustannukset silloin, kun Vuokranantaja velvoitetaan vastaamaan kolmatta kohtaan sellaisesta vahingosta tai menetyksestä, josta Vuokranantaja ei vastaa Vuokraajaa kohtaan tämän kohdan toisen kappaleen mukaan. Vuokranantaja ei vastaa vahingosta tai menetyksestä, a) jonka Kaasuntoimitusvälineet aiheuttavat kiinteälle tai irtaimelle omaisuudelle, t ai vahingon tai menetyksen seurauksista, jos vahinko tai menetys kohtaa K aasuntoimitusvälineitä silloin, kun ne ovat Vuokraajan hallinnassa, tai b) jonka Kaasuntoimitusvälineet aiheuttavat Vuokraajan valmistamille tuotteille t ai tuotteille, joihin Vuokraajan tuote sisältyy, tai sellaisesta vahingosta tai mene- t yksestä omaisuudelle, jonka nämä tuotteet aiheuttavat Kaasuntoimitusvälinei- d en ominaisuuksien takia. Mainitut Vuokranantajan vastuun rajoitukset eivät sovellu, jos Vuokranantaja aiheuttaa vahingon tai menetyksen törkeällä huolimattomuudella. Jos kolmas osapuoli vaatii Vuokranantajalta tai Vuokraajalta korvausta tässä koh- dassa tarkoitetusta menetyksestä tai vahingosta, tulee siitä välittömästi ilmoittaa toiselle osapuolelle. Vuokranantajalla ja Vuokraajalla on velvollisuus antaa sellainen asia tuomiois - tuimen tai välimiesoikeuden ratkaistavaksi, joka käsittelee korvausvaatimusta jotakin heistä kohtaan, jos vaatimus perustuu vahinkoon tai menetykseen, jonka Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden väitetään aiheuttaneen. Keskinäinen vastuu Vuokraajan ja Vuokranantajan välillä ratkaistaan aina kohdan 18 mukaisesti. 12. Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden merkitseminen Vuokranantajalla on oikeus merkitä Kaasuntoimitusvälineet erityisillä merkinnöillä. Vuokraajalla ei ole oikeutta irrottaa, muuttaa tai lisätä sellaista merkintää ilman Vuokranantajan kirjallista suostumusta. 13. Vuokrasopimuksen siirtäminen Vuokraaja ei saa ilman Vuokranantajan kirjallista suostumusta siirtää tai luovuttaa toiselle Vuokrasopimuksen mukaisia oikeuksiaan ja/tai velvollisuuksiaan. 14. Etukäteen maksetun vuokran palautus Vuokraajalla on oikeus irtisanoa määräajaksi vuokraamansa Pakkauksen etukäteismaksu päättymään kesken määräajan, lähettämällä Vuokranantajalle kirjallisen ilmoituksen irtisanomisesta. Määräaika päättyy ilmoituksen saapumis- kuukauden viimeisenä päivänä. Vuokraajalle palautetaan se osa vuokrasta, joka kohdistuu alkuperäisestä vuokra-ajasta jäljelle jäävään aikaan. Vuokraajan maksaman vuokran katsotaan jakautuvan tasan jokaista kokonaista kuukautta kohti, joka sisältyy vuokra-aikaan. Vuokraajalle palautettavasta määrästä vähennetään Vuokranantajan kulloinkin voimassa olevan hinnaston mukainen käsittelymaksu. 15. Ylivoimainen este Jos Vuokrasopimuksen täyttäminen estyy tai muodostuu kohtuuttoman raskaaksi jostakin sellaisesta olosuhteesta kuten sota, viranomaisten väliintulo, kapina, mel - lakka, rajoittunut energiansaanti, työmarkkinahäiriöt, kielto, rajoitukset, saamatta jääneet luvat, onnettomuudet, koneviat, epäsuotuisat kuljetus- tai sääolosuhteet, keskeytys tai häiriöt yleisessä teleliikenteessä, rajoitukset käyttövoiman saannissa tai virheelliset tai viivästyneet toimitukset alihankkijoilta, vapautuu osapuoli vas - taavassa laajuudessa velvoitteistaan. Yllämainitut olosuhteet muodostavat ylivoimaisen esteen vain, jos osapuoli ei ole voinut niitä kohtuudella ennakoida sopimusta tehtäessä ja joiden seurauksia osapuoli ei ole kohtuudella voinut välttää tai voittaa. Osapuolen, joka tahtoo vedota ylivoimaiseen esteeseen, tulee viipymättä kirjal - lisesti ilmoittaa vastapuolelle perusteen syntymisestä ja päättymisestä. Riippumatta siitä, mitä näistä määräyksistä seuraa, on kummallakin osapuolella oikeus purkaa Vuokrasopimus kirjallisella ilmoituksella toiselle osapuolelle, jos täyttäminen viivästyy enemmän kuin kuusi (6) kuukautta ylivoimaisesta esteestä, jotka mainitaan tämän kohdan ensimmäisessä kappaleessa. 16. Vastuunrajoitus Vuokranantajalla ei ole muuta vastuuta, kuin mitä nimenomaisesti käy ilmi näistä ehdoista. Tämä koskee kaikenlaisia menetyksiä, joihin sisältyy muun muassa tuo - tannon menetys, saamatta jäänyt voitto tai muu taloudellinen seurannaisvahinko. Tämä Vuokranantajan vastuun rajoitus ei sovellu, jos Vuokranantaja on aiheuttanut vahingon törkeällä huolimattomuudella. 17. Henkilötiedot Vuokranantaja käsittelee Vuokraajan henkilötietoja voidakseen pitää tarjolla sopimuksenmukaisia palveluita/tuotteita, sekä osapuolten sopimussuhteen hal - linnointia, markkinointia (sisältäen suoramarkkinoinnin), asiakasprofilointia sekä laskuttamista varten. Antamalla henkilötietoja (jotka sisältävät henkilötunnuksen tarpeen mukaan) Vuokrasopimuksen alkamisen yhteydessä, Vuokraaja suostuu henkilötietojen käsittelyyn kyseisellä tavalla. Vuokraajalla on oikeus saada tietoja siitä, millaisia henkilötietoja Vuokranantaja käsittelee. Vuokranantaja on myös velvollinen oikaisemaan virheelliset henkilötiedot Vuokraajan vaatimuksesta. 18. Erimielisyyksien ratkaisu Mahdolliset erimielisyydet Vuokraajan ja Vuokranantajan välillä ratkaistaan lopul - lisesti Kansainvälisen Kauppakamarin välimiesmenettelyä koskevien sääntöjen mukaisesti niiden perusteella valittujen yhden tai useamman välimiehen toimesta. Välimiesmenettely tapahtuu Vuokranantajan kotipaikalla ja siellä voimassaolevaa lainsäädäntöä noudattaen. Silloin kun Vuokraaja on kuluttaja, ratkaistaan erimie- lisyys yleisessä tuomioistuimessa. 01.06.2009 ]
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  • [ Safety Safety Safety is one of Linde's values and a prerequisite for all our operations. Ask for advice Safety at Linde At Linde, we always prioritize safety. We believe that all accidents are preventable, and we want every one of our employees, customers, and partners to get home safely after every workday. Our safety, health, and environmental policy is unambiguous: at Linde, we do everything to prevent harm to people, the environment, and the communities where we operate. We work continuously to improve our safety culture throughout the world. Safe processes and products At Linde, we ensure that all our gas operations meet the highest international safety standards and best safety, health, environment, and quality practices. Our gas cylinders are designed and manufactured according to the European standard EN 1089-3. At our filling plants, each gas cylinder is inspected during filling, and cylinders are serviced regularly. Our employees and partners receive regular safety training. We also require our subcontractors and partners to follow the same safety practices. Many of our products and applications are designed to improve people's or the environment's safety. Safe handling of gases All gases have inherent dangers associated with them. Even the oxygen and nitrogen we breathe daily can be life-threatening if mishandled. Therefore, it is important to identify the properties of gases and the associated risks. We want to ensure that not only our employees but also our customers and partners handle gases safely. In addition to various safety instructions, we offer several safety-enhancing services and products. - Safety training - Maintenance and servicing of gas networks - Planning and implementation of gas networks - Analyses and risk assessments - Oxygen deprivation systems - Personal protective equipment - Scented oxygen - Ozone-protective welding shielding gases - Ergonomic gas cylinders Download Safety instructions Material safety data sheets Safe handling of gas cylinders Gas cylinder colors and identification markings Acetylene: safe transport and handling Installation of gas centers Storage of gas cylinders Transport of gas cylinders Do you want more information or ask for advice on safety? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Gas management ACCURA® cylinder management Manage your gas cylinders and optimise consumption Ask for advice Full control over gas cylinders in different locations ACCURA® cylinder management is an internet-based tracking service, providing you with all the information you need to take full control of cylinders at your company. With the help of Linde’s unique ICC marking, ACCURA® can help you to get rid of old cylinders, simplify cylinder inventories, keep track of costs, obtain detailed usage reports, and much more. Benefits: ● Increased productivity: ACCURA® cylinder management will provide quick and convenient access to business process information and cylinder data throughout your company – across different locations if necessary. This will allow you to optimise efficiencies and minimise administrative effort – saving you time and money. ● Increased safety: ACCURA® cylinder management will help you to optimise the number of gas cylinders on site – the fewer the cylinders, the safer the site! It can also provide an overview of the cylinders’ location. ● Improved profitability: ACCURA® cylinder management optimises internal cylinder logistics. Transparency increases cost awareness, enabling you to optimise rentals. Use a graph to monitor your cylinder holding compared to your rental agreements. You can also obtain reports on gas costs and rents. ● Improved quality: ACCURA® cylinder management supports the planning, control and reporting of all gas supply needs. Analyses of gas consumption and cylinder stock will also save you time and money Log in → Linde customer portal My Account area brings you a lot of data both on cylinders and tanks ● For cylinders you will find your cylinder balance and rental contracts as well as easy access to delivery notes. Tank management in Linde customer portal, will show you your current tank level, consumption patterns and delivery details per tank and location. ● If you have a more complex set up for your cylinder handling the tool to use is ACCURA® cylinder management. You can create a copy of your gas handling in your own internal structure of moving cylinders on your site or easily get an overview of a structure with many locations. ● Together, these services will give you accurate information on your total gas usage. Downloads Brochures → ACCURA cylinders datasheet Would like to learn more or ask for advice about ACCURA® cylinder management? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ News AGA online shop är för tillfället stängd Kontaktinformation Vid frågor når du oss snabbats på e-post. Frågor kring faktura, kundnummer etc: eller ring, telefon 019-27 61 27. Frågor kring order och leverans: eller ring, telefon 019-27 61 05. Kundservice ]
  • [ Kakor Policy Cookies Policy Legal Statements Terms of Sale Website Terms of Use Cookies Policy What is covered in this policy: What are cookies? Cookies used on BOC websites Application session cookies Marketing pop up banner Flash cookies Google Google Analytics YouTube Webtrends dotMailer LogMein BoldChat Cookie classification Strictly necessary Performance Functionality Targeting How to manage your cookies   What are cookies? Cookies are small computer files, typically containing letters and numbers that are created through web browsers. Cookies are used as a form of digital memory to remember bits of information about a user's visits to and use of web pages. They are mostly intended to enhance the user's web experience by recording preferences and settings, to keep track of shopping cart contents and to customise content and advertising to users' tastes. For further information visit or . Cookies used on BOC websites The site works best if you have cookies enabled. The following are cookies you may come across on this site: Application's Session Cookies Without a cookie (or a similar solution), a web server cannot distinguish between different users, or determine any relationship between sequential page visits made by the same user. For this reason, application's session cookies are used to differentiate one user from another and to pass information from page to page during a single user's website session. Application's session cookies are temporary and are erased when you close your browser at the end of your surfing session. Marketing Pop Up Banner Our website uses a cookie to prevent the marketing pop up banner from re-appearing more than one time on the homepage for a given period of time. If you disable the cookie on your browser, you will receive the pop up banner every time you browse to our website's homepage. Flash cookies (also known as local share objects) Our website uses the Adobe Flash Player to deliver a rich media experience through its interactive tools and videos available on content pages throughout the site. Flash cookies are used in the same way as other cookies – to store information you provide in terms of settings or preferences. These provide additional features to improve your experience. To remove or disable a Flash cookie, visit the Flash Player security and privacy section on the Adobe website. Google Our website uses cookies for Search (Google Custom Search) and Store finder (Google Maps) functionalities. The cookie records unique identifiers given to your computer which provides usage analysis. Data is only used in aggregate. View Google's privacy policy. (a). Google Analytics Our website uses Google Analytics to analyse the use of this website. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about website use by means of cookies, which are stored on users' computers. The information generated relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of the website. This data enables us to understand: Which pages people visit on the site Which internet browsers are being used What is popular Which interactive tools are used DoubleClick cookie Our website uses the DoubleClick cookie. The cookie is used for user demographics and interests reporting within Google Analytics. We may use this for the purposes of display advertising. The data collected via this cookie is only used within Google Analytics and cannot be matched with any personally identifiable information. You can opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics on Your Computer here. YouTube A YouTube cookie is used to provide web analytics in terms of the number of times a video has been watched and/or shared. Webtrends Our website uses Webtrends cookies to record information about which pages you have landed on and how you have navigated through the site. This data enables us to understand: Which pages people visit on the site Which internet browsers are being used What is popular Which interactive tools are used For more information read Webtrends' privacy policy . You can opt out of being tracked by Webtrends on Your Computer here. dotMailer Our website uses dotMailer ROI cookies to record information about which pages you have landed on and how you have navigated through the site following a link clicked within an email campaign you are sent from the dotMailer platform. This data enables us to understand: Which pages people visit on the site Which internet browsers are being used Where you go on the site following a link within a marketing email LogMein BoldChat This website uses a live chat service provided by LogMein BoldChat. 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You'll also find information about how to delete cookies from your computer. Privacy Policy Security Statement Accessibility Promotional Terms Welcome Offers Loyalty Offers Other Offers Legal Statements Terms of Sale Website Terms of Use Cookies Policy Privacy Policy Security Statement Accessibility Promotional Terms Welcome Offers Loyalty Offers Other Offers What is covered in this policy: What are cookies? Cookies used on BOC websites Application session cookies Marketing pop up banner Flash cookies Google Google Analytics YouTube Webtrends dotMailer LogMein BoldChat Cookie classification Strictly necessary Performance Functionality Targeting How to manage your cookies   What are cookies? Cookies are small computer files, typically containing letters and numbers that are created through web browsers. Cookies are used as a form of digital memory to remember bits of information about a user's visits to and use of web pages. They are mostly intended to enhance the user's web experience by recording preferences and settings, to keep track of shopping cart contents and to customise content and advertising to users' tastes. For further information visit or . Cookies used on BOC websites The site works best if you have cookies enabled. The following are cookies you may come across on this site: Application's Session Cookies Without a cookie (or a similar solution), a web server cannot distinguish between different users, or determine any relationship between sequential page visits made by the same user. For this reason, application's session cookies are used to differentiate one user from another and to pass information from page to page during a single user's website session. Application's session cookies are temporary and are erased when you close your browser at the end of your surfing session. Marketing Pop Up Banner Our website uses a cookie to prevent the marketing pop up banner from re-appearing more than one time on the homepage for a given period of time. If you disable the cookie on your browser, you will receive the pop up banner every time you browse to our website's homepage. Flash cookies (also known as local share objects) Our website uses the Adobe Flash Player to deliver a rich media experience through its interactive tools and videos available on content pages throughout the site. Flash cookies are used in the same way as other cookies – to store information you provide in terms of settings or preferences. These provide additional features to improve your experience. To remove or disable a Flash cookie, visit the Flash Player security and privacy section on the Adobe website. Google Our website uses cookies for Search (Google Custom Search) and Store finder (Google Maps) functionalities. The cookie records unique identifiers given to your computer which provides usage analysis. Data is only used in aggregate. View Google's privacy policy. (a). Google Analytics Our website uses Google Analytics to analyse the use of this website. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about website use by means of cookies, which are stored on users' computers. The information generated relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of the website. This data enables us to understand: Which pages people visit on the site Which internet browsers are being used What is popular Which interactive tools are used DoubleClick cookie Our website uses the DoubleClick cookie. The cookie is used for user demographics and interests reporting within Google Analytics. We may use this for the purposes of display advertising. The data collected via this cookie is only used within Google Analytics and cannot be matched with any personally identifiable information. You can opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics on Your Computer here. YouTube A YouTube cookie is used to provide web analytics in terms of the number of times a video has been watched and/or shared. Webtrends Our website uses Webtrends cookies to record information about which pages you have landed on and how you have navigated through the site. This data enables us to understand: Which pages people visit on the site Which internet browsers are being used What is popular Which interactive tools are used For more information read Webtrends' privacy policy . You can opt out of being tracked by Webtrends on Your Computer here. dotMailer Our website uses dotMailer ROI cookies to record information about which pages you have landed on and how you have navigated through the site following a link clicked within an email campaign you are sent from the dotMailer platform. This data enables us to understand: Which pages people visit on the site Which internet browsers are being used Where you go on the site following a link within a marketing email LogMein BoldChat This website uses a live chat service provided by LogMein BoldChat. BoldChat makes use of the following cookies (only Performance and Functional types). None of these cookies is strictly necessary for the Chat feature to work. This data enables us to: Identify the specific Visit for aggregated reporting Identify the specific Visitor for Chat, Visit and Conversion Reporting Improve accuracy of Page Views Tracking Identify the Chat for aggregated reporting BoldChat cookies track the actions associated with a visitor's Chat activity on this website. This data is: Suppressible by the visitor who limits browser cookies; Used to enable logging disclosed behaviour by a visitor who does not suppress their cookies through their visits on this website (aggregated performance/analytics reporting, chat, visit, conversion history individual reporting). Not available between customers. Protected by the BoldChat secure infrastructure.   Cookie Classification BOC has classified the use of cookies into the following four categories: Strictly necessary Performance Functionality Targeting The cookies that are used have been allocated into each of these categories: Strictly necessary 'Strictly necessary' cookies are used when the storage of, or access to, information is essential to provide a service requested by a visitor to our website. Here is a list of the Application session cookies that we have defined as 'strictly necessary': WC_ACTIVEPOINTER WC_AUTHENTICATION_ID WC_GENERIC_ACTIVITYDATA WC_SESSION_ESTABLISHED WC_USERACTIVITY_ID WC_timeoffset WC_PERSISTENT JSESSIONID tcm%3A410-143367 BCSI-CS WC_USERACTIVITY_-1002   Performance 'Performance' cookies collect information about how you use our website e.g. which pages you visit. This data is only used in aggregate and helps us to improve how our website works. Here is a list of cookies that we have defined as 'performance' cookies: __utma __utmb __utmc __utmt __utmz _ga _gali _gat ACOOKIE WEBTRENDS_ID WT_FPC VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE use_hitbox BIGipServerRD_010_POOL_STD_1 dm_i _bcvm_vid_XXXXXX _bcvm_vrid_XXXXXX bc_pv_end bv-visit-id bv-visitor-id _bc_curl _url_cid   Functionality 'Functionality' cookies are used to provide services or to remember settings to improve your visit to our website. Here is a list of cookies that we have defined as 'functionality' cookies: PriceMode REFERRER searchTermHistory Currency_code PREF lindePageCount lindeCookieStore bc_pv_end Patient _hjClosedSurveyInvites _hjDonePolls _hjMinimizedPolls _hjDoneTestersWidgets _hjMinimizedTestersWidgets _hjDoneSurveys is_returning   Targeting Targeting cookies can be used to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests and to collect information about your browsing habits and to keep track of how you use the shopping cart. Here is a list of cookies that we have defined as 'targeting' cookies: id tms_VisitorID tms_wsip How to manage your cookies Cookies are sent to your browser (whether you use Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari or any other browser) by a website and then stored in the cookies directory of your device. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies by modifying the settings in your browser. However, you may not be able to use all the interactive features of our site if cookies are disabled. To check and update your cookies settings, you will need to know what browser you are using and what version of it you have. You can usually find this out by opening the browser (just as though you were going to use the internet) and then clicking on 'Help' and then 'About'. This will give you information about the browser version you are using. To find out how to allow, block, delete and manage the cookies on all standard web browsers, go to and select the browser and version you are using. You'll also find information about how to delete cookies from your computer. ]
  • [ Lindoflamm solutions LINDOFLAMM® flame solutions Optimise your pre-heating and metal straightening processes Ask for advice Areas Downloads Buy here Complete solutions for complex tasks Whether you are flame heating or straightening, preheating (welding and cutting), post-heating (welding), hot forming, flame brazing, flame hardening or fusing flame-sprayed coatings, you want to be sure you are using the appropriate gas and the best equipment. Linde can help you make the right decision. Our complete LINDOFLAMM® flame solutions ensure that you always deliver the optimum performance with the highest possible cost-efficiency. The classic combination: oxygen and acetylene Special manufacturing processes call for special solutions. The use of standard, off-the-shelf burners is often an unsatisfactory compromise. The LINDOFLAMM® flame solutions are designed to fulfil your unique requirements, utilising special burners whose shapes and capacities are tailored to your application and are matched with the right fuel gas mixture. Benefits at a glance ● Lowest processing costs: economical gas use ● Highest productivity: optimum heat transfer to the workpiece since the technology and the gas are fitted to the task ● Possibility of mechanisation The classic combination: oxygen and acetylene Acetylene is the perfect fuel gas, when efficiency, precision and accuracy are required. It produces the highest temperatures, has the lowest moisture content in exhausted gases and has the highest flame propagation rate. Oxygen is used for hot forming, flame hardening, flame cleaning and fusing of sprayed coatings. It gives a rapid rise in temperature and causes a build-up of heat with a high temperature gradient inside the workpiece. Compressed air lowers the temperature and combustion velocity, producing a mild and gentle, yet intense and economical flame. Global knowledge and process know-how Tailor-made solutions require extensive process know-how and experience to achieve the desired results in the most efficient way. Our local technical experts meet this demand down to the last detail. Your enquiry Fill in the form below and we will contact you to discuss more. Initial consultation Upon receipt of your enquiry, a technical support engineer will arrange to visit you to discuss your exact requirements. Demonstration/trials We will arrange a demonstration for you and, if appropriate, conduct trials on your workpieces at your production facility. Solution design A solution will be tailored to your needs. If necessary, we will talk to your machine builders or engineers to design the integration of our equipment. Proposal The solution will be presented to you for your consideration. Installation Once you are satisfied with our solution design, a project plan will be agreed upon and our customer engineering service will arrange for the installation of the system (cooperating with your machine builders or engineers where necessary). Commissioning Our technical support engineers will start up the system and optimise it according to your needs. They will train your operators and will hand over the system. Support We will provide continued support to ensure that you are happy with your system and that it meets your requirements. We will promptly respond to any problem that may occur. LINDOFLAMM® special burners Our all-round heating solutions for semi- and fully automated heating processes are tailored to customer requirements and deliver outstanding results. At the heart of each heating installation is the LINDOFLAMM burner. Further components and services – from automatic ignition to monitoring, temperature control and documentation – put the perfect finish on our offering. Linde's unique LINDOFLAMM burner design allows easy movement to tackle multiple deformations in large surfaces. What do customers say? Pon CAT Norway use LINDOFLAMM® burner technology in their work with pre-heating and welding of “Knives” and adapters for excavator buckets, in joining with HARDOX® and STRENX®. “It’s no doubt that LINDOFLAMM® is highly effective and fast to use in this process. We are very satisfied with the solution and the time we use is reduced rapidly. It is also highly effective compared to older methods.” Arild Berg Head of Welding department, Pon CAT What do customers say? SMP Parts saves time and money using LINDOFLAMM® flame solutions “When I first heard about LINDOFLAMM, I have to admit it sounded too good to be true. But it works – and it’s saving us time and money. Since introducing LINDOFLAMM, a process that used to take 45 minutes now takes about 7 minutes and nobody has to stand holding the burner.” Thomas Sandin, Head of Welding Read more → Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Acetylene Oxygen Compressed air LINDOFLAMM flame solutions brochure LINDOFLAMM special burners catalogue LINDOFLAMM flow stop datasheet Preheating brochure Would like to learn more or ask for advice about LINDOFLAMM flame solutions processes? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
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  • [ general terms Yleiset toimitusehdot Yleiset toimitusehdot Yleiset vuokraehdot Oikeudellinen huomautus Tietosuoja 1. Yleiset ehdot Näitä toimitusehtoja sovelletaan silloin, kun osapuolet ovat siitä kirjallisesti tai muulla tavalla sopineet. Ehdoista poikkeamisesta on sovittava kirjallisesti, jotta poikkeaminen olisi pätevä. Tuotetiedoissa, hinnastoissa ja muissa vastaavissa asiakirjoissa samoin kuin muulla tavalla annetut tiedot ovat sitovia vain siinä laajuudessa, kun niihin osapuolten välisessä sopimuksessa nimenomaisesti viitataan. 2. Määritelmät Pullokaasulla tarkoitetaan kaasua pullossa tai kuljetettavassa säiliössä. Nesteytetyllä kaasulla tarkoitetaan jäähdyttämällä tai paineistamalla nesteytettyä kaasua, joka ilmakehänpaineessa tai ylipaineessa on nestemäisessä muodossa, esimerkiksi nestemäistä argonia, typpeä, happea, hiilidioksidia tai maakaasua. Kuivajäällä tarkoitetaan kiinteässä muodossa olevaa hiilidioksidia. Pakkauksella tarkoitetaan kaasun säilyttämiseen ja kuljettamiseen käytettäviä säiliöitä, kuten kaasupulloja, kaasupullopaketteja, siirtolava- kontteja, kaasupullojen koreja, kuljetettavia nesteytetyn kaasun säiliöitä sekä kuivajäälaatikoita. Kaasuasemalla tarkoitetaan Ostajan luona olevaa varastosäiliötä tai kaasun valmistuslaitteistoa oheislaitteineen. Kaasuntoimitusvälineillä tarkoitetaan Pakkauksia, Kaasuasemia ja kaikkia muita Kaasuntoimitusvälineitä, joita Myyjä käyttää kaasun toimittamiseen. 3. Kaasumäärien mittausperusteet Pullokaasun paine määritellään +15ºC lämpötilassa. Jollei muuta erityisesti ilmoiteta, on kaasutilavuudet kaasuille laskettu kaasupullon sisätilavuuden ja nimellisen täyttöpaineen funktiona kaasukohtaiset tekijät huomioon ottaen. Pullokaasun, joka on huoneenlämmössä paineistettuna nestemäisessä muodossa, samoin kuin nesteeseen liuotetun kaasun kuten asetyleenin määrä määritellään punnituksella. Nesteytetyn kaasun määrä määritellään punnituksella tai tilavuusmittauk - sella. Määrä ilmoitetaan joko painona kilogrammoina (kg) tai tilavuutena joko litroina (l) nestemäisessä muodossa tai kuutiometreinä (m3) kaasumuodossa +15ºC lämpötilassa ja 1013 mbar:in paineessa. Muunto- ohjeet saa Myyjältä pyydettäessä. Kuivajään määrä mitataan punnitsemalla. 4. Laatu ja dokumentaatio Toimitettu kaasu ja Kuivajää täyttävät Myyjän laatumääritelmät. Myyjä toimittaa kyseiset laatumääritelmät Ostajalle tämän pyynnöstä. Korvausta vastaan Myyjä toimittaa myös yhdenmukaisuustodistuksen (Certificate of Conformity) ja analyysitodistuksen (Certificate of Analysis) edellyttäen, että niitä pyydetään tilauksen yhteydessä. 5. Toimitusehdot Kaasut Pakkauksissa toimitetaan Ex Works Myyjän tuotantolaitos tai Myyjän edustajan toimipiste. Nesteytetyn kaasun toimitusraja Kaasuasemalla on Kaasuaseman lähtöliitäntä (venttiili, laippa tai muu vastaava), mikäli muuta ei ole sovittu. Mikäli Ostajalla on oma Kaasuasema tai omia Pakkauksia toimitusraja on Kaasuaseman tai Pakkauksen täyttöliitäntä. Kuivajää toimitetaan Ex Works Myyjän Kuivajään tuotantolaitos tai Myyjän edustajan toimipiste. Toimitusehtoja tulkitaan sopimuksen alkaessa voimassaolevien INCOTERMS-ehtojen mukaan. 6. Vastaanottaminen Ostajan tulee pitää Kaasuasemalle tai Ostajan osoittamalle vastaanot - topaikalle kulkeva, alueellaan oleva tie vapaana, kulkukelpoisena ja muuten tarkoituksenmukaisena pitkille ja raskaille ajoneuvoille. Kyseinen velvollisuus koskee ympäri vuorokauden sellaista Ostajaa, jolla on Kaasuasema ellei muuta sovita, ja muuta Ostajaa tämän normaalin työ- tai aukioloajan aikana. Jos Ostaja ei muusta kuin kohdan 14 mukaisesta syystä myötävaikuta siihen, että toimitus voi tapahtua, on Myyjällä oikeus korvaukseen odotusajasta sekä muista kuluista, joita Myyjälle aiheutuu. Ostajan ja Myyjän tulee tarkistaa, että kuormakirjaan on merkitty oikea asiakasnumero ja määrä. Ostajan tai Ostajan osoittaman vastaanottajan tulee olla läsnä vastaanottohetkellä ja viivytyksettä vahvistaa vastaanotettu toimitus tai Kaasuasemalle täytetty kaasumäärä allekirjoittamalla kuormakirja. Mahdolliset poikkeamat tulee merkitä kuormakirjaan. Jos Ostaja ei ole läsnä luovutushetkellä, tulee Myyjän tarkistaa, että kuorma- kirjassa on oikeat tiedot. Myyjän tulee siinä yhteydessä merkitä kuorma- kirjaan, että Ostaja ei ole ollut läsnä samoin kuin mahdollisimman pian sen jälkeen ilmoittaa Ostajalle, että kaasu on toimitettu tai Kaasuasema täytetty. Kyseinen ilmoitus tapahtuu siten, että Myyjä jättää kuormakirjan sitä tarkoitusta varten varattuun postilaatikkoon tai muuhun sovittuun paikkaan. Kuormakirjassa annettujen tietojen katsotaan tällöin olevan oikeita, mikäli Ostaja ei voi näyttää niiden olevan virheellisiä. er kan påvise det motsatte. 7. Kaasun toimitus Ostajan Kaasuasemalle tai Ostajan Pakkauksessa Myyjällä on oikeus korvaukseen lisäkuluista, jotka aiheutuvat erityisestä käsittelystä ja toimitussuunnitelmasta silloin, kun kaasua toimitetaan Osta- jan Pakkauksessa tai Ostajan Kaasuasemalle. Vaihdettaessa Ostajan Pakkauksia Myyjällä on oikeus toimittaa kaasua toisessa vastaavanlaisessa Pakkauksessa. Kaasun toimittaminen tapahtuu tämän kohdan mukaisesti vain silloin, kun Pakkaukset tai Kaasuasema täyttävät viranomaismääräykset sekä Myyjän antamat ohjeet 8. Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden merkitseminen Myyjällä on oikeus merkitä kaasuntoimitusvälineet erityisillä merkinnöillä. Ostajalla ei ole oikeutta irrottaa, muuttaa tai lisätä sellaista merkintää ilman Myyjän kirjallista suostumusta. 9. Vastuut Kaasuntoimitusvälineistä Ostaja on velvollinen noudattamaan viranomaismääräyksiä ja Myyjän ohjeita, jotka koskevat kaasuntoimitusvälineiden, toimitetun kaasun ja Kuivajään käyttöä, kuljetusta, varastointia ja valvontaa. Ostajan tulee hoitaa Kaasuntoimitusvälineitä ja käsitellä niitä huolellisesti. Ostaja on vastuussa Kaasuntoimitusvälineistä, niissä tapahtuneista menetyksistä ja vahingoista, joita Myyjä ei ole aiheuttanut, silloin kuin Kaasuntoimitus - välineet ovat Ostajan hallinnassa. Ostajan on välittömästi ilmoitettava Myyjälle Kaasuntoimitusvälineissä olevasta virheestä. Ostajan tulee ryhtyä kaikkiin kohtuullisiin toimenpiteisiin sellaisen vahingon rajoittamiseksi, joka aiheutuu kyseisestä virheestä. Myyjän tulee noudattaa Kaasuntoimi- tusvälineiden asennuksessa ja purkamisessa sekä kaasun ja Kuivajään toimittamisessa viranomaisten antamia terveys-, ympäristö- ja turvalli- suusohjeita. Pakkaukset, kuten kaasupullot ja siirtolavakontit, tulee palauttaa Myyjälle jäännöspaineisina. Ostajalla ei ole oikeutta saada korvausta sellaisesta jäännöskaasusta. 10. Hinta ja maksuehdot Toimituksiin sovelletaan Myyjän toimituspäivänä voimassaolevia hintoja ja maksuehtoja, jotka ilmenevät Myyjän hinnastoista. Niistä ilmenevät myös Myyjän soveltamat laskutus-, viivästys-, perimismaksut, viivästyskorko sekä mahdolliset muut maksut. 11. Virhe Jos Myyjä on toimittanut virheellistä kaasua tai Kuivajäätä, on Myyjä velvollinen viipymättä ja ilman, että siitä aiheutuu kuluja Ostajalle, toimittamaan virheetöntä kaasua tai Kuivajäätä. Jos Myyjä on huolehtinut kuljetuksesta alkuperäisellä toimitushetkellä, tulee Myyjän huolehtia kuljetuksesta ja siitä aiheutuvista kustannuksista myös korvaavassa toimituksessa. Jos Myyjä ei ole toimittanut virheetöntä kaasua tai Kuivajäätä kymmenen päivän kuluessa kirjallisen huomautuksen vastaanottamisesta, on Ostajalla oikeus purkaa sopimus virheellisen toimituksen osalta. 12. Reklamaatio Ostaja saa vedota toimitetun kaasun tai Kuivajään virheellisyyteen vain, jos hän on reklamoinut siitä Myyjälle viipymättä sen jälkeen, kun Ostaja havaitsi virheen tai hänen olisi pitänyt se havaita. Reklamaation tulee sisältää kuvaus siitä, miten virhe ilmenee. Jollei Ostaja reklamoi yhden (1) vuoden kuluessa toimituksesta, Ostaja menettää oikeutensa vedota virheeseen. Jos Ostaja reklamoi, eikä sellaista virhettä ilmene, josta Myyjä on vastuussa, on Myyjällä oikeus korvaukseen siitä työstä ja niistä kuluista, jotka ovat aiheutuneet Myyjälle reklamaatiosta. 13. Tuotevastuu Ostaja korvaa Myyjälle aiheutuneet vahingot ja hyvittää Myyjälle kaikki kustannukset silloin, kun Myyjä velvoitetaan vastaamaan kolmatta kohtaan sellaisesta vahingosta tai menetyksestä, josta Myyjä ei vastaa Ostajaa kohtaan tämän kohdan toisen kappaleen mukaan. Myyjä ei vastaa vahingosta tai menetyksestä, a) jonka kaasu tai Kaasuntoimitusvälineet aiheuttavat kiinteälle tai irtaimel le omaisuudelle, tai vahingon tai menetyksen seurauksista, jos v ahinko tai menetys kohtaa kaasua tai Kaasuntoimitusvälinettä silloin, k un ne ovat Ostajan hallinnassa, tai b) jonka kaasu tai Kaasuntoimitusvälineet aiheuttavat Ostajan v almistamille tuotteille tai tuotteille, joihin Ostajan tuote sisältyy, tai sel laisesta vahingosta tai menetyksestä omaisuudelle, jonka nämä tuo tteet aiheuttavat kaasun tai Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden ominaisuuk sien takia. Mainitut Myyjän vastuun rajoitukset eivät sovellu, jos Myyjä aiheuttaa vahingon tai menetyksen törkeällä huolimattomuudella. Jos kolmas osapuoli vaatii Myyjältä tai Ostajalta korvausta tässä kohdassa tarkoitetusta menetyksestä tai vahingosta, tulee siitä välittömästi ilmoittaa toiselle osapuolelle. Myyjällä ja Ostajalla on velvollisuus antaa sellainen asia tuomioistuimen tai välimiesoikeuden ratkaistavaksi, joka käsittelee korvausvaatimusta jompaa kumpaa heistä kohtaan, jos vaatimus perustuu vahinkoon tai menetykseen jonka kaasun tai Kaasuntoimitusvälineiden väitetään aiheuttaneen. Keskinäinen vastuu Ostajan ja Myyjän välillä ratkaistaan aina kohdan 20 mukaisesti. 14. Ylivoimainen este Jos sopimuksen täyttäminen estyy tai muodostuu kohtuuttoman raskaaksi jostakin sellaisesta olosuhteesta kuten sota, viranomaisten väliintulo, kapina, mellakka, rajoittunut energiansaanti, työmarkkinahäiriöt, kielto, rajoitukset, saamatta jääneet luvat, onnettomuudet, koneviat, epäsuotuisat kuljetus- tai sääolosuhteet, keskeytys tai häiriöt yleisessä teleliikenteessä, rajoitukset käyttövoiman saannissa tai virheelliset tai viivästyneet toimitukset ali- hankkijoilta, vapautuu osapuoli vastaavassa laajuudessa velvoitteistaan. Yllämainitut olosuhteet muodostavat ylivoimaiseen esteen vain, jos osapuoli ei ole voinut niitä kohtuudella ennakoida sopimusta tehtäessä ja joiden seurauksia osapuoli ei ole kohtuudella voinut välttää tai voittaa. Osapuolen, joka tahtoo vedota ylivoimaiseen esteeseen, tulee viipymättä kirjallisesti ilmoittaa vastapuolelle perusteen syntymisestä ja päättymisestä. Riippumatta siitä, mitä näistä määräyksistä seuraa, on kummallakin osapuolella oikeus purkaa sopimus kirjallisella ilmoituksella toiselle osapuolelle, jos täyttäminen viivästyy enemmän kuin kuusi (6) kuukautta ylivoimaisesta esteestä, jotka mainitaan tämän kohdan ensimmäisessä kappaleessa. 15. Toimituksen viivästyminen Jos Myyjän toimitus viivästyy muusta kuin kohdassa 14 mainitusta syystä, eikä viivästys johdu Ostajan toiminnasta tai laiminlyönnistä, on Ostajalla oikeus sopimussakkoon. Sakon enimmäismäärä lasketaan seuraavasti: 0,5 % viivästyneen toimituksen hinnasta jokaiselta kokonaiselta viivästyneeltä viikolta, kuitenkin niin, että enimmäismäärä on 7,5 % sovitusta hinnasta. Jos vain osa toimituksesta on viivästynyt, tulee sakko laskea siitä hinnan osasta, joka koskee toimituksen viivästynyttä osaa. 16. Vastuunrajoitus Myyjän vastuu rajoittuu näissä ehdoissa esitettyihin kohtiin. Tämä koskee kaikenlaisia menetyksiä, joihin sisältyy muun muassa tuotannon menetys, saamatta jäänyt voitto tai muu taloudellinen seurannaisvahinko. Tämä Myyjän vastuun rajoitus ei sovellu, jos Myyjä on aiheuttanut vahingon törkeällä huolimattomuudella. 17. Sopimuksen purkaminen Kummallakin osapuolella on oikeus purkaa sopimus, jos toinen osapuoli rikkoo olennaisesti sopimusehtoja eikä suorita oikaisua kolmenkymmenen (30)päivän kuluessa kirjallisen kehotuksen vastaanottamisesta. 18.Muut määräykset Myyjällä on oikeus kieltäytyä sopimuksen mukaisesta toimituksesta Ostajalle, jos Ostajalla ei ole tarvittavaa lupaa tai jos toimitus muusta syystä olisi viranomaisten tai Myyjän antamien turvallisuusmääräysten vastainen. Jos Myyjä on sitoutunut liittämään Kaasuntoimitusvälineet Ostajan kaasu- järjestelmään, on Myyjällä kuitenkin oikeus kieltäytyä siitä, jos kaasu- järjestelmä ei täytä viranomaismääräyksiä tai Myyjän antamia ohjeita. 19.Henkilötiedot Myyjä käsittelee Ostajan henkilötietoja voidakseen pitää tarjolla sopimuksen mukaisia palveluita/tuotteita, sekä osapuolten sopimussuhteen hallinnointia, markkinointia (sisältäen suoramarkkinoinnin), asiakasprofilointia sekä laskuttamista varten. Antamalla henkilötietoja (jotka sisältävät henkilö- tunnuksen tarpeen mukaan) sopimuksen alkamisen yhteydessä, Ostaja suostuu henkilötietojen käsittelyyn kyseisellä tavalla. Ostajalla on oikeus saada tietoja siitä, millaisia henkilötietoja Myyjä käsittelee. Myyjä on myös velvollinen oikaisemaan virheelliset henkilötiedot Ostajan vaatimuksesta. 20.Erimielisyyksien ratkaisu Mahdolliset erimielisyydet Ostajan ja Myyjän välillä ratkaistaan lopullisesti Kansainvälisen Kauppakamarin välimiesmenettelyä koskevien sääntöjen mukaisesti niiden perusteella valittujen yhden tai useamman välimiehen toimesta. Välimiesmenettely tapahtuu Myyjän kotipaikalla ja siellä voimassa olevaa lainsäädäntöä noudattaen. Silloin kun Ostajaa pidetään kuluttajana, ratkaistaan erimielisyys yleisessä tuomioistuimessa. 01.06.2009 ]
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  • [ Pulp and paper making Pulp and paper making Broad suite of dedicated solutions to increase efficiency and minimise environmental impact in pulp and paper production Ask for advice Challenges and transformations in the pulp and paper industry Although the pulp and paper industry is growing as a whole – driven largely by rising demand for packaging, tissue paper and pulp for hygiene products – there are various challenges on the horizon. According to experts at McKinsey & Company, this sector is going through the most substantial transformation it has seen in many decades, prompted by structural changes, consolidation, and ever-rising specialisation. Given dwindling newspaper sales, for instance, many paper mills are looking to position themselves for growth by converting from graphic to packaging paper. In the search for value-creating growth opportunities, many pulp mills are also looking to branch out into biorefinery products. Enhancing efficiency and sustainability Many key players in the industry rely on us, for instance, to help increase capacity without investing in new and larger equipment, reduce dependence on hazardous chemicals, improve pulp washing efficiency and stabilize pH, alkalinity and calcium levels in papermaking. Experience has shown, for example, that our ACTICO® CO2 pulp wash solution can facilitate the transition from bleached to unbleached pulp, helping mills to convert from paper to cardboard. We also offer water treatment support to pulp and paper customers, including cost-effective wastewater treatment solutions like SOLVOCARB® and SOLVOX® oxygen enrichment solutions that keep pollution levels in treated effluent at safe levels while avoiding non-compliance issues. Related areas ADALKA® paper process stabilizer In paper and cardboard industries the stability of pulp and of short-cycle processes reduces the number of disruptions during the process stages, improving machine runnability. The ADALKA Process Stabilizer method increases the stability of pulp and short-cycle processes in a controlled manner and helps obtain conditions that are more stable and more tolerant of disruptions at various process stages. ADALKA is suited for both mechanical and chemical pulp processes. The ADALKA method is patented by Linde. ACU® alkalinity control unit In connection with the ADALKA application the patented ACU® Alkalinity Control Unit is used for the on-site production of pH-adjusted sodium bicarbonate. The automated equipment produces liquid sodium bicarbonate from diluted sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide. Alkalinity and pH can be adjusted independently according to the process requirements. The buffer solution can then be added to the process to control pH and increase alkalinity at critical points. CODIP® process improver The CODIP ® Process Improver method was developed to mainly serve newsprint paper production, where varying amounts of recycled fibers are used as raw material. The use of carbon dioxide in the paper process helps achieve lower levels of dissolved calcium, increased machine runnability and a more stable pH profile. The patented method was developed in Finland in close cooperation with our customers. GRAFICO® calcium The GRAFICO® Calcium Carbonate Saver is a carbon dioxide application developed and patented by Linde together with the cooperation partner UPM-Kymmene to be used when calcium carbonate is introduced as a filler in the production of paper qualities containing mechanical pulp like newsprint and SC paper. The conditions at the paper machines are often such that calcium carbonate starts to dissolve and papermakers are familiar with problems originated from free calcium in the system. GRAFICO® Calcium Carbonate Saver will help to prevent calcium carbonate from dissolving due to local pH-changes or slightly acidic conditions and create conditions for more stable process. ACTICO® Our environmentally friendly ACTICO ® application offers optimal pH adjustment in the wet end of paper process and reduces the risk of pH shocks. Thanks to its sophisticated automation and carbon dioxide input system, ACTICO can be adjusted to the key process parameters of each paper machine. Improved dewatering The use of carbon dioxide can increase the efficiency of dewatering in paper processes. The patented carbon dioxide application can be used to increase dewatering or improve water cut-off, for example, in the disc filter or wire section. SOLVOX® F back-up cabinet The cabinet is connected permanently to the gas pipeline network via a 22 mm oxygen pipe. The pressure on the network can be read from the pressure gauge. Compressed oxygen can quickly be connected as all the components are ready for use inside the cabinet. The cabinet is designed to be kept outdoors. pH regulation We offer safe carbon dioxide-based pH control systems which are easy to operate and need only low attendance. Carbon dioxide forms a weak acid offering a much more accurate and safe pH control, overdosing is now impossible and the equipment is much more simple and less expensive. In addition the buffer capacity of the treated water will improve significantly. ADALKA® paper process stabilizer ACU® alkalinity control unit CODIP® process improver GRAFICO® calcium carbonate saver ACTICO® for optimal pH adjustment Improved dewatering pH regulation ADALKA® paper process stabilizer In paper and cardboard industries the stability of pulp and of short-cycle processes reduces the number of disruptions during the process stages, improving machine runnability. The ADALKA Process Stabilizer method increases the stability of pulp and short-cycle processes in a controlled manner and helps obtain conditions that are more stable and more tolerant of disruptions at various process stages. ADALKA is suited for both mechanical and chemical pulp processes. The ADALKA method is patented by Linde. Discover our full range of solutions Our pulp and paper mill illustration shows you where our innovative solutions can help your business. Click on the illustration to see more Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Carbon dioxide safety datasheet Nitrogen safety datasheet Oxygen safety datasheet Article: Bright future for the Nordic pulp and paper industry Would you like to learn more or ask for advice about pulp and paperprocesses? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]
  • [ Inerting Inerting Inerting of chemical processes, plants and equipment is often crucial for the safety of personnel, materials and plants. Ask for advice Areas Downloads Order gases Secure production plants and food with inerting There are many chemical processes where it is necessary to: ● prevent explosions ● eliminate unwanted reactions ● keep moisture away from products ● ensure safety during maintenance work The basic principle of inerting is to replace the air around or above the product with dry inert gas, forming a protective, safe gas layer over the substance that prevents oxygen and/or moisture from coming into contact with reactive or absorbent substances. Additionally, inerting can be used for removing flammable or toxic gases. An inert atmosphere is particularly important when storing highly volatile or oxidizing products. Inert gas does not directly interact with the compound or product. Nitrogen is the most commonly used gas for this purpose, although carbon dioxide or argon are sometimes used as well. Various inerting methods are used in many industrial processes. There are many processes where it is important to protect against unwanted reactions, keep moisture away from sensitive substances, monitor critical reactions, and ensure safety during maintenance work. In the food industry, inerting is typically used to keep oxygen levels low in food and around it. An inert or protected atmosphere also stabilizes the product and extends its shelf life. In the chemical industry, reactors, mixing tanks, centrifuges, vacuum filters, grinding and mixing plants, dryers and filling plants are often inerted. Inert gases are also used in mines and silos for safety and fire prevention. In many heat treatment furnaces, flammable substances such as oxygen and water are removed from the furnaces for safety reasons and to avoid oxidation of the treated object. Inerting is also necessary at a more general level for cleaning pipes and tanks during maintenance and repair work in industrial plants. Nitrogen is the gas most commonly used for inerting In addition to nitrogen, carbon dioxide can also be used or in exceptional cases, argon. In special industries or applications, inerting mixtures are used. In welding shielding gas mixtures, argon is combined with hydrogen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and helium. Food package protective gases typically use gas mixtures that combine carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen with other gases according to the needs of each food. Heat treatment furnaces typically use nitrogen, argon, hydrogen and other gases. G Osta tuotteita täältä ARGON 4.8 Premium cylinder   Add to cart Argon Instrument 5.0   Add to cart Oxygen Cylinder   Add to cart Breathing oxygen cylinder   Add to cart With Linde Linde Nitrogen Services you can optimize your gas supply Every company must periodically perform varying extents of maintenance. Although this is often planned, there are unfortunate occasional urgent situations. We would be pleased to work with you on an action plan that enables you to quickly get back online without sacrificing any quality or safety. ● Purging with nitrogen ● Inerting with nitrogen ● Drying with nitrogen ● Blanketing with nitrogen ● Pressure testing with nitrogen ● Network buffering with nitrogen Downloads Safety datasheets Product datasheets & brochures Nitrogen safety datasheet Carbon dioxide safety datasheet Argon safety datasheet Inerting in the chemical industry Nitrogen services brochure Would you like to learn more or ask for advice about inerting processes? First name* Last name* Company Customer number, if known to you Telephone* E-mail Area of interest --None-- Chemistry & Energy Food & Beverage Metallurgy & Glass Manufacturing Healthcare Electronics Government Gases Reselling SME Water Hydrogen Mobility SRA Inter-company Intra-company Aviation Energy Industrial Others Please describe your interest* Country Lead source Message ]