Forsknings-, testnings- och mätgas för alla branscher

Våra specialgaser och gasblandningar, anpassade gaskompletteringssystem och experttjänster förbättrar laboratorieverksamheten. På grund av det varierade utbudet av analys och instrumentering behöver aktörer inom laboratoriebranschen en pålitlig gaspartner som kan leverera ett brett utbud av ultra-rena gaser och blandningar.

Linde som din partner

Som en ledande leverantör av specialgaser och specialutrustning kan vi hjälpa till att maximera produktiviteten i din laboratoriemiljö genom att leverera exakt det du behöver när det gäller gas eller gasblandning och stödja det med mervärdestjänster och utrustning. Med vår SPECIFY-verktyg kan du anpassa en gasblandning för att passa dina exakta behov, och vi tillverkar den åt dig enligt de strängaste kraven. Vi erbjuder också kompletta gascentralssystem, och med vår experts hjälp tillhandahåller vi de bästa lösningarna för att optimera processer från att utbilda personalen.

Quality and Traceability are Key

● All of our gas products undergo quality assurance and include analysis certificates if required.

● Purity classification is usually written in two ways:

1. As a quality code, e.g. 5.5, where the number preceding the decimal indicates the number of nines and the last number indicates the final decimal place (5.5 = 99.9995% or 6.0 = 99.9999%).
2. As impurities in percentages, e.g. >99.9995.


Ethylene 2.8 means a purity level of 99.8%.
Argon 6.0 means a purity level of 99.9999%.

HiQ - Precision Matters in Everything We Do

HiQ represents Linde's full range of specialty gas solutions and equipment, from ultra-high purity gases and hard-to-find research chemicals to complex custom equipment and services.

  • ● Ultra-high purity gases
  • ● Rare gases
  • ● Gas mixtures
  • ● Gas delivery system design and installation
  • ● ACCURA and SECCURA gas management services
  • ● Maintenance services
  • ● Analysis certificates
  • ● Traceability
  • ● Training

Accreditation is an Important Aspect of Specialty Gas Production

Many HiQ specialty gas facilities are ISO 9001-certified as producers, and certain facilities are accredited independently as testing and/or calibration laboratories under ISO 17025:2005 programs or as reference material producers under ISO Guide 34 programs. This provides the highest level of quality assurance, and we can confidently say that the methods used for certifying accredited calibration gas mixtures are accurate, consistent, documented, and validated.

Our self-service solution allows you to blend mixtures from hundreds of chemical compounds. SPECIFY is a fast and easy-to-use tool that provides immediate feedback on product availability, similar mixtures, and recommendations.

Follow a few simple steps to create gas mixtures:

  • ● Go to
  • ● Set the quantity of components to be mixed - up to 30
  • ● Select chemical components and blend with gas
  • ● Choose certification
  • ● Choose packaging

  • Wait for confirmation - the platform will indicate whether the gas mixture can be manufactured. Our specialty gas team will perform a final feasibility test and contact you with a quote.

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