About Linde Healthcare

Your partner for pharmaceutical and medical gas products, services and patient-care programmes

Our Corporate Responsibility (CR) policy is dedicated to uniting the goals of customer value and sustainable development.

Our Mission

Our aim at Linde Healthcare is always to help our customers to achieve and maintain the highest standards in healthcare. Working closely with customers for over 125 years, we have always risen to challenges in our pursuit of excellence. Our insight into the issues that shape the reality of our customers drives us to deliver breakthrough products and outstanding services.

Our customers are the reason we exist and are central to our current and future success. Linde Healthcare aims to innovate in every area of our business in order to retain existing customers, attract new customers and enter new markets.

We have the commitment and drive to pursue ever-higher standards through continuous improvement and commitment. Linde Healthcare strives for excellence, with the aim of improving every aspect of our organisation, processes and operations.

Our people are given the space to contribute and grow. Linde Healthcare believes in empowering our staff because capable and responsible people create success, both for our customers and our company.

Diversity results in enriched collaboration and enhanced solutions. Linde Healthcare strongly believes that the diversity of our employees, their capabilities, our global footprint and our range of activities help us to understand the issues and pressures within healthcare, and to meet our customers’ evolving needs.

Terveydenhuollon asiantuntijoiden tukena

Tavoitteenamme on antaa terveydenhuollon asiantuntijoille mahdollisuus tarjota potilailleen entistä parempaa ja turvallisempaa hoitoa. Linde Healthcare haluaa auttaa terveydenhuollon asiantuntijoita kehittämään ja ylläpitämään potilaille annettavan hoidon laatua. Tässä apuna ovat seuraavat:

● Keskittymisemme lääkkeellisten kaasujemme laadunvalvontaan koko tuotantoketjun ajan, takaa potilasturvallisuuden niin sairaaloissa kuin kotihoidossakin.
● Vakiintunut toimintamme ja kokemuksemme kotihappihoidon tarjoamisesta, millä varmistetaan parhaat mahdolliset hoitotulokset vakavista kroonisista hengityselinten sairauksista kärsiville potilaille.
For more information about Linde QI® Services.

Potilas etusijalla

Väestön ikääntymisen ja kroonisten sairauksien yleistymisen takia terveydenhuoltopalveluihin kohdistuu entistä enemmän painetta. Haluamme auttaa asiakkaitamme tarjoamaan kullekin potilaalle sopivia palveluja, jotka ovat tehokkaita niin hoitotavoitteiden kuin kustannustenkin kannalta.

Ensihoidossa lääkkeellisiä kaasujamme voidaan käyttää tukemaan elintoimintoja.
Kliinisessä hoitotyössä lääkkeellisiä kaasujamme käytetään sairaalahoidon kaikissa eri vaiheissa: potilaiden diagnosoinnista hoitamiseen asti.
Linde Healthcaren QI® Services tekee tiivistä yhteistyötä terveydenhuollon edustajien kanssa kehittääkseen palveluja ja välineitä.

Linde Healthcare huolehtii ympäristöstä

Linde Healthcaren ja Linde plc-konsernin ympäristökäytäntö on kiteytettynä seuraava. Haluamme Linde plc- konsernissa välttää kaikenlaisen haitan aiheuttamista ihmisille ja ympäristölle.
Tämän tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi sitoudumme noudattamaan tiettyjä periaatteita. Esimerkkinä käytännön toteuttamisesta on, että turvallisuus, terveys, ympäristö ja laatu määrittävät kaikkia toimiamme.

Voidaksemme olla alan johtava toimija olemme asettaneet itsellemme tavoitteita:
● Kaikkien haittavaikutusten estäminen.
● Kaikkien haitallisten ympäristövaikutusten välttäminen.
● Varmojen ja turvallisten työolojen takaaminen työntekijöillemme ja kaikille yhteistyökumppaneillemme.
● Turvallisten ja ympäristöystävällisten tuotteiden ja palvelujen toimittaminen asiakkaillemme.
● Ympäristön saastuttamisen välttäminen.
● Luonnonvarojen vastuullinen hallinta.
● Sellaisten tekniikoiden, tuotteiden ja palvelujen kehittäminen ja edistäminen, jotka todella täyttävät turvallisuutta, terveellisyyttä, ympäristönsuojelua ja laatua koskevat vaatimukset.
● Asiakkaiden vaatimusten ja odotusten täyttäminen.

Nitrous Oxide and Climate

Nitrous oxide, like other medicinal products, is associated with certain side effects. Nitrous oxide is also a greenhouse gas that has an impact on our climate. Approx 1% of the total nitrous oxide emissions come from the healthcare sector, and with modern-day technology this form of emissions will decrease dramatically.

Care for the working environment

Respect for our global climate

Medical nitrous oxide is used with great benefit in medical care. Both patients and staff appreciate these benefits. From the environmental point of view it is important to prevent all forms of leaks and unnecessary emissions. Many hospitals have therefore already rectified deficiencies in the central gas system. To enable more of them to do so, Linde Healthcare offers a review of the hospital's distribution system with checks on pipes etc.
Today nitrous oxide emissions in the health service can be taken care of, with the result that the nitrous oxide is destroyed.With our mobile gas converter EXCIDIO® nitrous oxide becomes a modern environmentally friendly method of pain relief.


Linde Healthcare supports research by clinicians and academic institutions to enable the delivery of the right gas to the right organ in the right dose, thereby optimising patient care and outcomes. To realise these targets we actively seek to collaborate not only with innovative researchers in hospitals and academic centres but also with commercial partners and inventors.

Our approach to innovation is defined by our three key goals:

  • ● To enable health professionals to provide better and safer patient care.
  • ● o develop and commercialise medical technologies that will significantly improve the quality of life of patients.
  • ● To provide therapeutic solutions that will improve the efficiency, efficacy and safety of healthcare delivery and thus the burden on payers.

It is our intention to become the partner of choice for those seeking to develop innovative therapies based upon gases, gaseous technology, or gas competences. Therefore part of our ongoing commitment is to optimise patient care and improve health outcomes. Linde Healthcare actively supports research by clinicians and academic institutions aimed at enabling the right gas to be delivered to the right organ in the right dose. In keeping with Linde Healthcare's highly diversified portfolio of product offerings ranging from pharmaceutical gases and medical devices to services, we are open to exploring new innovations/services that address key unmet needs in Respiratory Care, Critical Care, Pain Control and Home-based Care.

Why is Linde Healthcare an ideal commercialisation partner?

An Implicit Understanding of Research - Our approach is research led and we have a proven commitment to supporting medical progress through several research funds.

Exceptional Resources - Our robust blend of technical, regulatory, scientific, clinical and commercial capabilities ensures a high likelihood of success in bringing new products to market.

A History of Success - We have an impressive track record in successfully commercialising medical innovations such as INOmax® for pulmonary hypertension in neonates.

A Remarkable Reach - We have a global presence with operations in 50 countries including the key growth centres of China and India.

A Comprehensive Clinical Presence - We are present across healthcare, including hospital, critical care, intermediate therapy and home care.

The Linde Healthcare REALfund supports the development of promising ideas that can make a real difference for patients and caregivers throughout the care continuum. The Linde Healthcare REALfund stands for our commitment to research and innovative developments in respiratory therapies, clinical care and related services, pharmaceutical gases and medical devices and financially supports solutions that benefit patients and caregivers – in the hospital as well as at home.
The primary focus for project proposals is the field of respiratory diseases and their co-morbidities. In addition, we are interested in innovative treatment pathways and complementary products that have the potential to produce measurable advantages or improvements in outcomes or economics throughout the care continuum from hospital to home.
● Applications are open to anyone active in this field, such as (but not limited to) academic researchers, physicians, nurses, technicians, patient groups and organizations, and industrial designers.
The REALfund stands for Research, Evolve, Advance, Lead. This is what we are dedicated to in our daily business.

Quality, Regulatory and Safety

For decades, medical gases have been regarded as simple consumables that are delivered to the hospital and re-ordered when necessary. But rapid development is taking place. The most important change is that medical gases are equated to other medicinal products with regard to documentation requirements and requirements for marketing authorisations.

This trend is largely being driven by the European regulatory authorities, with all the checks and provisions this entails. The harmonisation of Annex 6 of GMP for medical gases and the PIC (Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention) mean that the world outside Europe is also affected.

Linde Healthcare is proud to be one of the first companies to have introduced these new standards for our pharmaceutical gases.

Linde Healthcare focuses on quality throughout its operation and holds ISO 9001 certification.

  • Safe handling from production to delivery
    Linde Healthcare's focus on pharmaceutical quality control for medical gases, the whole way from the production plant to patient care, improves patient safety in hospitals and in home medical care.
  • This means as follows We document the toxicological and clinical properties of our medical gases in accordance with the guidelines drawn up by the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH).
  • Safe handling of gases For information on safe handling of medical gases, see product data sheet and safety data sheet for each gas.

This means as follows:

  • We document the toxicological and clinical properties of our medical gases in accordance with the guidelines drawn up by the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH).
  • Safe handling of gases -for information on safe handling of medical gases, see product data sheet and safety data sheet for each gas.

Would you like to learn more or ask for advice from our specialists?