AC gases and their impact on global warming have been followed with increasing interest in recent years - and the issue has also led to relevant legislation. The trend has also led to an increased interest among car manufacturers for air-conditioning solutions with good performance, but with less impact on global warming.
The EU MAC Directive (2006/40) on emissions from air conditioning systems in motor vehicles came into force in 2006. The directive limits the global warming potential (GWP) of refrigerants used in air conditioning systems in new cars to 150 since January 2011. From 1/ 1 2017 applies to all newly manufactured passenger cars.
Linde offers a comprehensive range of refrigerant gases for both older and newer vehicles. Whether you need the most common vehicle air conditioning (MAC) cooling gas, R134a, or the latest HFO gases with the lowest climate warming effect, such as R1234yf, you can easily access all of our products.
For more information on Linde's comprehensive range of air conditioning maintenance, we refer to this brochure.
Take a look at the extras on the right of this page - or contact our customer service and we will tell you more!